You're lucky I'm here.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     “Flight 203 from Seoul to Jeju will depart in twenty minutes. All passengers please head to Terminal E.”

The idol looks up from his phone when he feels a small tap on his shoulder. He takes out of his earphones and raises an eyebrow at his manager, “What?” he mouths since the airport is crazily loud with fans screaming for his attention today. Before his manager actually answers, Kai glances to the side and smiles sweetly at the crowd of fans.

“The plane is departing soon. Let’s go.” Sehun answers loudly, hoping that the idol would hear him through the excitement-filled screams coming from all over the airport.

“Alright,” Kai answers and stands up, strapping on his expensive backpack. He then goes back to checking his phone and a small frown forms on his handsome face when he realizes something (or rather someone…) is missing. The idol turns around to give the waiting area a full, throughout scan as he grips his phone.

Luhan raises an eyebrow and tugs onto Kai’s elbow. “Hello? We need to go, Jongin.”

“I…” Kai glances at his slightly-annoyed stylist. “Where’s Do Kyungsoo?”

You did not just say that. The idol’s face slightly pales in realization.

“Why do you care? It’s not like you two are really…you know.” Luhan whispers carefully with suspicion in his eyes as he slowly drags the idol along with him so they won’t be late for the flight. The stylist smiles at the security guards and thank them for their hard work as the two of them are escorted towards Terminal E along with the rest of the staffs for the photo-shoot.

Once they are situated in the plane, Kim Jongin quickly saves his reputation and pride as he nudges Luhan for the stylist’s attention. “I don’t care for him – I just…” He doesn’t even know how to finish his own sentence and ends up sighing in defeat. Kai clearly remembers seeing Do Kyungsoo this morning although it was only for a short while. He simply wonders if the CEO will make it their photo-shoot in time, that’s all.

Luhan scoffs with a roll of his eyes. “You’re just very kind, Kim Jongin.”

“Exactly,” the idol agrees before earning himself a whack on the back of his head. He whimpers in pain and pouts as he rubs his aching head. “What was that for?!” Kai whines as he advert his glare at the stylist.

“When you’re kind, you obviously care for people. How dumb are you?” the stylist remarks with a cross of his arms and leans back in his seat. Luhan then closes his eyes and puts up a hand to stop the idol from replying. “We’re having your individual photo-shoot two hours after we land. Get some rest, Kai.”

Sehun finally takes a seat next to the two after he finishes talking to the staffs. “We land in about an hour. After that, we check in at the hotel and rest for about two more hours. Kai has an individual photo-shoot today and the one with Mr. Do will be the day after.” The manager quickly informs the two quietly as to not disturb the other passengers on the plane. It is still quite early in the morning.

Kai nods his head and leans back in his seat as he turns the volume of his music back up. He suddenly has this foreign urge to ask about the devilish CEO’s arrival, but refrains from doing so as he remembers Luhan’s indirect threat of death if he were to speak up while the male is sleeping. Pouting, the idol turns on his phone to distract himself from the boredom of the hour long flight.




Kyungsoo heaves a long, exhausted sigh and massages his aching forehead. He places the black pen down on his desk and closes the important document. Unfortunately for the CEO, he didn’t get any amount of sleep yesterday with the overwhelming documents regarding the company’s current status, and now he’s currently feeling the familiar yet still painful aftereffects of a sleepless night.

As he glances up to grab the cup of water on his desk, the CEO catches sight of the withered flowers on the coffee table. He’s been too busy these days that he’s even forgotten to check up on them. His gaze softens as he remembers the card that came with it and wonders if the owner really has returned after all these years. Kyungsoo feels a slight tug of sadness at the corner of his heart and sighs once more. He buries his face into the palms of his hand and wishes for the world to stop just for him. Even if it’s only a few seconds, Do Kyungsoo would still be grateful.

“I’ll just look over these in Jeju,” he tells himself as he puts away the documents in his leather brown briefcase.

Kyungsoo then grabs his phone and glances at the time presented on the bright screen. “The plane takes off an about two hours. I should probably head for the airport now.” The CEO stands up and exits his office, only to be greeted by his secretary at the door.

“Going now?” Baekhyun asks with a hint of worry in his eyes. “You don’t look so good.”

“I’m okay,” Kyungsoo replies as he enters the elevator.

“If you say so,” his secretary mutters.

“Notify me if there’s any news regarding Enchantment.”

“I will. Have a safe trip.”

The CEO doesn’t reply as he gets off the elevator, making sure to wear his sunglasses to not catch much attention (and possibly worsen his headache). He winces as he’s greeted loudly with noises echoing throughout the mall and does his best to exit the place before the noises start affecting his headache. Kyungsoo is exceptionally glad once he’s made it out of the mall and into the parking basement. Sighing in relief, he makes his way to his car and drives to the airport.




Kai leans against a tree trunk with his hands stuffed in his pockets and gazes into the camera with a dashing smile. He’s wearing a thin, white sweater layered on top of a turquoise green dress shirt that’s neatly tucked in by the white trousers. After a few more poses, the idol straightens his posture and walks a few steps forward before stopping to grin at the camera again.

“Good, very good.” The photographer comments as he continues to take multiple pictures of the idol. “Look away from the camera now.”

The idol does as he’s told and brings up a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sun as he gazes up at the beautiful blue sky of Jeju.

Standing next to the staff, Luhan adjusts his sunglasses and watches as Sehun monitors the photo-shoot. He smiles at the scene and approaches the manager. “Have a drink,” the stylist hands Sehun a bottle of water.

“Thank you.” Sehun replies and grabs the bottle.

“No problem.” The stylist gives him a short nod and continues to stand next to the male. Luhan starts to feel butterflies in his stomach and immediately glances away, trying to stop himself from smiling at how close they are (also with the fact that Kim Jongin isn’t disrupti

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
969 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now