Chapter 10

The True Reason - Book II

After I left at our place, I head straight to the Jung's residence. "Oh, Amber! What a pleasant surprise! Come in!"


I smiled before stepping inside their house. Mrs. Jung might noticed that I wasn't with my family. "Oh, where's Soojung and Trish? You're not with them?" She asked as we walked to living room.


I scan the surroundings, searching for a certain Mr. Jung. I turned my head at her, and smiled. "Yeah, mom. Um, is dad also here?"


With that, she got confused. "Of course, he's here. Why? Do you want to talk to him? I'll call him right now if you want.."


"No, mom! It is okay." I stopped her. She was ready to call her husband. "Actually, I came here to talk to the both of you.."


formed an 'o' shape, maybe still curious of my sudden visit. "Okay, then. Have a sit, Amber. I will call my husband -- do you want tea? Or juice, honey?"


As I sat on the sofa, the anxiousness I was feeling just grew and somehow, it wasn't helping. I looked at mom and smiled. "Um, no thanks mom. I'm okay."


"You sure, Amber?" I nodded. "Okay. Just wait here, okay? I will call him." She said, smiling before she went to call her husband.


After a few minutes, they went back together with Mrs. Jung trailing behind him. I stood up. "Oh, hey! Amber! What a surprise! What brings you here? Where's Soojung and my cute little granddaughter?" Somehow, his enthusiasm made me relax a bit. I smiled, as we both shared a hug, before Mr. and Mrs. Jung went to sit on the sofa across from me. I also sat on the couch again, gripping my hands tightly in front of me.


I let out a breath through my nose, looking up at the couple. "Um, they're not here, dad. Actually, Soojung doesn't know that I am here."


"Oh.." Mr. Jung trailed and Mrs. Jung glanced at him, for that. "Is that so? Oh yeah, I heard from my wife that you wanted to talk to us. Are you planning to get a surprise for Soojungie?"


He joked and I managed to crack a small smile. I was thankful that he did that, but it still didn't break the anxiousness that I was feeling. Maybe, Mrs. Jung noticed my faint reaction. "Amber? Is.. everything okay?" She asked worried and I thought, Mr. Jung also noticed because he was looking at me in worry.


I took a deep breath. This was now or never. "Do you.." I paused. I felt, that the next words that would slipped through my lips were harder to say. "Do you have any idea where.. Jessica.. could be?"


I knew that I got them. From the expression on their faces, they must've been weren't expecting me to say her name again or.. rather something. They didn't speak nor respond to my question and I took this chance to continue..


I told them my encounter with Tiffany the other and my conversation with her last night. I told them everything, that I had found out. Everything. About Jessica. And while I was telling this to them, I didn't notice that I was crying. My heart was dying as I told them about Tiffany told me.


"Mom.. dad.." I sobbed. "W-why? Didn't you tell me? she.. she doesn't deserve the pain.. she doesn't.."


I found out from Tiffany that Mr. and Mrs. Jung knew it all along. I was just so disappointed, that they didn't tell me and also wondering why they never told me about it. "You are right, Amber." Mrs. Jung spoke. I didn't notice that she was starting to tear up. "My poor Sooyeon doesn't deserve this kind of pain. We wanted to tell you, Amber but then -- Jessica. She chose not to tell you, especially Krystal. She doesn't want to hurt her sister. And even though she really didn't want to do it.. she sacrificed her relationship with you, even though Jessica really loves you. She did it for Krystal. Jessica doesn't want to see Krystal hurting because of her. Despite the pain, she chose Krystal's happiness to be fulfilled than hers.. she kept the pain all by herself, and when she got pregnant.. she also chose not to tell you.."


"I miss you so much, Amber.. oh god, I love you.. I love you so much.."


didn't know if I said something wrongbecause after I said those words to you, suddenly you pulled away from my embrace. In an instant, without you in my arms, I felt all alone..


I was confused when I saw you, wearing back your clothes. It seems that you were getting ready to leave, so I called your name, but then you didn'trespond as if I was only a shadow..


When you stepped out of the room, without hesitations, I followed you. I was afraid that you'd leave me, so I asked you and told you to stay because it was already late, but then, you rejected my offer..


badly wanted to beg you, not to leave by my side - just to stay with me for that night, but even if I said those words to you, I knew you wouldn't want to.. I was such a fu**ing coward..


That night, I couldn'thelp myself anymore. All of my emotions were all piled up, that was why, "I love you." I blurted out those words.


And it killed me to seethat youdidn't like what you head from me. You did asked me to say it again, but from the expression on your faceit was like you were telling me not to dare to say those words again. I was terrified by you, Amber, but then, I wanted to say it again.. I wanted you to feel my love for you, even though it pains me, that you were treating me like a complete trash, I just wanted you to feel how much I love you, "I said.. I love you.. I love you so much, Amber.."


And youknow what killed my heart Amber? That the one I truly love the most was cursing atme, because she thought that I fooled her -- she thought, I cheated on her..


But, did you know what hurts the most? That all I did was to saved Krystal from her misery, and yet I ended upreceiving all these kind of pain, but..


But I chose this path, right? Even though it was against mywill.. I just wanted you to know that, I was still in lovewith you, when I let you go..


You didn't know, Amber how hurt you did to me, when you told me that it was just for you..


wouldn't want to label it like that, Amber. For me, we made love. I was in euphoria -- I was crying in happiness while we were making love, and I felt like I was in cloud 9, when finally I hadyou in my arms that night. No words couldn't express how much joy I felt, that night.


If I could tell you these.. would you believe me? My Amber?





You left.




I already lost count ohow many hours, I was crying that moment, until my members had found me again -- physically and emotionally messed up.


didn't want you to quit your job because of me, so I immediately called the producer of the show, saying that I was resigning. But then, I knew also to myself that I couldn't face you anymore, because I was still hurting. It really made a hole through my heart -- big time..


After that, I said to myself, I would try to move one..


So, I tried.. I really tried harder, but you are still invading my mind, especially my heart, Amber. I couldn't forget you no matter what..


Two months passed and I already accept the fact that my love foryou would never vanished..


Two months also, that I noticed the changes of my body..


After I left at the Jung's residence, my brain was still in a mess, and even until in this very moment of time..


The biggest or should I say, shocking revelation I had found out first from Tiffany then, from Mr. and Mrs. Jung was.. just hard to believe.


I didn't know actually. I was convincing myself to believe of what they've said, but I just couldn't.. it was really impossible to happen.


"So, Amber. What brings you here? How's Soojung and Trish by the way?"


Before I go back to our apartment, I decided to visit my close friend -- Dr. Lee Seo Hee at the hospital. She was an OB/GYN and we were friends, ever since before I debuted as a K-pop idol and up until now.


I just thought, that I had to ask her some questions, "They're good. Trish is growing so fast, while Soojung -- she's still busy with her modeling career. --- hey, um.. am I bothering you? Maybe you're busy?"


"No-no! It is okay! It is our lunch break, so its okay." She said as she motioned me to sit on one of the chairs by her desk. "So, Amber.. are you planning to get your fiancée pregnant? Hehe!"


My eye twitched. My tongue tied because of that. I just let out an awkward laugh at her joke, before sitting on the chair. "Well.. now you asked that, I wonder if there are some cases that a girl got pregnant by a girl?"


And all of a sudden, she stopped laughing. She stared at me as if I had grown another head from my head. Then later on, I just realized what I had asked her. guess, I wasn't thinking straight again. "What?" I asked, pretending that I didn't say anything wrong.


Then, "Bwahahaha!!" She bursted into laughs. I rolled my eyes, but sighed in relief, because she must've been thought that I was only joking. "Seriously, Amber. You're getting married soon and your still a dork! Hahaha!"


That was close. And again, I let out an awkward laugh, shaking my head side to side. "But, seriously Seo Hee-ah.." This time I was subtly serious, and she stopped her actions and paid her attention on me. "I was just curious. Are there really some cases about it?"


She furrowed her eyebrows, leaning her back against her chair, before escaping some giggles. "Why do you ask?"


"Well.." I paused, searching for the right words to say. "Like what I've said. I was jus curious."


"Hm.." She trailed, nodding as she fixed her papers and then, piling it on the other side of her desk. "Well, actually there were sent 3 cases before.."


Suddenly, my chest pounded so hard of what she said, "R-really?" I stuttered. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I regained my composure. "But.. how.. how come? I-is that possible?"


She shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't know how, actually. It was really a long time ago, anyways. I heard that, the first case happened in Pennsylvania on 1600's, then in Pennsylvania also after a hundred years later them in France on 1750's. Some says that it was just a ridiculous rumor, but others were saying that it did really happened.."


In an instant all of my energy drained like, my body was already a jell-o. I didn't know if she noticed it, but I think my face became pale and I felt a cold sweat that run through my forehead, all of a sudden. "But I think it was jus a ridiculous rumor. There's no way a girl can get pregnant by a girl."


It was just a ridiculous rumor. There's no way a girl can get pregnant by a girl..


That was my thought also, but was it really impossible? Was it really a rumor?











A/N: im deeply sorry guys that i update this story just now after for more than two weeks? i guess.. im really sorry, and i hope you understand.. mianhe.. *bows head*



Anyways lets go back to the story..


i saw some comments about amber's gender here and im really sure that amber is DEFINITELY a girl here.. now on the next topic some of you.. well not some but All.. were like guessing that our mystery mother on our previous chapter was Jessica.. but all I can say is..




how can you be so sure that it was really jessica jung?  is it really jessica? hmm.. i suggest that you have to read the next chapters before you make some assumptions.. hehe!





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Sorry for the late update guys! I am not sure if my subscribers are still active! But the latest chap is updated! Thank you!!


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Chapter 23: Please update
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Chapter 23: We've waited so long author!
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Chapter 23: Yes.welcome back author-nim 😊
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Chapter 18: Yeeeeaaaa welcome back author nim :))
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Chapter 23: wow finally..welcome back author-nim
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Chapter 23: Welcome back!
King_Han #7
Chapter 23: Finallyyy
Satsuki12 #8
Chapter 23: Welcome back, please update more :)
27camz #9
Chapter 23: thank you and welcome back! :)
taeny20 #10
Chapter 23: wow thank you for the update author and welcome back