Every Day

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Every day, he takes his coffee black with one spoonful of sugar. 


UPDATED:  Jan 15, 2020
proofread and fixed some typos
previous title:  annegamento ( not rewritten )



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1648 streak #1
Chapter 1: I’ve wanted to read one of your previous works for a while. But I didn’t thought you would come around with something like this T_T I wish I could have gave your younger self a big box of tissues and a warm hug. Besides the very sad plot the writing was just beautiful. All the thoughts running through Donghae’s head and the feelings between the lines, you could empathize so much. Reading the tiny little notes broke my heart into pieces. I love that you include little Choc as remnant of their love. Miss this tiny little fluff ball so much T^T Thank you for sharing this anew, even it was so sad.
Hope you feel better now *give you a hug*
1588 streak #2
Chapter 1: This literally made me ugly cry. Why did I read this before bed. Beautiful and terrible. <3
Chapter 1: so beautiful ㅠ.ㅠ
imumuyou #4
Chapter 1: It's been a long time since I cried after reading a fanfic ehehehe.
Chapter 1: "hope you enjoy this and it doesnt kill you omg" WELL IT KILLED ME


I really love how you have the clipped fragments in between sections of text, and the sticky notes really really emphasized their love and OMG UGHHH
I also really really like how short everything is, and the way it STILL MADE ME SOB WOW. THIS WAS SO MOVING
*mumbles incoherently between sobs*

Thank you so much for writing this.
pandecho #6
Chapter 1: My heart... I started to tear up at the sticky notes </3
This was beautiful!
usuratonkachi69 #7
Chapter 1: do I have to hate you for this? that was so beautiful :') yes I hate you keep goin' <3 I love it you heart breaker!
Chapter 1: Ow.. My heart .. Sad but written beautifully, Donghae's actions make me feel calm because he's found a way to deal with this but also it's a sad process to watch, knowing he won't have his love with him. *applause* I seriously love this, thanks so much for sharing~
Chapter 1: Wow.. that was incredibly sad.. hae remembering the past with hyukjae.. ;( and then there's choco with him still.. ;n;
I hope that whatever was upsetting you when you wrote this is long gone ^^
EunHaeLove42 #10
Chapter 1: OMG this was so sad but still really good. Thanks for sharing! =DD