

You were walking home from the store. Your arms were stuffed, since you once again had forgotten to buy a bag. You heaved a sigh as you tried to readjust the groceries in your arms, that seemed to be getting heavier and heavier for each step you took. It wouldn't have been so hard to ask the cashier for a bag afterwards, but you were simply too stubborn and proud to do so. Your house weren't too far away from here. It was a fifteen minutes walk. But with all this extra weight? Well, it felt like you had walked forever already, and you had only made one third of the way. You kept on walking while cursing your forgetfulness under your breath. You suddenly almost stumbled on something, which made you come close to dropping the soda bottle that was among the groceries. You managed to find your balance though, and prevent the bottle from dropping. You looked down on the ground, to find that your shoe lace on your right shoe had untied itself, and thus caused you to almost trip. You sighed heavily.
"Really?! Out of all times now?" You grumbled and started to walk again, careful not to trip.
You just didn't have time or energy to put all the carefully and stacked stuff in your arms down to tie your shoe lace.
"What are you doing? Have you never heard of a bag?" The amused voice came from your side suddenly. You turned your head in surprise and then pouted when your recognized the young man. Kim Myungsoo, your old friend who happened to live close by. And also - your crush.
"I forgot again..." You grumbled silently and looked away from him, knowing he'd tease you. He laughed a bit.
"Idiot..." He smiled and walked up to you.
"I know..." You sighed, sounding defeated and slightly annoyed. You should have learned to remember the bag by now.
He looked down and then at the groceries, and gave a nod. You looked at him in confusion as he suddenly stood before you, blocking your way. Just as you were about to ask what he was doing, he dropped down and started tying your shoe lace. You looked at him with surprise, and then turned your head away while blushing slightly from embarrassment.
"W-What are you doing?" Your voice were a bit uncertain.
"Helping you." He stood up and took off his backpack. He started packing down some of the groceries, and then took the rest in his arms. Meanwhile you stood there wide eyed. As he was done he started walking.
"Are you coming?" He turned back to look at you with his brow raised and a slight smile apparent on his face.
"Yeah!" You snapped back to yourself, and nodded. As soon as he turned back to the front you smiled widely and started running to catch up. You walked by his side for a while silently, while glancing up at him. You bit your lip and decided to follow your urge. He looked at you in surprise and curiousity when you laced your arm with his.
"So you can't run away with my stuff." You looked away while saying it, blushing slightly and smiling. You quickly looked back up at him and met his eyes. A smile grew on the lips of both, as the two of you looked away shyly. You scratched your neck a bit awkwardly, and then looked back again only to meet with his eyes again. Myungsoo tried to keep a straight face, but then started laughing. You smiled wider as you looked up at him and then followed his lead. He then looked down at your hand on his arm, and pulled away. You weren't left disappointed for long though, since he instead interlaced his hand with yours. He looked at you with a wide and warm smile, before looking back forward. You couldn't hold back the huge smile spreading on your lips either, when a feeling of complete happiness and satisfaction spread through you.

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