What does she feel?

Royal Ransom

The two swordsmen were at it in the small space. The royal guards plus the other four all joined in as best they could. Cheolyoung just pushed men into walls so their heads would bang against them. Changsun lashed out with his sword which Sanghyun did in slower but still effective movements.

Byunghee stayed at the back to stop any more rebels from intruding. “This is getting out of hand, what do we do?” He called out to Changsun who didn’t really hear.

Seungho were still at it in the room. Jihoon slid his sword to the side and created a long slash in Seungho’s arm. The slight pain caught him off guard and he kept thrashing, not as strong due to the injury.

Jihoon gloated in delight. He sliced again and got Seungho by the thigh. He dropped down to one knee. Jinkyong gasped in horror. She’d never seen him be attacked in such a manner before.

“Is your affection for my future bride weakening your abilities?!” He scoffed his eyes watching him mockingly. He at the other thigh and soon Seungho was kneeling before him. Stepping forward Jihoon slapped him hard across the face and Seungho had to spit out blood.

When he had removed the crimson liquid from his mouth Seungho replied. “It has only strengthened my reserve to win.” He was knocked down by a kick to the chest, winding him as well.

“How is Seungho?” Byunghee came more to the entrance of the room. He stopped as a royal guard was pushed through a wall with a rebel falling on top of him.

Sanghyun paused to ask Changsun. “Well, how is he?” Changsun glanced around the corner. Jihoon was standing over Seungho as he sat on the floor kneeling.

“He’s losing,” Sanghyun answered hastily. Byunghee started over to him. Cheolyong started to panic.

“We’re doomed!”

“No we’re not,” Changsun said to him but even then some of the cool composure he once had in his eyes faded. “Seungho, how will you survive that?”

Byunghee leapt over a lain body but Jihoon’s sword was a lot closer to Seungho’s body than he was to them.


There were some sounds. An exclamation from a male and the noise of a sword stabbing down.  Changsun’s face had fallen. Sanghyun was in disbelief. Byunghee who had been a foot away from the scene dropped his sword.

Cheolyong looked around at the older members of their group before he noticed what they saw. Seungho lying flat on his back with his head lifted up. Jinkyong stood in front of him, with Jihoon’s sword in her middle.



Jihoon froze in his spot. Jinkyong began to choke and blood spurted out from her lips right onto his clothes. Royal guards marched in and seized Jihoon who was forced to remove his blade. Jinkyong collapsed.

“BIG SISTER,” Cheolyong was prevented from going to her by a clasp on his shoulder. Seungho pushed himself upright and then went straight to Jinkyong’s side. He picked her up and held her in his arms, the wound bleeding rapidly.

The others watched in horror and some grief. Changsun lowered his head in respect. “Let’s leave them be.”

Shaking his head Seungho exhaled heavily. It was his way of coping with the aftershock. “Why,” his voice was barely audible, full of disbelief and also distress. “Why did you do that?”

Trembling as she spoke Jinkyong lifted her eyes up to him. “Y-you wanted to know how I felt about you… W-well… This is my answer.”

Despite the situation this brought a wretched smile to Seungho’s face as well as a strong urge to blink his eyes heavily. He didn’t expect to start tearing up.

Some of the men grasped Byunghee by the arms, “w-what are you doing?”

“Hey release me!” Cheolyong didn’t like being handled.

Even while he was holding Jinkyong two guards came beside Seungho forcing him up. Jinkyong was taken to the care of ladies in waiting who had just arrived. They were worried when they saw her bleeding. “Call the royal physician.”

Changsun went to find one of the men who wore red unlike the blue uniforms the others wore. “Sir what is the meaning of this?”

The Captain stopped, “these men are in association with the man who kidnapped the princess.”

Sanghyun joined them. He shook his head. “No sir, these men did the opposite. Along with Changsun and me they were bringing her back to the palace up until a certain point.”

Changsun’s superior paused. Eyed the men with caution and then asked, “Can I trust this man’s words Soldier Lee?”

Changsun looked at Sanghyun and he made a happy nod. “Of course,” he clasped Sanghyun on the shoulder. “He is my dear little brother after all.”

Hearing those words brought warmth to Sanghyun’s face and his expression brightened. “Very well, I’ll meet with his royal majesty and we’ll decide what sort of reward they will earn.”

“Thank you sir,” Changsun and Sanghyun bowed to him before the man took his leave. Sanghyun stopped Changsun from going to the other three.

“You, said I’m your little brother,” he said. “That… That is the first time you’ve ever said that to me.”

Changsun smiled, “that’s because even though we aren’t blood related; we’re still family in some way.”



The five were shown to the barracks where some of the soldiers complained about having to make room for the unexpected guests but Changsun knew they wouldn’t complain once they were on duty and there was space for a night.

“This will be fine for us thank you,” Byunghee told a servant while there was a wince in the background. Changsun finished applying one of the dressings to Seungho’s thigh, he had to take his trousers off fortunately he still had a blanket to cover him.

“Ouch, do you want me to kick you?”

“Maybe you should sit still,” Changsun tied the end of the bandage. “There, all finished you big baby.”

Seungho was about to make a retort back when Cheolyong’s interrupted the moment.
“Jin—the princess,” he was making a plea to a guard who had come by to check they were settling alright. “May I see her?”

“I don’t know if that will be possible—“

“—do as he says,” Changsun hadn’t intended to be abrupt. However he could see that the younger man was worried about her. Another man entered. He was dressed in a red robe, his tall black hat those only worn by upper class. His face had been worn and wrinkled from the sun, beard a thin line of hairs around his jaw.

“G-General Jung,” Changsun bowed followed by the others except Seungho who wasn’t able to move.

“Forgive me for the sudden intrusion. This has been a rather challenging day for you all.” He eyed Changsun. “Well done on your hard work. I hear that you may be getting a promotion rather soon.”

This changed Changsun’s expression to one of flustered surprise. “T-thank you sir,” he bowed on his knees to him causing a snicker from someone watching.

“And what about you four; would any of you be interested in a position as a guard?”

“Here, at the palace?” Byunghee questioned.

“That is correct; you are strong men who would make fine additions to the royal guard. I will let you think about it some more however before you accept.”

Byunghee nodded while Seungho became perplexed. He didn’t know how to take such an offer. Cheolyong decided to try and request the same thing as he did from the previous visitor.

“Please let me see her.”

He sounded almost on the verge of crying. “Please, just for a moment.”

Seeing him emotionally torn up brought a wave of sorrow within the other members. Byunghee had to bit the bottom of his lip while Sanghyun touched the corner of his eyes. Changsun swallowed, waiting for the General’s answer.

The man held out a hand, “come with me.”

Cheolyong glanced at the others to make sure it was safe for him. He followed the man out of the barracks down a path that led up the back of the palace before going down the hallway.

“General Jung is to see the crown princess.”

The door slid open and Cheolyong was pushed forward. The room was empty except for a lady in waiting who jumped at his appearance and Jinkyong who lay in her bed not moving. Her hanbok was open at the front; white bandages showed covering up her stomach with a piece of fabric hiding her bust.

 Overwhelmed by seeing her pale, barely breathing Cheolyong was on his knees and he took one of her hands. He breathed on it lightly. “I heard from someone. When I was sick and close to dying you were there, giving me support. I had the honour of the princess being by my side.”

He paused for a moment. Moving his mouth closer to her ear he whispered. “Big sister, you need to survive. You are strong; you need to live for Seungho, the man that you love the most… Why else would you have stopped that evil man from hurting him?”

This chapter could have been longer however I don’t think all the sections are of equal length. Wait and see if she survives.

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I've kept you all waiting and with a short chapter might I add .__.


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Chapter 18: TT^TT My Seung Ho TT^TT My MBLAQ... I'm left fandomless :(
But I like the princess's love for Seungho.Hopefully everything will turn out alright for them :)
Omg... I haven't been here to read fics for a long time and you added so many chapters. :D
You even posted the poster.
Chapter 17: OMGeee, GO go smack some sense into my air-headed and extremely stubborn bias, will you?! >.<" I was shocked indeed, but maybe not as shocked as the king? :)) I wonder what will happen to her... usually they're exiled TT^TT
Thank you for the nice update, unnie! ^.^
Chapter 16: So they did it? Really DID it? but how about jinkyong's marriage? please make them together till the end author-nim T^T
Chapter 16: The chapter is extremely sweet!^^ I feel bad for Jinkyong and Seung Ho as well, but it's clear they won't ever forget about each other :) Hmmm... what's going n with Seung Ho?! >.<" Does he really have a death wish or something?! Man, get yourself together or I'll slap some sense into you like the good fan that I am, your truthfully, real-life wife LOLOLOL Kiddin' :P
Chapter 15: the end? Seriously author-nim? I mean this is really the last chapter? Aigoooooo it's so saaaaaaaaaaaddd T^T #cantstopcrying
Chapter 15: No No No No and again NO!!! TT^TT Poor my bias, poor princess! TT^TT I understand his reason and all, but... but... but yet why?! TT.TT Poor Seung Ho...
Chapter 14: I've decided! Even if Seung Ho is my bias, I like this princess :D After all, she did protect him :)
Really now, unnie, I feel like I'm watching a historical drama. Only that you don't prolong the plot unnecessarily, thing for which I love you ^.^ I really hope she'll make it and that the king will approve of their relationship *-*
Chapter 14: Uwaaaaa make her survive please please please author-niiiiiiiiiiiimmmm T^T
kiba_phoenix #10
Chapter 13: The princess has a weak & trusting heart. She gave in too easily to Jihoon.