
The House on Top of the Hill

“Don’t tell me you actually believe that.” It was in the middle of the night at a sleepover and my best friend, Sunye, just finished telling us this creepy story about the abandoned house at the top of the highest hill in town.

She looked over at me, “What you don’t?”

I scoffed, “Of course not! It’s a story made up so miscreants won’t vandalize some family’s inheritance.”

Yubin threw me a smirk, “If you don’t believe it, why don’t you go to the house tomorrow night? It will be a full moon.”

I glared, “Is that a dare?”

“Yes it is. And you have to touch the youngest brother.”

We had a staring contest for almost five minutes until I gave in, “Fine I accept. I’ll even video tape the whole thing!”

The rest of the night I kind of kept to myself thinking about how I was going to sneak out.

*     *     *

The air was warm as I climbed out my window and down to the garden below. The full moon shone brightly in the clear sky. Camera in hand I made my way up the hill to the abandoned house. It was a beautiful building with simple architecture. Like the legend said had remained in almost pristine condition despite no one approaching the place in nearly thirty years.

I went up to the door and was surprised as the lights at the entrance lit up as if to welcome me. All I could think was who ever owned the building continued to pay the electric bill. After turning on my camera, I slowly pushed the door open. The old wood creaked quite loudly making me flinch in reflex. Dust swirled as air flowed into the dark hallway no doubt for the first time in decades. There were no lights in the hallway but there was a faint glow coming from various rooms along the corridor.

I went to the first room and nearly had a heart attack. Smashed statues, demolished paintings and books were strewn all over the floor. In the middle of it all lay the body of the cutest man I had ever seen. Dressed in white slacks and a white shirt he was gorgeous. But his open lifeless eyes made me feel sick. I staggered out of the room and nearly retched.

It was true. The legend was true. There were ghosts in this house. With deep breaths I calmed myself and decided to continue through the house. There were five more brothers to find.

I carefully moved into another room with my camera out in front of me. There was a long dining table covered in lit candles and large plates of fruit. I slowly moved to the end of the table and gasped.  A man sat hunched over the table, his dead eyes staring directly at my camera. There was no knife in his back, but here was a large bloody spot right below his shoulder blade.

I then searched for the bedroom where the angelic man was supposed to be. I finally found him two rooms over. He lay perfectly on the bed, his hands clasped together across his chest and his eyes closed. If I had not seen the other two bodies I would have sworn the man was sleeping. Thinking of the legend, I went through the inner door into a bathroom. It was bright, white, and empty. Well except for the small tub in the middle of the room still halfway filled with water, what looked like blood red rose petals, and large extremely attractive man. His white clothes were soaked and clinging to his massive frame in an almost indecent way. But as beautiful as the man was, he scared me the most out of all the ones I had seen so far. His lifeless eyes were wide staring straight ahead as if he was holding himself back from attacking someone.

I made a fast retreat back into the hallway. My hand was on my heart as I caught my breath. This was more than I bargained for but I needed to finish. I still had to find the youngest and touch him. Once I had calmed myself I walked slowly to the back of the house. The last glowing light came from the very last room. Moonlight shined directly from the opened window on two bodies in the middle of the room. One sat on a large chair his arm over a throw pillow. The other man sat on the floor with his head leaning against his brother’s knee. The way they sat looked like one of the sweetest bromance moments from a k-drama.

I gulped and moved closer. The legend said the youngest looked like the oldest, and he was sitting in the chair. He was just as gorgeous as the others, his white shirt slightly open at the top showing just a hint of the beautiful skin. I reach out to touch him. My hand was just about to graze the skin on his chest when his eyes shot open.

I stumbled back nearly falling and almost dropping my camera. The one leaning on his knee opened his eyes as well. The only thing I could hear was the accelerated beating of my heart. The one who had been sitting on the ground suddenly stood up and began to limp toward me. I walked backwards as fast as I could, still filming what was going on. As I pasted each room the other bodies limped out, coming for me. I finally made it to the door and just as they reached for me I slammed it shut. I ran down the drive and into the middle of the street a block away.

Now that I was in the fresh air and away from that horror house, my heart relaxed and I could breathe normally. I brought up my camera and put the video on play just to make sure I got everything. The video was a bit shaky but it captured everything. The decrepit state of the inside of the house, the bodies in all their glorious detail, even the moment when the youngest opened his eyes. I paused the video to look at those beautiful eyes. There was something ominous about them but I could not bring myself to look away.

I heard something thumping in the distance, but ignored it and played the rest of the video. The zombie men were coming closer and closer to the camera. And oddly so did the thumbing. Did the camera pick up my erratically beating heart? The tallest of the dead reached out to the camera, to me, and suddenly I felt cold. My vision went black and the last thing I heard was the steady beating of a heart.

A/N: Just a quick one shot that chased my brain for an hour. Nowhere near as detailed as my other stories but I hope you guys still enjoy it. Comments please.

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Chapter 1: oooh! so cool! good ending! i love horror stories but there aren't nearly enough good ones on aff!
Chapter 1: Odg i love this!! Horror stories keep me going on, haha i love this! xx
Chapter 1: (khunfession: I skipped the video at the foreword to avoid spoilers and only watched it after I finished reading the story. I'M SORRY <(_ _)> )

I've always liked horror stories so I was really excited to read this. But as much as I like the genre, I'm not that crazy to take up any Dare to visit a supposedly haunted house. Never did and probably never will. (Not even if it was haunted by 6 very hot and y male ghosts)

There is something about the way you write descriptions of persons, things and scenes in the story that actually bring the story to life. (do I make sense to you??) I mean, I can actually "see" the story play out like a movie in my head as I read. Also, the first-person-POV made everything more exciting :)

"The old wood creaked quite loudly making me flinch in reflex. Dust swirled as air flowed into the dark hallway no doubt for the first time in decades. There were no lights in the hallway but there was a faint glow coming from various rooms along the corridor." <- I like this.

Another point, I like how no names were dropped but I know exactly who is who. "The legend said the youngest looked like the oldest" LOL Poor maknae...

"His white clothes were soaked and clinging to his massive frame in an almost indecent way." Indecent eh...

But, hands down, my fave part was the last paragraph. That paragraph just killed it. "My vision went black and the last thing I heard was the steady beating of a heart."

p/s: I just went "Can you feel my heartbeat" HAHAHAHA

Anyways, this was GOOD for a quick one-shot. Now, back to Crossfire: Origins hehehe =] Thanks for sharing this <3