The Fifth Page


Life's a troll.

Crushing on the guy you know you'd never get is not the worst.

What's worse is when the whole class know about you crushing on him.


Hi Readers!

I am a new writer, who have been reading fan-fiction for a long time now. 

I was inspired to write this story as I was used to writing stories like this for my Mother Tongue essays, and I felt the urge to write again. This time, though, I decided to translate into an English piece and post it up here! Since it was translated, it is not really that great, but I still do hope that you would like it. 

I chose Baek Hyun for this story because I felt like he suit the character more. He's the second on my bias list, after Chanyeol, in EXO. 

If you do like it, remember to leave a comment below. Also, if possible, do subscribe to this story, and give it an upvote!


P.S. Any similarity in this story is pure coincidence. I own this story and plagarism is definitely not allowed! :D





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Aww. :(

I'm sorry. But hope you like how it went though. :)
Chapter 1: ◆ this story made me cry.