Chapter Two

Poor Disguises & Intoxicating Kisses
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          Jung Soojung stepped down from the stagecoach, breathing a heavy sigh. The trip had been rather tedious and she could already feel the sweat that was trickling down her neck. She was just thankful that the winter season was around, or the summer humidity would have suffocated her. Oh well. She would just have to bear with it.


          She took a look around her, surveying the busy street. Her servant, named Yunsoo who was a man old enough to be her father, approached her. “My lady, I will just buy you a meal as you have requested for it earlier. After that, it shouldn’t take a long while to transport you to your brother-in-law’s estate.”


          Just the thought of him made her want to vomit. She could only imagine what meeting her brother-in-law would be like, and it would be much harder to have herself as his wife. Her palms started to sweat as the rhythm of her heart sped up. She had planned to closely watch him and obtain as much information as she possibly could about his traitorous actions. To do a better job of doing so, she must get him to trust her. What would she say to him to have his trust? If he were the frightening man that Bona had described him to be, then surely enough, he wasn’t going to welcome Soojung into his home with open arms.


          Looking around, she decided to walk a little. It wasn't until she passed by an empty alleyway that a gasp was heard from her. She was mortifie to realize that she was just grabbed by somebody. Looking up to see who the culprit was, she was surprised to see a man wearing a soldier’s uniform.


          “Now, what do I have here?” he grinned, tightening his arms around her


          She didn’t like his eyes that bore into hers. “If you would please, release me at once.”  She squirmed, but to no avail.


          He gave her a wink. “Have I not always been your hero?”


          His words confused her, but she wasn’t planning on spending any more time with him for an explanation. “Sir, I would appreciate it if you would let me go. My servant is waiting for me.”


          The man raised an eyebrow. “What’s with the formalities, Mrs. Kim?”


          She widened her eyes. Huh? What was he talking about? Mrs. Kim? Could it be that he mistook her for her sister?


          Heavy footsteps rounded the corner and looking over her shoulder, she was surprised to see some men. It was their expressions that were the most noticable to her—the creased brows, tightly pursed mouths, and glares which she assumed they were sending to the soldier. She frowned. What exactly was happening?


          “Release her at once, sir.” one of the men said. The statement was only replied by an arrogant chuckle from the soldier.


          Really, she was starting to get irritated. She was never the one to love attention--it was Bona who did that, and now that a man whom she noticed had a lewd stare at her was holding her, she was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable. Where the hell was Yunsoo? She needed him more than ever right now. She didn't like the idea of a group of men surrounding her in an empty alleyway. What's more was the way these people were speaking--it was as though they didn't regard her own concerns.


          Suddenly, hooves that were certainly that of a horse’s bore down upon them. Soojung gave her attention to the man on the steed. The small crowd parted, and the man atop the animal dismounted. His horse had whipped up a cloud of dust in the dingy alley and she waved her hand in front of her face to keep herself from sneezing.


          Once she got a clear vision of the man, she suddenly felt calm about the whole situation. There was something about him that fascinated her. Whether it’d be his rugged appearance, the evident strength that was displayed in his build, charismatic but brooding aura that spoke of authority, strikingly handsome face, or perhaps it was the way he carried himself in confident but graceful steps as he strode toward her, there was certainly something about him that made her feel relaxed but happy in a way.


          He stopped a few feet away, giving a stern look to the soldier. “Sir, I would appreciate it if you were to remove your hands from my wife.”


          Now that certainly put her out of her dazed state. If it were possible, then Soojung’s dropped jaw would have reached the ground.


          “I had heard that your wife went missing. Disappearing out of nowhere a few months ago and now she’s here, surely there must be a reason for that.” the soldier said with an arrogant glint.


          His gaze hardened as it settled on he

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infinitefexo #1
Please update soon! I've been waiting for an update.
Hoping for your update :) and for other stories as well :D
LizziePhantomhive #3
Chapter 2: I want kaistal together, but unfortunately Jongin has married with bona. #sigh
However i'm waiting for the next chapter.
Authornim fighting! ^^
gm3211 #4
Chapter 1: why do I sense something bad beneath bona's bones?
I empathize soojung's character for it seems to be so pristinely innocent...
I hope Kai is not that abusive or maybe the things bona said were just her delusions... I want Kai and Soojiug to end up together here so that's my plea haha
I therefore assume Bona bears the King's child. The King is evil and corrupt that is why Jongin is trying to dethrone him. Bona sent Soojung to stop Jongin in dethroning the King and to help the King. Soojung will soon find out that Jongin is the one doing the right thing.

Sorryyyy this is just an assumption that will probably not happen hahahahaha waiting for chapter 2
addictedtofx #6
Chapter 1: The plot looks awesome and I you write very well <3
I'm so excited for this story!
naeunmin #7
Chapter 1: Love this :) ♥
I didn't even hesitated to subscribe because I don't doubt your stories. Hope you could update other stories as well. I love em all.
Chapter 1: awww, finally you're back! one of my favorite kaistal writers!
I like the plot, poor bona... i hope jongin and soojung meet soon!