3.6.5. And The Jerk


3 seconds to fall in love with you. 6 minutes to realize that it was love. 5 hours to know I was a goner. 365 days in a year with him. And 365 seconds to realize he was a Jerk.

Who was none other than Kim Jong In, AKA Kai.

He was the absolute worst; he enjoyed and had a reputation as a jerk.




(You) Soo Hyojin- You were always the loser. A sour loser, no one, as in no one in their right minds would want to hang out with. In every single school you would go to, people would always bull you that now, you were basically used to it.

(The Jerk) Kai- "His fair copper skin made him stood out more than the other guys. He had good lucks and a permanent cocky expression set on his face. He would walk like there was no end to the Earth. He would work like he had all the time in the world. He would talk like he was the supreme ruler of the world. Girls would swoon over him, clustering around him like honey attracts bees. 365 seconds later, he was the Jerk.

Park Chanyeol- "He peered at you over the window of his car, and you a memory of a familiar little boy popped into your mind. 

"Chanyeol?" you asked, the name screaming all over your brain. Chanyeol smiled, his white teeth was almost blinding.

"Long time no see." he greeted.


A/N: Hello again. Sorry if I'm not updating my other fanfics and then suddenly starting another one, but this idea has been bugging me for a long time. But please subscribe, comment, and update. Thanks for your support.




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Chapter 1: More please!! Great so far!