Little Longer

Little Longer - Sunggyu

A quiet home welcome Sunggyu, your long time boyfriend, home after a long day at work. Flipping on a few lights, he changed his shoes and walked into the kitchen, heating up some left over food, he made his way to the shared bedroom to change into something more comfortable for the rest of the night.

Shuffling back out to the kitchen, the ding of the timer was up signaling that his food was ready. Pulling it out of the microwave, he stirred it around before heading over to the couch to watch a movie to wind down after the long day.

One bite after another he inhaled the food quickly, leaving him with an empty plate in his hands. On a commercial break, he quickly walked over to the sink, running some water over his plate, he left it in the sink for you to clean when you came home that evening. Hurrying back over for his show, he grabbed a blanket wrapping it around himself while being being engulfed in the plot line.

A few hours later, you were welcomed home with some dim lights and a movie loudly playing while the scenes gave off their light on anything and everything that they could touch. A smile spread across your face knowing Sunggyu was home. Changing out your shoes, you shuffled over to the couch to see him reclined with his arm on the top of the couch.

Making your way around the couch, you took a seat next to him before you caught his eye.

"Welcome home." He glanced at you, leaning down, you placed your head on his higher chest before his arm above the couch gently wrapped around you and rested around you. Keeping quiet for a little while, you watched the end of the show with him before he turned off the movie and looked down at you.

"You look tired, what did you do today?" He asked you with curiosity hanging on his words.

"I went over and saw my older sister’s new baby." You looked up at him with a smile. Sunggyu moved under your words, forcing you to sit up by yourself.

"Oh how is she and her husband?" He asked adverting his eyes from you.

"She is doing well now that the baby is a few months old now, her husband went back to work and their new little girl is so cute, she has a little pink bow on her head and when she sleeps in your arms it is the best feeling in the world. She has little dresses and shoes with bows on the-" You started rambling with a large smile on your face before Sunggyu cut you off.

"I’m going to go to bed first." He stood up leaving you dumbfounded at his sudden action especially right in the middle of your story. Turning off the lights and following him into the bedroom, you thought that you should go to bed too.

Walking into the bedroom, he was already under the covers, heading into the closet you changed into a comfy pair of pajamas before joining him in the bed.

"She has the cutest smile in the world and her grip is really strong." You added, he rolled to the other side, now having his back face you.

"I’m going to sleep, you should too." He mumbled, blaming his cold shoulder on the stress of the new album, you dropped the subject. Closing your eyes you quickly fell asleep as well.

The next few days the two of you were quite busy for each other, just seeing each other at night before you went to bed and the next morning before you headed off to work. So one day both of you got off work a little early so that both of you could spend some time together.

"Do you want to go on a walk with me?" Sunggyu offered his hand to you.

"I’d love to, just let me get my jacket on first." You smiled before slipping your arms through your jackets, putting on some comfy shoes, Sunggyu offered you his hand again, sliding your fingers through his both of you headed out the door to spend the evening together.

The silence was just about to kill you, almost being an hour without talking you couldn’t take it anymore, it was almost worse than not seeing him at all.

"Sunggyu?" You started to break the silence.

"Mmmmm" He glanced over at you before squeezing your hand.

"What are you thinking about?" You tilted your head at him seeing his lips being pursed together, that which they only did when he was worried about something.

"Nothing." He mumbled looking at you, trying to change his facial expression. The light changed signaling the group of people to cross the street.

"Where are we going?" You asked him, seeing a fun park with children playing off to your left.

"Where do you want to go?" He looked down at you with a hint of curiosity pushing his eyebrow upwards.

"Can we go to the park?" You pointed over to where the kids were playing as his eyes started to open wider.

"You want to go over and play at the park?" He stopped in his tracks.

"No, I just want to go over and watch, silly." You smiled up at him, he rolled his eyes giving into your request. Turning around the two of you headed through the gate and followed the path to the park.

Finding an empty bench, he sat down and let your hand go, while you took a seat next to him. Watching the kids play and use their imaginations while jumping all over the equipment.

"Don’t they look like they are having fun?" You remarked quietly. Sunggyu lifted his head from his phone gently nodding while his mind thought otherwise.

"Ah that little boy looks so cute in his frog shirt." You pointed to the little boy who was playing in the sand.

"No, not really." Sunggyu mumbled, catching your attention, you turned your head towards him. Watching him stand up, he put his hands in his pockets.

"Come on let’s go home I’m hungry." Sunggyu said turning to face away from the park.

"Okay." You took a deep breath and let it out, you looked down trying to hold his hand but both of his hands were hiding in his pockets.

Improvising, you slid your arm through his. He started to walk off while you looked back at the little kids playing at the park, a small smile curled onto your lips before looking at the path ahead.

"Sunggyu?" You looked up at him, while you feet kept up with his pace.

"Yeah…" He let out his breath while both of you walked home.

"Can I ask you something?" You felt your heart beat inside of your chest, watching his head nod, he glanced at you.

"Sure." Both of you were close to home by now, with the sun and the warmth of the rays already gone the two of you followed the lights on the street to guide you home.

"If something was bothering you, you would tell me right?" You asked once a little time had passed between the two of you.

"Yeah." Sunggyu nodded half halfheartedly, "Is something bothering you?"

"Yeah." You said opening up the door to the apartment, shuffling your coat off of your shoulder and taking off your shoes, you walking into the apartment while Sunggyu shut the door.

"What is it?" Sunggyu finally asked when you didn’t continue on with your question.

"Do you hate kids?" You turned around, looking him in the eyes.

"N-No." He said calmly but you saw his body tense up and he hesitated with his answer.

"Why is it that every time I bring up kids, you cringe or look away, or purse your lips together?" You asked bluntly.

"Why are you asking me this?" Sunggyu walked past you to the fridge where he pulled out his water and sipped it a little.

"Well we have been together for around five years and I am just wondering if you are wanting the same things as I do." You carefully remarked.

"What do you want exactly?" Sunggyu leaned against the counter a little intrigued at your answer.

"I want to get married and have kids." You shyly responded.

"K-Kids?" Sunggyu rolled his eyes, pushing away from the counter. "Can’t we talk about this later?" He started to make his way to the bedroom before you beat him to the doorway, blocking it with your body.

"No, when is going to be a better time to talk about this?" You questioned him.

"But isn’t this a little too far into the future?" He looked away from your once again.

"No, it isn’t that far." You responded, "I just have to know. Don’t you want to marry me and have kids?"

"I don’t know" He rubbed the back of his neck while wetting his lips with his tongue.

"Sunggyu, it has been five years already when are you going to know?" You started to become a little angry.

"I don’t know. Marriage is one thing but kids…" He turned around pacing.

"What is so bad about them? Why don’t you like to talk about them?" You asked him moving away from the door a little.

"They smell" He responded.

"They grow out of that" You corrected

"They are so noisy" He tried to fight back

"They will grow out of that too" You looked over his figure trying to read him.

"The cost so much, they don’t listen to you, they are messy, you have to watch them every second, they are always loud and yelling, always crying and you don’t get any peace and quiet with them around." Sunggyu started to get angry.

"They also love you and give you hugs and kisses, fall asleep in your arms when they are sick and make you feel like the most important person in the world!" You shot back at him.

"But then they yell at you, slam doors and say ‘I hate you’ kick and hit you while you are just trying to help them out, they won’t get to bed on time and everything is just a mess." He retorted

"They all aren’t like that." You quietly responded once tears started to sing your eyes.

"But they are, they don’t let you get any sleep, then they are just a burden always wanting you to hold them and feed them and play with them, they are worse than a dog." Sunggyu raised his voice louder causing a few tears to escape your eyes,

"But…" You started but he cut you off.

"Why do you want them, they all hate me!" Sunggyu yelled towards you, but quickly retracted his anger when he saw the tears roll down your cheeks.

"But I want them.” You whispered quietly before turning on your heels and running into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you.

”______-ah” Sunggyu felt his whole world drop onto his shoulders as he called out your name through the closed door.

"Just go away." You told him through your sobs.

"Just let me in, please." He begged.

"N-N-No, just l-l-leave." You cried into your pillow on your shared bed. Nodding his head, he headed to the couch where he thought about what he had just said.

Regret filled his heart, while the conversation flew through his head on repeat. Taking in a few deep breaths he started to pace around the room, hearing your sobs from the bedroom, his heart just started to break. Hanging his head low, he saw your phone on the coffee table.

Taking a seat on the couch, he grabbed your phone gently. Lighting up the screen he saw a picture of you and him together on your first date. Mud was splattered over the two of you from the mud fight that you two had just had in the rain. A small smile pulled on his lips while he unlocked the screen with his name for the password.

A picture of you surrounded by kids, at the daycare that you worked at. They were making a funny face with you that got him to show his gummy smile. Clicking on your photo gallery, he looked through the newer pictures of you with your older sisters baby.

It made his heart drop, you looked so beautiful holding the little girl, her smile was priceless then seeing her sleep against you, it made his heart feel warm.

Not hiding the bright smile that was on his face, he stood up holding your phone in his hand while he headed to the door knocking on it gently.

"What?" You snarled.

"Can we talk?" He felt his heart race in his chest. Hearing your feet slide against the floor, you opened the door with your tear soaked face.

"What do you want to talk about?" You leaned against the slightly propped open door.

"Our future together" He said with a smile, you looked into his eyes as you knew that they were true and honest. Letting him inside, both of you sat on the bed.

Carefully he took your hand and wrapped both of his hand around yours.

”_________-ah I know you have done a lot for me, I know you have waited longer than you wanted to for me, but will you wait a little longer until I can make it official?” He looked into your eyes.

"Are you serious?" You wanted to make sure that it is real

"I want my future to be with you and I want to have little Sunggyu’s and _____’s with you." He said with a smile while your jaw dropped.

"You’re not playing with me right?" You questioned.

"No, this is what I want too, it just took me a little longer to see it then you did." Sunggyu lifted his hand and cupped your cheek. "Thanks for waiting for me." He said with a smile.

"My pleasure." You smiled leaning in as you both held each other tightly.

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Chapter 1: First thing when he wrapped his arms around her when she came home was so flattering and I thought some kisses would follow but I was dumbfounded as well haha
Sunggyu was so harsh I would immediately cry haha but I won't be silent and let him continue this with me.. I might have zero tolerance and patience in such cases, but how cuuute when he changed his mind to marry her and have kids >\\\<
Yeah girls would always wish for a baby to hold <333

I feel like this is the 56325 Sunggyu story I read.. thank u for writing a lot for him !!!!
It felt so natural, as if Gyu would be like this once he thought about his future life~ I enjoy this story so much~:")
Enjoyed this!!
Chapter 1: omg,it made me have some tears threatening to fall,I'm also scared of having kids eventhough I really love them...
Chapter 1: I understand how you feel sunggyu! the thought of having kids scares me!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh~sunggyu XD
Chapter 1: It does happen but its awesome!
Chapter 1: Sweet like sugaaaaaaaaaaar!

Made my bad day a whole lot better: thanks R~
Chapter 1: I cannot. My Gyu Feels. T___T Sorry I haven't been commenting recently Author-nim~ I've been quite busy, but I have been reading. Hehe, and each story continues to bring a small smile and fluffiness fills me. <3 I absolutely love them. ^___^ Keep up the good work!