No Perfume on Me


Chunji is your boyfriend. and yes, you love your boyfriend with all your heart. But sometimes a girl has to have a little fun.

A girl has needs you know.


So this is about you and Chunji and Niel...oh and a little surprise guest at the end. Oh geeze, I tried to keep them so in character, I'm sorry if I didn't.. *bows* lately my writing has so I hope this oneshot isn't too bad. Feedback and stuff is always welcomed.


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Chapter 1: Wow.....Chunji at the end. That was so sad!!!

But I really like how you put in parts with her think about how it was wrong, but how she still moved on to it anyways. Great job!
Chapter 1: OMG aaahaha I LOVED IT !! Oh god Niel ;_; <3
jongup-jongdown #3
Chapter 1: hahah. I love the ending :)
Chapter 1: My Niel feels..
&& Yunho at the end.
Ohmy. I really liked this. :)
Chapter 1: I was waiting for something like this!!!!!
I was kind of upset about the song itself, because it's always guys cheating on girls.
But not this time!!!!!!

Love it!!!!!!!!!
-Dany_Sol- #6
Cheating On Chunji with Niel - Poor Chunji u.u
Cheating On Chunji with Yunho - Poor Chun.. Wait... Did you say Yunho? That Yunho? The super y Yunho? Oh... Well, I think Chunji has a lot of attention...

Ok, I feel mean for coming up with ^this^ xD
NoraeFerYoo #7
LOL creative. Errbody cheating up in here xD
Niel <3 buahaha~
ilovelove #8
aww poor chanhee! haha but i feel like hes the one who would cheat! haha he has cheated before ^_^ that lil playa! im sorry i would neva forgive a cheater and i would neva be one myself ^_^
usagi-kun #9
This one-shot is so coool & a bunch of other words to describe a fantastic one-shot ! lol
Kyaaa~!!!!! Yunho!!!<br />
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It's fit the song... Teen Top's one that called No more perfume on you... gosh~ <br />
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Like this^^