You're Mine


this is just a short drabbles for Krisho..Yifan and Junmyeon.. They are not one of my OTP's but they are a cute couple ahah


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2446 streak #1
Chapter 1: someone's possessive HIHI
david98 #2
Chapter 1: Uwaahhh love this! Short but meaningful!
beast_21 #3
damn asfdsfs my feeeeellzz
yifan 486 <3
JunMaWu2 #5
Chapter 1: Joonmyeon, Yifan~~~~ /.\
ahahah,,gomawo ,,,eheh..chanbaek is just <3 , kahit ano basta chanbaek,,but naapreciate m eheh
i'll try for you ehhehe..i found xiuhan cute too, minseok is soo cute ahh
JinPlumplips #8
well they are my ultimate bias, and at first i thought they are so cute when together

and..... yeaaaah i'm fallin' in love with this Otp hhe ^^"

Krisho and Kaisoo is my ultimate Otp-s

but recently... i find out that Lumin/xiuhan is cute too

ehm.... can you write about them?

hhe such a request from me ^_^"
junmyeonwu #9
Chapter 1: Its really short yet cute 'n meaningful. ><
Can I have more? Lol