Have You, Have You Not


Kunpimook feels like they are lover but they are not


posted in my livejournal and got7fic


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Arashika #1
Chapter 1: Very sweet story, poor Bambam thinking it was a one-sided love! Interesting pairing, can't say I really considered it before. Nicely written though.

There's a lot of grammatical errors in this piece though, some of which detract from the writing. Also, the majority of your sentences start with He, Kunpimook, or Youngjae. This makes it seem very linear and choppy sometimes, so the story doesn't flow together as well as it might. Changing up some of the sentence structure might help to make the story sound better.

Cute story though, glad they end up happy!

Great job, keep writing~
Joey88 #2
Chapter 1: soo sweet of them
This story is awesome ;D
Good job!
I'll wait for your next update ^^