Can't I Love Him?

Chapter 001



The bell rang and everyone quickly went to their classes. Like usual, she was late.

"You're late again, Miss Seo" Mrs Jung said.

Joohyun just grinned from ear to ear, knowing that she was late. "I'm sorry, Mrs Jung."

"Go to your seat. I want to start our lesson. I bet you don't want to have detention, right?"

She nodded and went to her seat immediately. Joohyun then took out her things as Mrs Jung started the lesson.

Joohyun took look outside and she saw a guy walking slong the corridor outside. She didn't know why but she couldn't stop looking at him. She just couldn't stop staring at him.

"Miss Seo? Any problem?" Mrs Jung asked as she trailed her sight after the girl's.

"Uhm... No-nothing" Joohyun replied as she shook her head after looking back.




Joohyun saw him again. He was walking in the hallway alone. Whenever the students saw him, they felt terrified, and they didn't even know why. There was something about him that made everyone feel terrified, but not to her. Joohyun felt interested in him and she wanted to know more about him. Maybe.

"Hana, who is that?" 

"Where? Who?" Hana looked around to see him. "Oh? That guy? I don't know but I think he's new here because I saw him in the principal's office."

She nodded silently, "New student?"

"Hey... Don't tell me you like him," Hana laughed.

"Yah! Says who?! I don't even know him, okay?" she glared at Hana.

"I'm just kidding, okay. Don't take it seriously." Hana replied, still laughing.

She turned around and took a glance at him. He looked gloomy.

"Joohyun-ah! Hurry up! I'm hungry!" Hana whined while tugging at Joohyun's sleeve.

"Yeah.... Yeah..."

Joohyun smiled innocently at him before chasing Hana who had already walked away.




When Joohyun walked inside the library, she saw him again. He was reading a book alone. She then walked towards him for some reason she didn't even know. She sat in front of him but he didn't seem to notice her presence.


The boy looked up slowly when he heard Joohyun's voice. She smiled at him but he didn't. He just tilted his head and looked at her blankly.

"Are you new here?" she asked. He looked around then back at Joohyun. Is she talking to me...?

"I'm asking you" Joohyun giggled as she combed through her hair nervously.

He just nodded, not saying anything.

"I'm Seo Joohyun. And you are?"

"Kai." he answered simply.

"Where are you from?" she asked.

"I'm from the h-" he stopped talking, not knowing what to say. Joohyun smiled as she looked at him expectantly, waiting for his answer.

"You don't have to know. It's not important."

She nodded. Kai stood up from his seat, probably he feeling uncomfortable with her. Joohyun watched him leave the library bleakly, then she shouted suddenly, "Wait!"

He turned around and he saw her running towards him. 

"Can I be your friend?" she asked innocently, stopping in front of him.

"No," he said and left. 

Standing at the entrance of the library, she somehow felt upset. Joohyun then continued staring at Kai's fading shadow in the distance.



Hello there! ^^

How's it? I hope you'll like it! ^^

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P/S: English is not my native language so bear with the mistakes :P


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Chapter 3: Please update soon SeoKai ^ - ^ because I really like your story ♡
Chapter 3: Its an interesting theme and the plot is so good!!
Chapter 3: This story is awesome! :D hwaiting update soon please
The story is awesome!! But do you want me to beta for you?
Chapter 2: huh ? from hell ? It's look interesting.update soon. ^^
Chapter 2: Why he came to world? Does he have a mission?
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 2: Did they knew each other in the past ? Hmm too early to assume.. update sooonnn
eugenenni #8
Chapter 1: Interesting!!! Update soon author-nim~~