Cheer Up, Dude


Lee Kiseop, is a quiet, sheltered teenager. He doesn't talk to a single soul all day and night, with the exception of his parents and teachers to keep his grades average

Bottom line, Kiseop cannot and will not speak to anybody unless he absolutely has to. He'll always take refuge in the dark corners of the playground and plays with his pokemon cards alone because that's where he's most comfortable. Whenever he attempts to leave the dark, students will constantly bully him and call him every bad name in the book.

Then, Han Jekyung, a dorky, yet friendly girl from Gwangju moves to Seoul and ends up attending the same school as Kiseop. At first, Jekyung dosen't recognize him, since he's in the dark. But when he decides to come out of the dark, Jekyung takes interest in him.

For the rest of the school year, Jekyung tries hard to bring Kiseop out of his comfort zone and join in on other activities, such as clubs and dances.

But.. For some reason, how come Kiseop looks familiar to Jekyung, and vise versa. As if they've seen each other in the past? 



Hello readers! Yupp.. I had to do it. I had to make a U-Kiss fic. And even though Soohyun is my bias, I felt like making Kiseop the main character, because he's flipping awesome XD Hope you all like it <3


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 15: Hello there author-nim ^_^ Are you planning on continuing this story? hope to hear from you soon.
Chapter 15: YASSSSSSSSSSS. Knaw its so cute doe. *thumbs up*
Chapter 15: update soon!!
If anything, please update. I have been checking AFF weekly and I am still waiting. This is the best story I've read in ages.
Chapter 14: so sweet...update soon^^
Chapter 12: aww...please update soon quickly~I like this story very much...I hope she will together with kiseop^^