Apples aren't supposed to be this badly sliced.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     After taking in a few, dreadful minutes to reflect on last night’s terrifying actions, Kyungsoo inhales a deep breath of air and remove his hands from his pale face. He opens his mouth to speak, but finds no possible words forming, and ends up closing it shut again. He breathes in loudly again and tries to regain a small piece of his leftover sanity. Closing his eyes tightly as possible and attempting to grab a few strands of his hair in agony, Kyungsoo holds back a regretful groan. “Oh my God…” he mumbles under his breath and turns to the side again, pulling the white satin sheet with him in the process, and gasps in shock as he feels Kai’s body unexpectedly pressing closer to his.

“SORRY!” the idol immediately yells and tries to back away from the smaller male’s frame as he hastily grabs for the sheet to somewhat cover his form.

The CEO wants to slap himself for his careless action and suppresses a groan.

Kai peeks at the floor to find their clothes still scattered everywhere. He thinks of every possible profanity words that he knows and starts chanting them in his head, knowing for the fact that his funeral will be held in a few days from now. However, being the stupid Kim Jongin that he is, he always likes to blurt out unnecessary words to make the situation worse. “Did – did you sleep well?”

Kyungsoo places a hand over his eyes in pure humiliation and controls his raging temper from exploding. Inhaling a deep breath of air, he slowly nods and turns to lie on his back. “. . . Yeah – yeah…I did.” He whispers in a calming voice that has the idol shivering in surprise.

“That’s nice…” Kai swallows loudly and flutters his eyelids. “About last night…”

“Later,” the CEO immediately speaks up. “Let’s speak about this later.”

 “Okay,” Jongin nods his head and feels his heart beating again. “I – I’m going to leave.”

“Please do,” Kyungsoo responds and tries his best to not glance over at the idol. He knows for sure that as soon as their eyes meet, his raging evil spirit will lash out without any remorse and it’ll probably be the last time Jongin ever sees the light of day. Not that Kyungsoo really cares about this (he would pretty much prefer a dead Jongin than a stupid Jongin), he just thinks that half the reason why they ended up sleeping together was because of him. Yes, that’s right, CEO Do Kyungsoo is very logical about his own mistakes.

He hears the sound of the bed sheets rustling loudly beside him and closes his eyes at once, making it impossible for him to even see Kai as the idol runs out of his room with his share of the scattered clothes. Soon after, the sound of the door closing notifies the CEO that it’s safe to open his eyes. Kyungsoo shoots open his bloodshot eyes and curls his fingers into a tight fist at an agonizing pace with an annoyed smirk.

The embarrassed male then thrashes his body on the bed, trying his best to hold in the scream that’s wanting to escape his plump lips. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, Kyungsoo turns his body over and finally screams out all of his built-up frustration into his pillow.




Kai stumbles out of the room clumsily and closes the door right away while trying to properly put on his blue jeans. He makes a quick dash to his room that is right across from Kyungsoo’s, but also within a safe distance because of the upper floor living room separating the two rooms. The idol stops running when he sees the remaining of his expensive clothes scattered on the ground level of the house and gasps. Quickly, he runs down the stairs and grabs all of his belongings before running back up. As he struggles to button up his white dress shirt, he flinches in fear when a shrilling scream reaches his ears.

“At least let me write my will before I die!” he desperately pleads as he rubs his hands together furiously before locking his door and jumping on his bed for safety (like that really works).

The idol then hastily grabs his laptop from the nightstand beside his bed and starts typing out useless and nonsense words on a new document page. Once he feels satisfied (honestly, Jongin only wrote like five words) with his so-called will, Kai grabs a pair of new clothes from the walk-in closet and heads for a shower (to get rid of yesterday’s memories and a certain someone’s scent that still lingers on him).

However, something keeps on telling him that this whole situation wasn’t his entire fault.




The CEO steps out of the shower after thirty minutes of endless scrubbing and washing, and heaves a tired sigh as he finally takes a look at himself in the big, horizontal mirror that’s in front of him. His eyes widen in bewilderment as his hands start to shake in irritation at what he sees in the mirror. On his neck, collarbones, and all over his pale chest, pinkish purple bite marks are decorated all over his milky skin.

Laughing at the scene that he’s seeing right in front of him in disbelief, Kyungsoo shakes his head in denial and walks out of his bathroom immediately with only a white towel around his waist. “Nope, nope, nope, that didn’t happen.” He keeps muttering to himself as he goes into the walk-in closet to grab a new set of clothes.

Once he’s done, Kyungsoo exits his room and scans the area for a non-Jongin environment. After nodding his head in confirmation that Kim Jongin does not exist in a radius of ten feet from him, the CEO slowly makes his way downstairs (the dull ache from his lower back that reminds him of last night’s event is still there) and sneers at all of his clothes that are scattered on the floor and stair steps. He retrieves all of them carefully (because they’re tainted of Kim Jongin now) and throws all he dirty clothes into the laundry basket in the laundry room without a second glance.

The CEO then goes for his usual morning black coffee in the kitchen. He gives a disgusted look at the fallen wine bottle on the table before disposing it in the trashcan. Kyungsoo proceeds to make his morning coffee afterwards, but he spots his phone on the kitchen counter and goes to retrieve it.

He turns his phone on to find the screen showing the unexpected message that he received yesterday and frowns. “Let’s forget about it, Do Kyungsoo.” The CEO tells himself softly and hesitantly deletes the text message. Putting his phone away in his pocket, Kyungsoo turns around to find an awkward Kim Jongin standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

Kyungsoo jerks in surprise at the sudden appearance. “When did you get here?”

“Just – just now,” Kai barely squeaks out as he pays close attention to the CEO’s every move (just in case he can dodge incoming objects and prevent his death from happening a little sooner).

The shorter male nods and turns back to the coffee machine. “Sit.”

Kai obliges without any unnecessary comments.

The atmosphere is tense and dangerous as the idol waits for the CEO to speak up. He taps his fingertips against the dinning table and bites his lower lip in nervousness. “About yesterday—”

“Don’t.” Kyungsoo’s voice is low and threatening.

Kai gulps loudly with a ferocious nod of his head, “Okay!”

Kyungsoo turns off the coffee machine and grabs the red teacup after the last drop of freshly brewed coffee ends up in the cup. He takes a small sip to calm his mind before turning around to stare into the idol’s poor, restless soul.

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
969 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now