Not An Expired Relationship

The class was emptied for 5 minutes ago. A friend asked me to go back together, but I refused it properly, not to hurt her.


The memory just can't leave me. The painful, sad, heart-breaking memory which I just can't-- forget.


I rub the tears away with my right thumb meanwhile the other arm supported my books. It's time to move on, Park Hwayoung. He's no longer here to care, to love you. My mind spoke. And my heart replied, it isn't that easy. Yeah, right. If it was that easy, I wouldn't cry like a crybaby right now. If it was that easy, I probably at home at this time to help my mom and won't waste my time to cry for someone like him. I sighed. Why is it so hard?


As soon as I open the classroom's door, it was emptied. Of course,  who'd be crazy to stay in school at 7 p.m? Only me, probably. I chuckled softly and walked throughout the hall.


The security guard who's around 50's greeted me. "Late again? Take care on your way. It's dangerous nowadays. Aigo, how many times I told you to go back home early?"


"It's okay, ahjussi. I had been used to go back home alone before, right? And now I'm still here, talking to you." I smile to reassure that I am fine.


He shook his head while poured the coffee from the flask into a cup. Night shift, I guess. "Okay then, take care. I'd have to go check inside."


With a smile, I walked on the side road. It's cold, no doubt. I shivered and hug myself tighter. I wondered why back then in school I didn't feel any coldness. I shrugged off those thoughts and focused to walk carefully.

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