Ch. 16

Fighting For Love

Work is beginning to be tiresome. For the past three days I have been working non stop setting up performances, interviews, and lots of other things for Teen Top. I have not got a break for a week. How does Syung Hun manage all of this without loosing his mind?

"Good morning Mrs.Sunshine." Myungdae said passing my mail toward me as I walked up to his desk."Well actually, you don’t look so sunny today, what’s killing your cookies?"

I leaned on the desk and took a long sip of my hot chocolate."Taking care of the boys is really hard."

"Ah? Hah, I should of warned you. They are like children, just more .. Educated."

I nodded and grabbed my mail."Hey .. Have you seen Niel? I have not seen him .."


"Well.. Okay," I turned around and headed back out the door to my office. Once I opened the door I saw Syung Hun sitting in my chair."Oh, Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed as I sat my things down on the table.

"We have a serious problem, Sit." He pointed to the chair next to me.

I fixed my skirt and sat down.

"I have been watching your work, I have seen things you have done for Teen Top so far. But, I have noticed. Someone is  missing. Where is Niel? He’s been missing from the past few events."

"I do not know.. Minsoo said he was sick and that he wished no one came to see him."

"Did you go to their dorms?"

I shook my head.

"Your his girlfriend aren’t you supposed to care for him in his time of need?"

"Yes but-"

"If you don’t have enough sense to think about that then you didn’t have enough sense to notice this."

He passed me a magazine.

"Teen Top’s Niel sick of his manager controlling girlfriend enough to cheat? …? No.. "

"Your supposed to be taking care of their images for me. How hard can this be?"

"Well you do have to remember that I am not you.. I don’t do things like this .."

He froze for a second then got up."Just take care of that." He walked over to the door and slammed it shut.

I sighed and looked down and the magazine cover.

Teen Top’s Niel sick of his manager controlling girlfriend enough to cheat ..

I repeat in my head.

I flipped to the page.

Teen Top’s Niel has repeatedly been seen coming in and out of Hodong hospital carrying vas amounts of flowers, goodie bags, food, chocolates, and lastly a stuffed plush bear the size of a 4 year old. 
Also that same bear was posted on his ex Girlfriend Yurina’s Instagram saying,” look at what my newly soon to be got me~ Aish he spoils me~~~~~ I’m such a lucky girl! Aigoo,~~ㅠㅠ❤️”.
Soon to be? We all know what that means. 


I felt my heart shatter a little. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

This can’t be true .. Right..?

I grabbed my purse and stuck the magazine inside it and grabbed my hot chocolate and hurried out the door.
"If anyone needs me I’m on break." I said quickly to Myungdae as I made my way to the elevator.

"Don't kill anyone!" He screamed after me as the doors closed






I walked into the main lobby of the hospital and walked up to the desk."Excuse me."

"Yes? How may I help you?" The lady said looking up at me.

"Yes .. Can you please tell me the room Niel is in? You know .. The tall famous boy that keeps walking through here."

"Ah, Give me a second." She reached over for a folder and started going through it."He is visiting .. Room 34."

"Thank you." I bowed and started heading toward the hallway where the rooms were.

34 .. 34 .. 34 ..

I spotted the room number and quickly walked up to it and banged my fist on the door repeatedly.

"What do you want?" A lady snapped opening the door to a creek.

"I know Niel is in there, Let me talk to him."

"He isn't here."

"Oh really? Then why won't you open the door even more?" I questioned kicking the door with the tip of my heel.

"There is a thing called privacy have you heard of it my dear lost child."

"Your lying." I put my hand on my hip.

"You know what, Mani. There comes a time in life that you will have to learn the basics of dating a celebrity. It comes the fans, The  paparazzi, The scandals, The saseang fans, And a bunch of other things. As a part of your role. You are supposed to  stand by Niel and support him. You don't know your role .. And as you can see .. You aren't the one thats always in his eye  sight these pass days right? You aren't the one popping up on magazines. My daughter is.. You need to learn your role ..  Which is being a side chick. Okay?" She smiled.

"For your information I am not classfied as a 'side chick', You wanna know why? Who is the girl that keeps a smile on that  boys face 24\7? Unlike Yurina, When I saw he was with her I never seen one smirk. I work my off to make sure that boy is  happy inside and out. I know each and every little thing about him. Oh and I know my role. If I'm the side chick, Then why did  Niel leave Yurina to come back with me huh? Don't you think thats kinda obvious? Face it. You and your daughter are upset  at the fact that He loves me while your daughter is a crazy delusional just like you. Is this what you do to every Kpop  Idol she likes? How shameful. So .. Who's a side chick now?"

"Oh thats it-"

"Just move.."Someone said pushing her out the way.

"Niel.." I said backing up as he closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" 

"I should be asking you that!" I yelled reaching for the magazine and shoving it toward him."What is this! Why are you here! Why haven't you called me! Texted me! Matter of fact you lied to me! You lied to your group mates. You lied!" I screamed pushing him  into the door as tears fell down my face."You lied to me .." I said silently as I slowly looked down at the floor. I couldn't see much since it  was blurry from my tears."You lied.." I whispered.

"Mani let me explain.."

"Go head, Lie to me some more! Not like its going to help you."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug."You don't know how bad I have been telling myself I need to tell you whats happening but I can't because I don't want you to get hurt.."

"Then why don't you just tell me now .. You can't hide anything .."

He sighed and leaned his forehead on mine."I am being forced to marry Yurina .. to make up for what you did to her.."

"W-what ..? No.."

"Yes .. I am only doing this because I don't want them to do anything to you .. They are forcing me to stay here and do things  for her .. You know I love you and I would be there with you and the guys but I can't .. there is no way I can get out of this."

"But Ni-"

"No buts okay? It's going to be fine .. don't worry." He kissed me then pulled back and wiped the tears off my face."Just go home."

"But Nie-"

"No buts!" He hissed."Go," He kissed me again before he turned around and walked back in the room slamming the door in my face.






I laid on my bed waiting for my phone to ring. I was planning on telling Niel about the plan I had made when I got home. It sounds a little weird but I am sure He'd do anything to keep by me some how.

I looked over at the clock on my night-stan. 

11:43 pm

"Yahh .. Its almost midnight."

I heard a knock on my front door.

"What ..?" I got up from my bed and headed to the living room up the front door and opening it."Niel? I thought you were gonna call me.."

"I cannot take one more day of being away from you ... Or Sleeping in a chair."

I giggled."Well come in, come in," I pulled him in and closed the door."So I am guessing you want to stay here?" 

He nodded.

"Well come on, Lets go to my room." 

He followed me to my bedroom. 

"Make sure to be quiet, Jiwoo's sleeping." I said pointing over to a small dog house in the spare closet as I closed my bedroom door."Actaully.. I will just close it .. " I walked over to it and closed that door as well. 

"She even has her own room?" He laughed sitting down on the bed.

"Of course, What do I need that extra closet for?" I walked over to the other side of the bed and got in it."Well Niel I wanna talk to you.. About something I have been thinking about."

"I'm listening,"

"Okay, I thought about it. You said she broke her leg right?"

He nodded."Mhm."

"If she broke her leg, Why was she sitting on her knee's after I pushed her? She even stood up."

"Yeah but Jagiya, The pain could of came later on in the day .."

"But didn't you take her to the hospital right then and there?"

"Well no ..She went home and the next day her parents called me there.."

"She faked it obviously. Her leg was perfect right? She wasn't limping or anything. Plus I didn't even push her that hard."

He sighed and leaned back in the bed."This is to complicated."

"This is what happens when you date crazy girls."

He looked over at me and smiled."You aren't crazy, Your sane baby." 

"Stop trying to flirt with me! Anyways. This all a plan just for them to get you to stick by her side. And thats where the marriage part comes in. If you don't marry her, Something happens to me. Well, I guess we are playing with fire here. So its time to  play back."

"What are you thinking .."

"Don't show up at the hospital for a few days okay?"

"I already don't like the sound of it." He pouted.

"Niel, this is the only way out. Plus! This gives me a chance to set her whole family straight for good! This is the last time they will mess with you! Mess with me! Mess with us! What if like a couple years from now, We get married and start a family? How  are we going to protect our child or children from the crazy son a if shes still lurking around because you didn't have  the balls to go through with this plan? Hmm?"

"... You wanna marry me?!"

"Thats not the point here! The point is you get rid of her now or never! Its me, Or her! Choose!"

"Okay, Okay I'm sorry! So I don't show up there for a few days and..?"

I climb on top of him and sit on his lower body."And we just wait for them to contact you or something and you just tell them you aren't coming in anymore. And we wait for them to make their move on me. And once they do, We back fire it."


"I know some people." I smiled.

"Is this some kind of like mafia thing!?"

I shook my head."No, Thats my mothers side of the family.."

"Then why don't you just get them!"

"We aren't talking about killing people here ... Although it would be nice.. But don't worry about it anymore okay?"

He nodded.

"Good. Now get some sleep .. You look like you haven't slept in days .."

I slid off of him a little but he  put me back on top of him and sat up."Ani, I haven't spent time with you for a few days .. Thats why I am here also." He smiled.

I poked his nose and blushed."Its almost 12~ We should sleep." I said cutely.

"Hajimayo," He pulled me closer and started kissing my neck and rapping his arms around my waist.



"Haha, What are you doing?"

"Shh, You will like it okay?"

I nodded and let him continue till his lips met mine. He pushed me back on the bed and gripped onto my shirt and started rising it up.

"Niel wait." I said putting my hand over his."I am saving myself.."

"I am the one you want to marry in the future right?"

I nodded.

"Well whats the point..?"

"But what if we don't end up together..?"

"Trust me, Its going to be alright. I'd usually back off but I have a good feeling about this." He smiled.

"Okay .."

He continued lifting up my shirt to it was all the way off me then he started working on my bra.






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Chapter 29: And I'm still here with you! I will wait! Fighting!
Chapter 25: No way! Again! And Niel will depressed again! It's will repeat again and over again >_<
Guys I am terribly sorry TT.TT I ment to update but my asthma and all this school work is keeping me busy... If I don't update soon .. SLAP ME!
But I am hoping to have time to make it tonight~~ This chapter will be pretty fun btw :3
Chapter 18: Fighting author-nim! ^^ good luck with editing and I'll look forward to it :) make sure and take care of your health too!
Chapter 15: Nooo, why does this need to happen? Update soon :D
Chapter 3: I love all the GIF that you have xD