Chapter 42

Trusting Demons

I can still use my powers, Leo informed the others after trying to melt a rock, Hongbin? What about you?

Yeah, the empath nodded, I can still use mine.

Then why can’t I use mine? Hyuk questioned, a deep frown on his face.

You can enter dreams, Hyorin shared her theory, and this is kind of like a dream, right? You can’t enter a dream if you’re already in one.

Maybe, Hyuk nodded.

What matters is that Leo hyung can use his power, Hongbin pointed out, I mean, how else are we going to burn the shadows out?

Hongbin is right, Leo nodded, if I couldn’t use my power in here, we’d be in a big mess.

The group fell silent and kept walking. They had given up waiting for N, Ken, and Ravi to rejoin them. Hyorin knew that they weren’t dead, that they had only been sent back to the real world. That knowledge did little to comfort her, though. She knew that all three would be worrying over her and the others, stressing themselves out as they tried to come up with ways to help. Especially N. he was always so worried about her well-being, maybe even more then he should.

She could do some things in battle. She’d even saved him and Hyuk once. Given, that had been with BamBam’s help, but she hadn’t been the weak link in that team. N just……didn’t seem to want to admit that she was getting stronger. Maybe it was because his last – well, second last – masters had died. She knew that VIXX blamed themselves, thought that it had happened because they weren’t strong enough. None of them wanted that to repeat with Hyorin. N, seemed to take that even more serious than the others.

Hyorin was pulled out of her thoughts by Hongbin grabbing her hand.

Don’t worry, he smiled, everything will be alright.

I know, she returned his smile.

But you’re upset, he frowned, I can feel it. Empath, remember?

I was just thinking about N, Ken, and Ravi, she admitted, they must be so worried.

To be fair, Hongbin laughed lightly, N hyung is always worried. About you, me, Hyukkie, Leo hyung…..he’s worried about everyone.

I know, she nodded, and that’s what worries me about him.

It worries all of us, Hyuk spoke up, taking her other hand and swinging their joined hands back and forth playfully, he’s going to worry himself sick at this rate.

I hope not, Hyorin frowned.

He’s done it before, Hyuk frowned, a lot, actually.

Hyukkie would know, Hongbin nodded, he’s been with N hyung the longest.

Yeah, she nodded, N told me.

He did? Leo questioned, when?

A while ago, she tried to remember exactly when N had told her about how he and his brothers had become VIXX, I think it was back when we still had JB locked up in the basement.

He doesn’t normally talk about that time, Hongbin told her, none of us like talking about it.

Yeah, she nodded in understanding, I wouldn’t want to talk about it either.

How much did he tell you? Leo questioned.

Nothing too detailed, Hyorin replied, just how he found everyone. Even then he didn’t go into detail about it.

Good, Leo whispered, so quiet that Hyorin almost didn’t hear him. She wondered just what had happened in Leo’s past that made him so reluctant to talk about it. It had to be something really bad and that made her sad. Hongbin quickly noticed her sadness and sent a wave of happiness her way.

Don’t frown so much, he teased, you’ll get wrinkles.

Sorry, she bowed her head slightly.

You shouldn’t apologize for that, Hyuk told her, actually, I kind of like when you worry about us.

Huh? Hyorin blinked in confusion.

It means you care about us, Hyuk explained, and, well, when we first met you… worrying about us shows how much things have changed. How much closer we’ve gotten.

He’s right, Hongbin giggled, we’ve come really far when you think about how things started out.

Yeah, Hyorin looked down, ashamed, I’m sorry for acting like a brat back then. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

Don’t feel bad, Leo spoke up, glancing back and giving her a rare smile, that’s the past. This is now.

You were going through a lot of stuff, Hyuk added, we were easy targets to lash out at.

I’d have been more concerned if you held in all in, Hongbin frowned ever so slightly, holding in feelings like that isn’t healthy.

Hold up, Leo suddenly said, stopping so suddenly that Hyorin bumped into him.

What is it? Hyuk asked, looking around and moving closer to Hyorin.

I heard something moving, Leo said.

The group fell silent and waited. For a long moment, there was nothing but silence, but then they heard something. It sounded like something had stepped on a twig, but that wasn’t what was important. What was important was that the thing making the noise was getting closer. Leo bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to do. They couldn’t run, the thing might chase them. But he also couldn’t leave Hyuk or Hongbin to fight it nor could he stay behind.

A/N: what’s going to come out of the forest? One of the beasts? Or the shadows? Who know!! Well, I know but that’s not the point haha. Please remember to vote in the poll, guys.

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RilenA #1
Chapter 53: Never thought o would say this, but N's hrll hound is so adorable. Wanting to plan dates and all that. So cuuute!!!
somehow_sunflowers #2
Ok I love the actress who plays Lee Rina. She is my all time favorite Japanese actress and has been in most of my favorite Japanese shows/movies. :D
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 70: I really love this series xD Please make a story about GOT7 too ^^
Chapter 70: Hyorin has a gud plan and managed to find the dolls before Nayoung realised hat she was doing lol relieved no one got hurt and SHINee tried to hold back a little :) Haha EXO got to say the father speech "u hurt daughter we kill u " XD
So happy they're going to stay together…..but super sad that its over :'( its been a really fantastic story and a pleasure to read. U've managed to take me on an extraordinary journey so a big THANK U ^^
vinmya86 #5
Chapter 70: Sad T.T but happy in same time
Gonna miss VIXX and Hyorin too :-)
Thanks for this great story :-D let me know when you started writing about Got7 ;-)
Chapter 70: Yay!!! They stayed together!!!! ^-^
Lovely ending to an awesome story!
Chapter 70: Bruh, you should do a short 1-2 chapter sequel of when they marry and have kids omg
vinmya86 #8
Chapter 69: Shinee gonna call EXO,it means VIXX gonna meet their future in laws kekeke...
How about Got7?
spadeangel #9
Chapter 69: so waiittt is got7 still gonna be in the last chapter?
Chapter 68: Chapter 68:Please continue im going to be waiting so much bcuz I love this story. When will you post the next chapter?