

"I don't need you to believe in me!" And now Taemin's eyes are flashing and wild again, angry with him, furious with him – and yet there's something about this display that Minho finds forced, even a bit maudlin in how the boy jerks away from him and flattens his back against the wall, breathing heavily, clenching his fists by his sides. "Just…just stop. Stop looking at me."

"I don't want to stop looking at you."


Simply a drabble/one-shot, whichever you'd prefer.


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 1: Sweet slice of caring and distress🥺
I hope you know you'll be missed, your life wasn't worthless but I hope you're finally at peace now.
2minforeverftw #3
oh mai gossh, i love everything that comes out of your keyboard! this is an amazing story oh gosh im actually crying! !
Chapter 1: Poor Taemin baby, you can 'never' stay away from a carring Minho 'NEVER' so just give up and go with it
taisie_arielle #5
Chapter 1: This is just so beautiful *sobs* Why can't I get a boyfriend like Minho?! Sad life is sad.