Suho and Kris – Haru Wo Matsukoro

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Title : Suho and Kris – Haru Wo Matsukoro

Pairing : Krisho, a bit of Wonkyu and appreance of EXO members

Disclaimer : All casts are belong to their self and God also to the amazing mangaka, Kyoko Hikawa sensei and her publishing company

Inspired : Shoujo Manga Chizumi and Fujiomi – Haru wo Matsukoro by Kyoko Hikawa sensei

Warning : Un-betaed, GS, OOC, AU, Change of Surnames and Ages for the Story



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2446 streak #1
Chapter 3: Zhoumi being such a pesky ge! HAHAHAHA
i thought he was gonna be an evil guy, but he was a lot better than initially expected!

Kris really did change drastically when he got together with Jun since the instinct wasn't to fight anymore, but to protect Jun at all costs... Kai's appearance made thinga more interesting, but it seems like Jun really has that effect on people...

that moment tho when Jun was begging Kai not to hurt Kris HUHUHU that was so sweet!

but of Jun softened Kai too, it definitely was Sehun who subdued him! HAHAHAHAHA ofc it was the sassy best friend who claims it's only her who could bully Jun! HAHAHAHAHAHA the offers of chicken when Kai does better, oh they're a perfect match! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

this was really fun to read! i enjoyed ot a lot!
2446 streak #2
Chapter 1: read thanks to Chrome's translate feature
and it's so sweet of Keis to be secretly looking out for Jun like that HUHUHU
it was like a romance drama with all that happened to them, very sweet tho! Kris was really sweet! HIHIHI
NanyKyu #3
Chapter 3: Ngakak abis bersama kaihun..wkwk..
Aduh itu suho np polosnya klewatan c..Kris jaga suho y..
Chapter 3: eciyeee yg habis patah hati langsung dapet penawarnya. Oh sehun sang penyelamat hati kai. Wkwwkkwkkw......
Chapter 2: jadi ternyata dia kakak kris. Hahaha bener" usil. Udh tahu suho kelewat polos kasihan kan diisengin kek gitu... Hahahahha zhoumi bener" nakal :D
Chapter 1: aduuhh suho-ah kamu lucu banget sih, udh polos terus ceroboh. Kkkk tp pengen nyubit, cieee yg jadian sama kris. Wuhuuuu
Chapter 3: Eh ini serius end? Yah. Dikira masih lanjut padahal keren ceritanya hahaha
wonkyukrisho #8
Chapter 2: Cerita yg menarik sekali
Aku suka
eurongi #9
Chapter 2: Wuakakakaka wushu nya kris ngakak wkakaka
trs zhoumi dan kris lucu duh kejem bgt deh kris

krisho kyaaaaaaaa ini emg cucok bgt
Chapter 2: Kris jadi kapten klub wushu??? buahahaha fiksi sekali. (efek nonton showtime ep8).
eh ini beneran completed? g bakalan ad cerita pas suho kelas 3 nih? (masih berharap ad lanjutan hehehe)