
Click and drag adventure!

How did your weekend with Dal☆Shabet go?



On Friday




On Saturday




On Sunday



Hey! I know it's been ages since the last game, life interfered with my free time a lot. I'm sorry about that.

Anybody else here in love with Dalshabet's comeback?

I've been working on something last week and if things turn out fine I'll update some of these days, please anticipate~ (if anyone still plays here)




Thank you for playing~

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Chapter 39: Alright part two!

Namjoo, LE, and Joy won the competition in each original group. (Omg LE and Joy, don’t know much about Namjoo, but OMG WE’RE KILLER!)
I’m the visual in the group, oh no we’re screwed. In a year or two they are going to kick me out of the group bc knetz didn’t like my tan skin and horrible visuals LOL
Our group name is Black Tea Party, it’s a secret code. Where we get the ladies to meet up at a “tea party” when in reality the tea is spiked and we talk about ending hardcore/rude BG stans.
My concept is Girls and Flowers (We are that girl crush group but with a sweet side twist, we make you cry but don’t break your heart and date your other group mates)
Our debut song is Red Miniskirt and I love it. We have that y debut song, well uhh this could back fire but I think y concepts are more accepted now.

Omg this one was so much fun, I think part two was better luck for me! Thanks for making this, I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for your future ones! I think doing boy bands next time would be fun. What about a mixture where it could be a co-ed group type of competition?
Chapter 39: PART 2 HERE WE GO!

Who won the competition in each original group: Eunji, Jeonghwa, Seulg. Okay... This talent... I feel intimidated...
My position in the group: Leader. Seems very legit since I can't be a vocal, dancer nor visual ._.
Group name: Sparkle Street *twinkle twinkle* (Seriously though, I need to speak with the CEO about this...)
Concept: Classic, that's right! We wearing them suits! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Please anticipate.
Debut Song: Jail Time (Are we in a group together? :') )
Also, combining this... I think we're portraying mafia here.

Hahaha, this was fun. Thank you so much ♥

(I bet you're not whiter than me. I have given up on foundation all together because it just makes me look orange and *tableflip)
Chapter 38: Omg this is such an interesting theme!

My team mates are Bomi and Naeun (ehh, well thankfully they have cool and nice personalities from the little info I know lol)
I ranked 1 place higher than Yeri (I probably bribed the judges)
My roommates are Hayoung, Naeun (this girl won’t leave me alone!) and LE ( YEAH! Imma get rid of the beds where I can share beds with all of them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Joy was my partner in crime during our (sinful) night activities
Hani fell ill and I took care of her.
In the second mission, I had a dance performance with Wendy (well uhh imma just skip lol)
Solji was my worst rival (it’s only on the outside. Joy is my partner in crime, but in reality she is helping me sneak into Solji’s room so we can have out secret dates)
My Team Mates for the last mission are Jeonghwa, Yeri and Bomi (Well I know Yeri and somewhat Jeonghwa. But I don’t know how Yeri feels since she probably figured out I bribed the judges to rank me higher than her)
The final mission song was After School’s Flashback (OMG I LOVE THAT SONG!)

I can’t wait to see what happens next, thanks for making this!

Omg lucky you, Solji snuck out with you! Omg sixth sense, I’m so jealous!
Chapter 38: AHMAGAD ANOTHER ONE I AM SO EXCITED I UFWBDUIOWBIWP This topic looks like so much fun!!! :D Here we go:

My team mates in the first mission: Wendy & Joy. Okay, I'm good. How can I lose with this solid team of vocals & charisma?
In the singing evaluation, I ranked 1 place higher than her: Hyerin... Well... this seems like bull. I have a strong feeling I MIGHT have cheated o.o
My roommates: Naeun, Seulgi, LE fuifq3uighq3puighfuiq3gil Can I legit have Seulgi/LE in a variety show or sth pls? But wow... I actually don't know what kind of atmosphere it would be in the room? Naeun & Seulgi seem like the more silent type (LE in some cases as well even) and I am worse than all of them so probably a lot of awkward silences lol.
She was my partner in crime when sneaking out in the middle of the night: Hayoung. Of course she was. We BFFs *puts on shades*
She fell ill and I took care of her while her members were busy: Wendy. What can I say? We bonded in the first mission.
In the second mission, I made a dance performance with her: Eunji. It was amazing let me tell you.
She was my worst rival in the show: Joy. What can I say? We fought in the first mission ._.
My teammates for the last mission: Solji, Joy, Irene: No wonder I won! sheet what a killer team. Of course I had to be paired again with my rival cause this is actually a enemies to lovers kind of thing *cough* Just roll with it.
The song I performed in the final mission: Brown Eyed Girls - Sixth Sense YES PLEASE THE SONG THAT GOT ME INTO KPOP! I feel so emotional rn. Perfect.

Whoooot! Can't wait for part 2! This is so much fun :D THank you so much for your hard work & time put into this ^^
Also, you're also getting the same error with Chrome. I forgot for a moment at first and was also in a team full of Bomi clones XD
Chapter 37: Okay, moral of the story: Don't play this in the updated Google Chrome. I got Eunha for literally everything I can't :') ANYWAY, I played it again in Edge and that seemed more legit:

SinB woke me up and told me to join her and her friends in an adventure (Best wake-up call ever tbh). When I climbed out of the window Sowon was waiting by a white horse carriage. In The carriage she leaned into me while softly singing lullabies (Not gonna lie, slightly creepy.)
When I arrived by a beautiful lake, deep in the forest, Sowon guided me to a small boat (and then she dumped me cause I said her lullabies were creepy ;_;).
Eunha kept telling me wonderful stories abuit the starry sky during the boat ride.
When I arrived in an island, Yuju piggybacked me through the forest that was lit by all kinds of small colourful lights (poor girl. her back must be broken).
Umji was giggling happily all through the journey (Okay, who gave the maknae alcohol?! Girls pls!)
I couldn't keep my eyes off of Yuju, since for some reason there seemed to always be butterlfies flying around her. (Also because I felt bad for ruining her back and I had to keep an eye on her to make sure she was doing okay after that)
SinB kissed my cheek ever so slightly and told me to choose between the doors before she vanished. (NO WAIT I CHOOSE YOU COME BACK!)
I eventually opened Eunha's door (I guess I just really, REALLY liked her starry night stories!)

In all honesty, EUnha might or might not be my least fav member damnit XD

I really enjoyed tis though, as usual! Thank you for making :D ♥
Chapter 37: I’m not a huge GFriend fan or know much about them but I still did this. Sowon is my soulmate and I don’t mind that lol

I joined Yuju on an adventure with her friends. Umji was waiting by the White Horse carriage. Omg Sin B leaned into me and sung me lullabies (I’m blessed lol) apparently in the forest (my soulmate) Sowon lead me to a small boat (sounds suspicious to me). Sin B told me stories about the starry sky during the boat ride. It’s funny how I meet one girl near the form of vehicle but near the end it’s always Sin B who I hang out with lol omg aww Sowon gave me a piggy back ride through the forest lights (so romantic) Eunha finally makes an appearance and is giggling happily throughout everything. I can’t keep my eyes off of Yuju bc she has these butterflies around her (sorry Sowon) Yerin is the weird girl who kisses my cheek and told me to choose a door (hey at least I got a kiss before meeting my soulmate)

Lol I seriously love these, thanks for making this I enjoy doing them :) I love the theme!
Chapter 36: Omg I really enjoyed it! Thanks for doing it(once again) and I, too, enjoyed your Yeeun/Sunmi ending :’) I love how playgirl Yubin makes you cake but asks out your best friend, gotta keep the hoes equally happy :’)

Okay so:
I gave my handmade chocolate to Yeeun(my bby), but in return she buys me expensive chocolate. Sohee will ask out my best friend. And I have movie night with Hyuna, but plot twist, she also follows me around the whole day and I’m totally cool with that! Sunmi’s dad will eat the chocolates that were originally for me :’) I will meet hyuna at my fav café and she will feed me cake (it seems like she’s going around to everyone’s favorite café and feeding them cakes.... don’t I feel special :( ) Hyelim will come out from no where and slap me. Apparently for me Sunmi has been dating Hyuna for a year lol (YAH SUNMI TAKE YOUR BACK TO YEEUN)
(I especially love the Yeeun/Sunmi ending in yours*single tear* Beautiful. *applauds*)

I will give my handmade chocolate to Sunmi. Sunmi, in return will buy me some expensive chocolate aaaaand now I feel bad, damnit.
Hyelim will ask my best friend out.
I will have a movie night with Sohee. (*chats* Train to Busan!) but her dad ate the chocolate's she was supposed to give me so no snacks :(
Yubin will follow me around the whole day. (Only stalker I won't object to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
I will meet Hyuna in my favourite cafe and she'll feed me cake.
Sunmi will slap me BECAUSE even though she gave me thos chocolates, who can resist Yubin when she's following you around? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sunye will tell me that she has been secretly dating Hyuna for a year. (Now this is literally a couple I never even thought about lol. But good for them! *throws flower petals*)

Thank you so much! :D One of my favourite groups ^^ I had so much fun ♥
Chapter 35: Okaaay so I ave to admit I don't know the Hello Venus members (even though I do enjoy their songs. I should take the time to get to know them.) Here we go:

Alice ended up tripping on me on the dance floor and shouted, "you've ripped your pants!"

Giiiirl, pretty sure that was you. Tripping and then grabbing a hold of my pants pshhhh. Now I have to make it out of here with ripped pants, the horror!

(What's even worse is... I've been there before ._.)
Chapter 35: Not that familiar with Hello Venus but I still gave it a try :)
“Lime looked me in a toilet and dared me to kiss her” I love it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I have actually heard of Lime a bit so I’m pleased with my result lol