Chapter 59

Third Time Lucky? [EDITING]

Ji Hoo’s POV


“I can’t believe this” Ji Hoo muttered as he threw the envelope on the table when he got up and then walked out of the silent room.

He walked out of the lounge and into his car. He sped towards home.

When he entered he saw a vase with lilies in it and his anger reached its peak and the vase wasn’t a vase for much longer after that. Ji Hoo smashed and threw everything he could lay his eyes and hands on. He smashed his violin on the ground and was about to smash the piano too when his Harbeoji walked in and tried to stop him.


“Ji Hoo-ah, control yourself” the old man tried to calm him down but he couldn’t hold him for much longer. Luckily the other members of F4 came running in and Woo Bin put his arms around Ji Hoo’s to make him stop.

“Let me go!” Ji Hoo shouted and tried to get out from Woo Bin’s grip but the latter was too strong for him.

“Sunbae please calm down” Jan Di said

“Why should I calm down?! Why should I?! I have been calm my whole life! What did that get me? Only heartbreak! Only heartbreak” Ji Hoo finally broke down and fell into Jan Di’s arms. “I loved her, and I didn’t even tell her. And now she is getting married” Ji Hoo wailed like a little kid

“She is getting married, and I can’t even tell her how I feel” he continued crying and saying the same things over and over again.


The guys carried him to his bedroom and deposited him on his bed.


“This is so much worse than I thought” Woo Bin said in a worried tone as they all gathered in the guest room while the maids cleaned up the living room.

“I knew this was coming” Jan Di said “the more calm a person seems the more he hides from others, the more he hides the more gets pent up inside. The more that is pent up inside, the more danger that when it all comes out it’ll be that much more destructive.”

“We have to tell Mandy, I cannot see him like this anymore” Jun Pyo said

“And what? Make unnie feel guilty about something that was not her fault, about which she had no idea?” Jan Di asked rhetorically

“No” Jun Pyo said

“But then what can we do? We cannot let Ji Hoo be like this” Yi Jung said


“Why don’t we let him rest for a while and then tackle things as they come tomorrow?” Harbeoji suggested “You all come for breakfast tomorrow” he said and everyone nodded. “What he needs the most right now is the love and support of you all”

“Yes, you are correct Harbeoji. That’s why I am going to stay the night” Jan Di said

“No, you go back to your home and rest, he is not going to wake up till the morning, so let’s all meet tomorrow” Harbeoji said with a finality and everybody bowed to him and left.


The next morning everyone gathered at the Yoon house for breakfast.

Ji Hoo woke up at around 8:30 in the morning with noises coming from the dining room.

“What are you all doing here?” he asked as he stood in front of them.

“I invited them all for breakfast.” his Harbeoji smiled at him “Now go freshen up and then come join us”

Ji Hoo again vanished into his room and freshened up in 10 minutes.


“Are you okay now?” Jan Di asked as Ji Hoo joined them all at the table

“I don’t know”

“What would you like to eat?” his harbeoji asked

“I don’t feel like eating”

“Sunbae, don’t punish yourself for something you had no control over” Ga Eul said

“I should have known better than to fall for her. I knew from the start that she was going to go away; this whole thing was just temporary” Ji Hoo said

“But that doesn’t mean that you are going to punish yourself or Mandy for something for which no one can be held responsible” Jun Pyo said “She expects us, you especially, to be there for the most important day of her life. So pull your together and be there” Jun Pyo finished and got up from the table and left.


“I’m sorry for what Jun Pyo said Sunbae; he just spits out whatever comes in his mind” Jan Di apologized to Ji Hoo

“But he is right about one thing” Woo Bin said “She expects us all to be there with her and that means you have to go too. Or if you are planning to confess, that’s another matter”

“I cannot tell her” Ji Hoo said

“But why?” Yi Jung demanded and Ji Hoo explained it all to them like he had explained to his Harbeoji.

“So what are you going to do?” Ga Eul asked

“Like Jun Pyo said, I have to pull my together and also see that she gets married properly” Ji Hoo sighed

“Um Sunbae, unnie also asked us to join her 3 weeks before the wedding, for a quick tour of her hometown with her” Jan Di informed him

“That is a quick tour?” he asked and shook his head and smiled


“So you are going to go through with it?” Yi Jung asked

“I don’t think I have any other choice. It will kill me to see her get married to someone else, but it’s her choice to marry this guy, and her smile is all that matters. If she is happy, maybe I’ll have a shot at being happy by seeing her happy, even if it is with someone else.” Ji Hoo said with a sigh


Ga Eul and Jan Di had tears in their eyes and excused themselves from the group.

“Girls, they get emotional on everything” Ji Hoo said, smiling sadly

“Ji Hoo-ah” Woo Bin put a hand on his shoulder and tried to console him.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it” Ji Hoo tried to assure them

“You know that we are always here, right?” Yi Jung said

“Of course” Ji Hoo said and they all then left.


“They didn’t even have breakfast” Ji Hoo observed when he sat down at the dining table with his Harbeoji.

“They didn’t come here for breakfast”

“I know; thank you. It did actually help” Ji Hoo looked at his grandfather gratefully.

The old man just smiled at him and they finished their breakfast.


Ji Hoo decided to call Mandy while his grandfather had gone to the clinic; Ji Hoo had skipped for the day. Mandy picked up on the second ring.

“I was going to call you myself right now” Mandy said as she picked up

“Hey, sorry for how I reacted yesterday. I was just a bit shocked”

“Yeah, I know. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you anything sooner. It’s just that I was so busy and this whole thing was such a surprise for me too that I just couldn’t think anything else. You know I had actually decided to call you and ask for your opinion on this” Mandy said

“Then why didn’t you?”

“You don’t know Gagan; so how could you tell if he is good for me or not? So I called Niya instead.”




“Are you happy?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Why did you accept his proposal?”

“It was a very difficult decision to make; I mean yeah he’s my friend; yeah he’s my first crush, but that doesn’t mean that we would hit it off. But then I thought ‘why not?’ I am not going to fall in love, but the thing that comes closest to it is my first crush, and my parents approve of him. So rather than marrying someone who I’d have to know from scratch, I should marry a person who is a friend, whom I already know.”


“But do you love him?”

“Love will come eventually”

“Are you sure?” Ji Hoo asked again

“Babu, what is this really about?” Mandy asked

“Nothing, just want to ensure that you took this decision after a lot of consideration”

“Trust me, I did. But let’s stop this talk; it’s a little too serious for my tastes.” She laughed

“Then what do you want to talk about?”


“Umm, I heard Harbeoji moved in with you. How is he now?”

“He is fine now, but still refuses to see a specialist for his knees. He said the same thing you said when you got sick, that how would it seem for one doctor to go to another for petty treatment”

“He did? Aww. But you have to force your hand here too, like you did with me”

“Yeah, I was thinking that”

“And arrange for him to come to my wedding too. I didn’t even talk to him properly about it.”

“You didn’t even talk to me properly about it”

“Yeah, I know. Nothing much to tell though; the D-day is four months from now and my whole family has gone nuts with preparation. My wedding is the last one in my family, so they are all trying to add one or the other crazy idea about food, venue and decorations and what not. One of them even suggested a performance by Bruno Mars.”

“I can talk to him if you want” Ji Hoo suggested


“You know Bruno Mars?!!” Mandy shouted at the phone

“Yeah, I met him once” Ji Hoo said weakly

“Um okay, but no thanks; that would be a little over the top. The music is going to play from the DJ, coz it’ll be easier to switch songs fast for the dancing; though I did tell my planner to hire some dhol players.”

“What’s that?” Ji Hoo asked

“It’s a type of drum and people can dance on the beats. The body automatically starts swaying as soon as the dhol’s sound reaches one’s ears. I don’t think I have seen one person who can resist the dhol.”

“You seem pretty excited about all this” Ji Hoo said sadly

“I am; I mean I’m not going to get married everyday”



“But listen, I forgot to tell you the most important thing”

“What is it?”

“You all have to come at least 3 weeks before the wedding”

“Yeah, Jan Di told me that you wanted to go on a quick tour of your hometown. But tell me this; how does that count as a quick tour”

“It does when you are going to explore a city like Delhi. Delhi is one of those cities in which you can spend your whole life but still not know it fully” Mandy said

“Now you are making me intrigued” Ji Hoo said

“You should be. Ok, Babu, I’ll talk to you later ok? I have an appointment I have to go to”

“Then talk to me on the earpiece till you reach there” Ji Hoo said desperately

“I already am there. I am actually standing outside the building, bye”

“Ok bye” Ji Hoo replied, but she had already hung up.


Ji Hoo getting desperate to spend time with Mandy. Hmmn what do you think is gonna happen?

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MrAsia #1
Awesome story dear waiting for next story good luck
Pikubpatel #2
My favorite...amazing story..i love ji hoo and u r awesome ... desperately waiting for the sequel...
mreralli05 #3
Chapter 70: Amazing....... Loved the story
waiting for the sequel :)
Chapter 70: Chapter 69: I LOVED YOUR STORY!
As a fellow Indian I felt really comfortable to read this story and I love it!
Ji Hoo finally got his girl:)
I was reading this non stop! I started this today and finished it too
One of my fav stories!
Chapter 70: A sequel would be cherry on the top....and of course woo bin and niya"s story would be just awesome
karman #6
Chapter 69: Amazing dearie....but I think it needs a sequel
nss1991 #7
Chapter 69: superb and fantastic updates ! loved your story so much !
Chapter 70: Even the beta reader is still waiting for the chaps....where are they??! :p
Chapter 70: Wah! That was some update!!! I thought i was seeing things when i saw so many updates ...and a "Completed" sign for this wonderful story! Loved each and every minute of it! Hope to see the Sequel the way,i could not see the Image of the story you said you had put up!