First Day of School

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Pairing: Kid! Kyuhyun/Sungmin

Genre: fluff, friendship

Rating: G

Verse: alternate

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Summary: Little Sungmin is a little hesitant to go to school, but at least Kyuhyun’s there to help him make it through.


A/N: …Sungminnie’s new hair color is so cute!! (but seriously the button style needs to change soon) and him bringing a cute teddy bear to the airport just makes him look even younger in my eyes it almost unfair.


This is seriously short and random and I apologize for wasting your time, but if you do manage to read this all the way to the end, thank you. You managed to make a happy plankton.



locked in three days



At first Sungmin nodded then he shook his head, eyes looking watery as he hid his face into his teddy bear. “Omma, I don’t want to go to school~” he whispered, “It sounds scawy”

The woman cooed at her precious boy, “Aww, honey don’t be scared. I’m sure you’ll have lots of friends and fun in no time!” she said encouragingly, and Sungmin did look up a little from hiding his face.


“Of course~”

Sungmin took a few seconds to think about her words, but the little kid pouted and hugged his teddy bear closer again. “B-But what if I can’t find fwiends? What if I don’t like school?” he asked. “Omma won’t be there” he looked so small and scared she almost want to give in and just make him go to school tomorrow, but then she remembered something that would surely change her little boy’s mind about going.

“But Minnie baby if you don’t go to school, who’ll be little Kyuhyun’s friend?” the mention of the other boy’s name made the black haired boy look up in surprise. The woman grinned triumphantly in her mind.

“K-Kyunnie will be there?” Sungmin asked.


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Chapter 1: I couldn't stop smiling at how cute this is!
Chapter 1: minnie!!!! how cute >.<
little-dreamer #3
Chapter 1: cuuuttteee ><
Chapter 1: Soooo cuteee.... ♥_♥
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 1: Cute kyumiiiiiin~

Thanks for writing.. ^^
he's soooo cute.
Chapter 1: Minnie is such a cutie!!!!
RayhanAdni #8
Chapter 1: Lol. Two rascals. ahhahahahhaha. *laugh* omo omo poor baby minggg XD he is too cute wif his bear <33333

nAJOnHyun #9
Chapter 1: Awwww too cuteee goshh
Peachit #10
Chapter 1: OMG! It.'s so cuteeeee! I love when Min dye your hair with black color... Trully, after this I'm almost think Min is really a vampire.

P.s: Min like seems a lost bunny with this teddy bera, so cute!