Because of you


English version

Ever since events of that night, Jieun have lost both parents and his village.

Seungho best friend for 4 years, Seungho must choose between love and life

Lee Jieun a.ka jieun

Yoo Seung Hoo a.ka seungho





Werewolf ? Human wolves , the man who has two personalities . They generally live as humans during the day and at night they would change him . A werewolf who has now hit my village . Kill my parents . I swear if I find a werewolf that has been previously acquitted they would kill my family .

Flasback " go fast , do not ever come back " pleaded eomma me , srekk srekk sreek


The voice was getting closer to the door of my house , I can only shake my head . Eomma kept me away , I saw Appa who now have to carry a gun and give the code

" go as far as was possible , until you find a village located on the banks of the river . facing backward Never . Go quickly , the sun will rise soon " said my eomma which has now led me through the back door

" saranghae eomma " I said eommaku cheek , now I started to run as far as possible


Our house is on fire , I can only watch in the bushes . True , eomma and Appa did . I saw her , the wolf jumped from the swirling flames . He did not die ? I ran as fast as possible , seeing that the sun will soon be rising . Village ? I saw it , I immediately kulangkah right foot towards a small boat asset to the village . Without thinking , I paddled quickly . I do not care that my hands have been really tired of this .


I saw it , wolves are just now jumping on the river now . He looked at me , indeed if God would take the life of me now I'm willing . Instantly the sun began to rise , the wolves fled . Entering the woods again , I still breathe so they do not kill the wolf . Water flowing river , brought me to the other side of the village . I looked at my village sad today . Destroyed , the werewolf has killed everyone who was didesaku my parents are no exception . My memories destroyed , just at a glance . In an instant when the full moon night .


i'm sorry , a lot of words wrong :((

if it is bad i will not continue, khamsahamnida :))


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