Spell Catastrophe

Somewhere Only We Know
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Ola~ So, this is the first chapter. I am so glad I finally finished this first chapter yeaaay T^T *happy tears* This is a very short chapter though. Basically just explaining how this whole thing started. I will not update as fast as you guys hope, since school has been such a pain on the neck *sobs* But, I will try my best to update as soon as I can, so please be patient ^^   Last but not least, don't forget to subscribe, up vote, and leave me feedbacks. Don't be silent readers, please~ or I will haunt you guys down (kidding lol sorrynotsorry) heheh >\\< Enjoy this chapter my lovely readers <3         Love,     Quirkyqueen                 "Nichkhun is a very good-looking guy, Tiffany. Don't you want to date him?" A sudden question escaped Song Minhee's lips. That question just popped inside her brain out of nowhere, and actually she had been wondering about the actual fact, which was there must have been something going on between the handsome prince and the gorgeous princess, yet that poor girl never found a single evidence to prove it. As a part of the School's Newspaper Club, all she had to do was to find rumors which had been dispersed around the school. And topic of that week was 'Is KhunFany real?' which obviously included the male and the female in it. Minhee took a look at her notebook, realizing she never wrote that question, even if that question was perhaps one of the most important questions.   Tiffany burst out laughing as she leaned down on her chin, while her beautiful fingers tapping on her chin repeatedly. "Hmm.. How should I answer to that one?" she rolled her eyes, pretending to think of some appropriate answers. After the long thinking, she still had no idea how to answer, so she only said, "Pass"   Minhee pouted slightly as she closed her notebook. She stared at the other with curiosity. She basically just thought probably she would not be needing her notebook anymore, since she was going to ask the informant with her own just-made questions. "Don't you think he's the type of guy you would love to date?"   "Maybe.. It's a yes" Tiffany answered while looking out the window. Her lips curved a slight smile as she looked at Minhee. "Nichkhun is just too good to be true, don't you think so?"   A slight of happiness could be seen through Song Minhee's eyes at that point onwards. She knew it! There must be something going on between the two of them, it was way too obvious after all. "So, he's the perfect boyfriend material for you, right? Why don't you just simply date each other then?" she suddenly became so enthusiast, until she did not even realize the fact she was raising her voice towards the other girl. Song Minhee was one of Nichkhun's biggest fans of all time, yet she never minded him dating Stephanie Hwang, since they looked just perfect with each other. Truth to be told, she was a 'KhunFany' shipper indeed.   "Because we are best friends" a guy's voice could be heard from the doorway. He placed his elbow on the edge of the door as he smiled and made his way to the girls. He stared at Minhee who looked extremely shocked (in a good way) to see him, Nichkhun, right in front of her pair of eyes. "Song Minhee-ssi, Tiffany and I are only friends. We are best buddies, so there's nothing more than that between us" Nichkhun uttered with a smile crept on his lips as he grabbed Tiffany's backpack and he was draping it at one shoulder.   Who would ever thought Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul was willing to drape a pink backpack at his shoulder? No one would give a damn to think of something bizarre like that, I suppose. But, he did anyway. He then pulled Tiffany's hand and bowed his head slightly to Minhee as he made his leave. Nichkhun walked in a fast speed, making Tiffany have a hard time to keep up with his stride.   "Khunnie, stop~ I can't keep up with your long legs.." Tiffany wheedled as Nichkhun finally decided to stop. Tiffany heaved a huge sigh of relief while he let go off her hand, and just let her catch her breath. "Give me my backpack, please?" A question mark seemed to be appear, since Tiffany knew this guy perfectly well so she undoubtedly understood he would not give the backpack to her, even if it was actually hers.    Nichkhun immediately shook his head while holding the strap firmly. He spoiled her too much, he assumed. Yet he loved doing it, so he never intended to stop spoiling her even if it meant one day she would take advantages of him.   "I can bring it by myself, I am not a toddler anymore" she started to coax him, even though perhaps she was just only wasting her precious time and effort. Nichkhun's decision is as strong as steel, nothing or no one can change his opinion or even statement. "You need to stop spoiling me like this, and besides..." she stopped for a second as she took a glance at the amazing view in front of her. Then, a soft chuckle escaped her lips. "It's pink, Nichkhun" Seriously, Tiffany wanted to laugh, but he would shout at her if she did so. She tried her best to suppress a laugh that kept forcing to come out.   Nichkhun shrugged and laughed. "Who says I hate pink?" he leaned his face closer to hers as he draped the other strap at his other shoulder. He then winked at her playfully while holding her hand tightly. "But, seriously, you need to work-out. I sense that you're being such a dawdler lately, Tiffany"   "Pssh. Blame the person who keeps pampering me, then. And I honestly want to know his answer and his reason to do so" Tiffany said as she flipped her hair in such an arrogant manner. Funny to believe they were not dating, though.   A chuckle escaped Nichkhun's pink lips as he continued making his way to the parking lot. He just got his license, so he started driving a car by himself, not to mention he had to send Tiffany back to her house before he went to his own. "Because a princess needs to be coddled. Since princess Jessica belongs to Taecyeon, I don't think I have the obligation to indulge her, or he will kill me" he explained. Well, honestly he got a point there. "Besides, Jessica is not a spoiled-brat like you" he jokingly said while poking Tiffany's nose.   Tiffany pouted as she stopped striding. "I am not a spoiled-brat! You're the one who made me like this, remember?" she shrugged off Nichkhun's hand and crossed her arms on her chest, sulking. Aww~ she was such a baby. Well, looked like her statement was correct. Ever since they were little, Nichkhun has always spoiled her. He never let her do anything by herself, even if she pushed him aside. Because Nichkhun knew how clumsy she was (or is), she repeatedly tripping or falling or hitting on something or bumping onto someone, so he literally could not just let her do all the work by herself.   There was one time Tiffany was asked by her biology teacher to put a box of lizards on top of the table inside the laboratory. Tiffany hates lizards with all of her guts, so she carried the box with a very hard feeling inside. She felt disgusted as she felt her stomach growling, begging her to just throw up. She held the box with both hands, which were shaky. The box had no lid, so those lizards could climb outside and just crawled to her arms. Tiffany irked and looked away as the thought appeared in her mind. She finally could not take it anymore and all she desired was to throw the box away. Luckily, Nichkhun came and rescued her. He grabbed the box from her and put it safely on top of the table. He found the lid not far from the table and placed it on the box. Those lizards would not be able to come out.   Back in kindergarten, the children were playing hide-and-seek, and it was Nichkhun's turn to be the one who tried to find the others. He counted until 100 while the other children ran around to find a place to hide. Some were hiding behind the bushes, some even climbed the tree, and many were hiding at the playground which located beside their school. As for Tiffany, she could not find a place to hide. Those three places were too obvious, so she did not want to hide there. At last, Nichkhun finished counting and he spotted her straight away. Tiffany did not want to get caught, so she started running in a fast speed. But, she stumbled and fell immediately, knees first. She started weeping loudly, making the others came out from their hiding. They booed her, because literally she ruined the game. Some boys mocked her, by repeatedly singing 'Fany is a baby~ Fany is a baby~'. Tiffany cried even louder as Nichkhun approached her. He asked if she was alright and she shook her head vigorously. Nichkhun bent down on his knees and forced her to jump on his back. Tiffany nodded and hopped onto his back so he carried her until they reached her house, which was located 20 minutes away.   In elementary school, there was a teacher named Mr. Park Jungsoo. He was deadly, 99 percent of the seniors said so, excluding the smarty-pants. When Nichkhun and Tiffany was on fifth grade, their homeroom teacher was Mr. Park. He never let anyone forget to bring the math textbook, since he taught math. If he found a victim or more, he would lecture them until late afternoon and punished them to clean the toilet. He was one discipline teacher. One day, our clumsy Tiffany forgot to bring the math textbook. She was panicking and started to dish out every single thing from her backpack, yet she still did not find the textbook. She started to cry silently but Nichkhun found out anyway, so he gave her his textbook. And for the impact? Nichkhun got scolded and lectured until 2 pm and he had to mop the toilet all by himself. He was tired and sweating, yet he had to finish it fast if he wanted to go home sooner.   Nichkhun sacrificed himself just to help the one and only, Stephanie Hwang. He did not mind getting punishments as long as she did not. He carried her on his back with all of his might as long as she could get home safely. He jumped into troubles as long as she was alright.    Why would he do so?   Simply because she has always been the most important person in his life. And the way she said 'Thank you, Khunnie' every time he helped her out, made him feel at ease and he simply just forgot all the pains he had been through just to keep her out of troubles. Yup, that's how much Nichkhun loves Tiffany. Envy much? Don't worry, I envy her as well.   Nichkhun ruffled her hair and embraced her with an arm. "You do know I love you, right, Princess?" he asked, while Tiffany's hair gently. "That's why I'm spoiling you, and I don't mind doing it. I love seeing your cute face so much"   "Y-yah! Get away from me
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Currently writing the fourth chapter. Stay tuned, readers!


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.I really like this story
febriana_hw420 #2
Chapter 3: please continue this amazing story thor ....
febriana_hw420 #3
Chapter 3: wawww, very very like your story.. I'll be waiting you update the story ^_^
Chapter 3: Nice story!!! I can't wait for Chapter 4. Update soon!!!
scarlet1201 #5
Chapter 3: Phom rak khun for your story =] it's amazing update soon okay(;
scarlet1201 #6
Chapter 3: Phom rak khun for your story =] it's amazing update soon okay(;
scarlet1201 #7
Chapter 3: Phom rak khun for your story =] it's amazing update soon okay(;
Jorelyngrace #8
Chapter 3: Super like!!!\*0*/ please update soon!!!
Chapter 3: OMGG SO GOOD... update soon pls!