Chapter 4 (Edited)

Will You Remember?? ~ (Edited)

The next morning, I felt drained and crappy due to a sleepless night, yet I have to work today. Passing by the counter, I greet Taecyeon in lifeless tone before heading to the changing room. Staring at the face in the mirror, I could see the dark ring underneath my eyes, and look beat.


Walking back to the front counter, Taecyeon was sipping his morning coffee beside Jin who is making his drinks. I grab the mug and make myself oolong tea, hope that can help to keep me awake.


“Humm, someone must have a wild night out yesterday… tsk tsk… never invite me along.” Taecyon smirk as he points out the apparent dark ring. It is so irritating when he starts to pick on anything different on me. Nothing can escape from his damn Hawkeye.


"Oppa... serious it's annoying! I just don't have a peaceful sleep." I added as I drink. Such bliss to enjoy good quality tea leaves in a cup.


"The same nightmare come back again?" he worried.


I nod and start to do area cleaning at the ground level café before the opening. Taecyon knows about my nightmare and my well-kept secret. How did he know? Did I mention he is my elder cousin from my dad side? He is my uncle’s son who resides in American for years before return and settles down at Busan. Since my siblings were still a toddler and the cousin who was around my ages will be him and his sister, I had looked up to him as a brother when I was younger.


The dilemma these nightmares have become too regular, and it is driving me insane. What is it trying to show me and why do I felt that girl agony? Is She not at peace?


“Haenim ah~~" Taecyon signal me to come over the counter. He places a cup of tea in front me.


"Now drink this. It will help to make you feel awake." I nodded my head and took a sip from the cup.


“Oh damn you! How many shots did you put in this coffee.” I stared down at him. I literally dislike strong bitter coffee shot, and I had low tolerant to it. Ever I did not sleep for two nights!


Taecyon was about to open his mouth when he was rudely interrupted by the bell sound of the entrance door swing open. Kwang Hee walks in divalicious and his beam when he saw someone he been eyeing on. That would not be me definitely. I turn to the direction and Taecyon's facial expression change. He quickly excuses himself, grab the broom from my hand and went up to the upper floor. Both Jin and I was speechless on how Kwang Hee’s effect can make him from the manly man shrivel to a small boy.


I know about the previous incident that has affected Taecyon until today. One time Kwang Hee and I came over to Taecyon place for a birthday celebration, and Kwang Hee drank a little bit too much and got himself drunk. During in his state, he confesses his crush on Taecyon and even tried to give him a birthday kiss.


“Aisshh, this hyung always run away whenever I come.” Kwang Hee gave his pout lips and sulk like a little child who lost his lollipop. I just laugh at his cuteness.


In the midst of laughter, the bell ring as the door open again. This time the familiar figure walks in and beeline to the usual seat. Kwang Hee, nudge at me and wink. My cheek blushed when he teased me. My heart beats fast than the average pace when seeing his relaxed posture when he taking out studying material. Then a piece of paper slips into my right palm, I glance down and saw two tickets. It is our school Halloween party tickets, which will be held at the gym hall.


“Well now is the good time for you to approach him and start the conversation.” Kwang Hee winks at me.


“Are you nuts? I never spoke to him before, and I can assure you he doesn’t even notice me.” I whispered to Kwang Hee.


Jung Yong Hwa, one of many guys on the campus who had captured my heart. The first time I saw when he was on the stage giving a speech during the orientation day. I do not know what, but I guess it’s the law of attraction that he provides. I do not know much about himself except that he is from a different department, same years as me and join the band as his after class curriculum.


Later did I know his best friend was Ruki, a student from music department who I happen working together on school project producing the soundtrack for the anime festival. I learn that Ruki and Yong Hwa were childhood friends who grew up together till they got separated when Ruki’s father was posted back to Japan after the job assignment completed. They met again in university when Ruki decided to come back to Korea and pursue his study here. That explains how fluent when Ruki spoke to me in Korean.


In the campus, the duo is famous especially with girls, and they even have fan clubs for both of them. Since the first year, the “cool” seniors invited them to hang out with them. There have been wild rumours about these senior for being unruly. Not know how accurate the stories are, but so far both turn down the offer as they have the commitment of their own. Their lifestyle pretty much low profile and rarely heard any “hot” rumours besides Ruki choice of music and performance different than the rest. I believe he adopted the visual kei style back in Japan.


Nevertheless, I am not surprised if they have someone special in life. I mean if comparing me with the girls on campus who are well groomed and fashionable, I just plain Jane and do not know what the heck is under-eye baking! Wait, do I need to actually bake my face?


People say, outer looks are momentary, but self-respect and education will bring you far. What if it opposite? One time I was at the lowest, I had wishful thinking that I was able to afford trendy clothing and shop for skincare products. In reality, I am unable to do that as the money is spent on what we needed.


Came from average income family of five, my father is a farmer, and my mum is a seamstress who taking in customer’s order. I have a set of twin siblings, a brother and sister who are still studying in high school. Thankfully they are doing well in school, both academically and sports. I’m proud of my sibling, even with their busy schedule; they made time for household chores and take care the necessary of the household when our parents are busy working to support us. We are close-knit, and even I am away from home, we will take the time to update each other through Lines, where ever cheapest communication mode.


Kwang Hee snap me out from the train of thoughts, and irritable took the ticket off my hand as he walks towards Yong Hwa. Startled at his action, I was unable to stop him when he stood in front of him and hand over the tickets. Not wanting to know the result, I pursue Taecyon’s step to the second floor to hide because I am afraid to get rejected.





Stay tuned for surprises..... sleep tight...

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Chapter 15: Interesting read, Author-nim.. Would love to read more.. Waiting patiently for your update... :)
Anyone miss me... sorry I have to be away for months from side project to fasting month and now finally I am going to cont. which I have miss out alot... and to cont. my horror story... I had tons to upload it. thank you for waiting for the update. I hope this coming chapters will be longer...and readable.
GOMEN, THERE WILL BE SLIGHT DELAY WITH THE POSTING... love you guys, keep on supporting..
Chapter 2: I just love the fact that Kwang Hee is OC bestie!!! hehehehe