Chapter 1


"I'm calling the police if you do not leave me alone!" Qing Yue screamed as she ran out the restaurant, fuming mad. 

"Qing Yue! Let me explain! What I said-" He was cut off by her furious screaming. 

"What you said was what? The truth?" Qing Yue glared at him. "Just leave me alone if you know what's good for you." She turned around and advanced towards the other side of the road, not noticing the open man hole just a few steps in front of her. "That idiot actually accused me of sleeping around while he was gone?! He actually believed that girl's words instead of his girlfriend! How could he?! Especially when he knew that Zhang Meixin despises me! The nerve of that guy!" She was furious to the point she didn't even notice her boyfriend, now ex, calling her name frantically. She merely kept walking until she dropped into the manhole making her scream in shock and fear. 

"OH MY GOD!!!" She went tumbling down the manhole which surprisingly went on and on. The next thing she knew, she was plummeting down through the air. 

Qing Yue let out scream after scream as she plummet through the air and into the ground with a loud 'Oof!'.

As she slowly lifted her head, she realized where she was and nearly let out a gasp. Surrounding her was, not one but a crowd of people who wore things rather differently, in the way ancient China wore their clothes. 

"What the hell..?" Qing Yue continued swearing like a sailor as her eyes scanned the crowd, still in shock. The crowd was equally as shock as she was but everyone was snapped out of their daze when a slightly older woman walked over to the girl on the floor before effortlessly picking her up. 

"Looks like we have a new participant!" The older woman said but Qing Yue paid no attention to her. "But wait! Who's this?" The older woman looked at her carefully before realizing who she was. 

"Hua family's 2nd Miss, Hua Ziwei?!" The older woman stared at her in shock before instantly bowing before the said girl. 

"Who are you talking to?" Qing Yue glanced at the older woman who made a face.

"Y-you, young miss." The older woman replied, choosing her words very carefully in fear of the younger girl who was related to the royal family. "Furthermore, what on earth are you wearing? You're showing so much skin!" The older woman said, seemingly nagging her. 

Qing Yue glanced at her red strapless cocktail dress and looked back at the older woman. 

"Aren't you over-dressed?" Qing Yue blinked at the older lady who looked taken-aback. 

"Dear god, no. I'm very well dressed. Come backstage with me. I'll get you some proper clothes. Poor dearie. I wonder what happened to you." The lady said as she led the younger girl to the back of the stage before getting her all washed and dressed up. 

When Qing Yue stepped out, she was dressed differently. She was now dressed just like everybody else.

" Young miss, when you get back to the Hua Quarters, you should change into your princess clothing instead of wearing the commoners' clothing." The older lady said and Qing Yue nodded in response. Before anyone else could say anything, the door slammed open and someone who looked a whole lot like an older version of Qing Yue stepped inside.

"Hua Ziwei! You better step out!" The lady's attendant called. Blinking, Qing Yue stepped out of the crowd but it wasn't because of the beckoning but because of her curiousity as to why she looked so much like her. 

"Who....are you?" Qing Yue asked. 

A/N: From this chap. on, Qing Yue's name shall be replaced with Ziwei c:


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