And so, they meet again.

Stumbling Into My Past

Han Academy was a grand school inside and out. Its entrance was marked by tall and majestic gates, which could only be entered upon showing an ID card. A path made out of polished rock directed the students' expensive cars toward the front of the Victorian-styled buildings that made up the school. Surrounding it was a beautiful garden, full of tall trees, shrubberies, and some exotice flowers. At the sight of all the familiar scenes, unpleasant memories of your time previously spent there began to flash in your mind. 

From you window, you could see all the students, clad in the elegant academy's uniform, anxiously gossiping about your arrival. Your face paled as you recognized some of your former classmate's faces. Some of them had pitied you, but most of them had participated in the misfits planned against you by your bullies.

Quickly, you let your eye wander across the group, and to your relief noted that none of your former bullies were present. 

But still, you couldn't do it.

"Let's go back home, please!" you croaked to your driver, motioning him to pull back the car and flee the scene. 

The driver threw one dobtful glance at your older sister, Yoona, who had volunteered to accompany you on the journey back to hell. "Don't mind her."

Your eyes widened at your sister, and you began to shake your head. "I... I just can't do this. I can't return to this place! Call Victoria and tell her that we'll manage something-"

Yoona set her lips in a tight, determined line. She heaved a sigh. "Look. If they ever recognize you-"

"They'll go back to treating me like before. And not only that, but they will release pictures of the fourteen-year-old me to the entire country, and that will be the end of my career," you cut in, fiddling with your bag's straps. 

"No," Yoona disagreed, chuckling in amusement at your theory. "You should be glad if they ever recognize you, actually. It will be like a hard slap to their faces, seeing the girl they once disregarded as a loser being so successful and respected."

You shook your head, biting your lower lip. "No, I would never be glad of being found out. I don't think I'm prepared, or ever will, for the world to see the fourteen-year-old me."

Yoona began to caress your hair, which your mother had carefully braided that morning, in a soothing manner. But in less than a second, her gentle ways were completely gone. She swatted her hand across your head, marking the return of her usual bold persona. "Get a grip, please. I honestly don't know why the Han Jihyun is so nervous about returning to school."

You rubbed the inflicted spot on your head, glaring at her. "I'm nervous because, as I've said for a thousand times, I don't want anyone to recognize me!" And I don't want to be reminded of my past, you mentally added. 

"If they haven't recognized you before, they won't recognize you now!" Yoona replied, using the same loud tone as you. 

"It's time for Miss Han Jihyun to get down," the driver announced, looking at both sisters through the rearview mirror.

"What?" you whimpered, shrinking back in your seat.

"Now, Han Jihyun, the most respected, beautiful teen actress of our era," Yoona told you, reminding you of all the titles the netizens had given you. She opened the door and kicked you out. "It's time for you to dazzle your classmates, impress the world with your smarts, and kick your ex-bully's butts!"

You turned around, wanting to protest.

But before you could, Yoona begun to speak. "By the way, I know that you're in some acting break, but that doesn't mean you can eat everything displayed in that fancy cafeteria. Now, go before you're late!" She handed you a smile before closing the door and ordering the driver to zoom out of the school.

And like that, you were left in the mercy of gushing and squealing kids.

You tried to smile at them, and to your dismay, the cluster of students grew bigger by the second. Cameras were held high, as well as some banners. Girls and boys alike waved at you and expressed their admiration.

And none seemed to recognize you. I guess You has been forever forgotten, you mentally noted. Remembering your sister's description of who Han Jihyun was, you managed to calm down half of the butterflies in your stomach, and begun to smile back at some kids and wave. By the way, Han Yoona, I'll make sure to eat every delicious platter in that cafeteria. I'm on an acting break, after all, you thought, before walking toward the school, thanking everybody for the warm welcome. Your CEO had told you to get rid of the ditzy image once and for all, so you reminded yourself not to make any stupid remarks.

As soon as you were inside the building, teachers swarmed to your aid, assuring you that they'd be always at your service, and willing to help in everything.

Everybody's generosity and admiration had temporally soothed you. You even thought that maybe Han Academy's ways had changed, and that no bullies roamed free of judgement through the hallways.

"Alright, students, back to your classroom! Give Miss Han Jihyun the freedom to get ready for her first day of school!" one of the teachers announced, shooing everybody away. The principal came by, and greeted you, giving you his phone number in case of an emergency. And then, after assuring him that you could make your way to your locker and then to your homeroom, left, leaving you alone in the hallways.

You took in a much-needed breathe of air, feeling relieved. Your lips curled up into a small smile. Maybe you could finally have that beautiful school experience you had dreamed of back when you were still You .

A lone clap echoing through the hallways snapped you out from your happy daze. Turning to your right, all the good mood you were in slowly disappeared.

A smirking Luhan was making his way toward you. "Now, that wasn't so bad, right?"

At the sight of that boy, you'd temporally forgotten how to speak. You knew you were going to stumble into one of your bullies eventually, but you weren't aware that it would been so soon. 

He was now just one step away from you, and you realized that he hadn't changed one bit. Smugness still reflected from his eyes, and he was still one full head taller than you.

Han Jihyun, the most respected, beautiful teen actress of our era, Yoona's voice echoed in your mind, slightly calming you down.

"We need to talk-"

"I'm sorry," you cut in, finally finding your voice. You gulped down your fears, trying to smile. "I don't want to be late-"

"We both can afford that. You are Han Jihyun, after all," he began. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, shrugging. "And I'm Luhan. I get away with whatever I want, as you might remember from a couple of years ago... You ."

A/N: So this first few chapters were introductory, and for that same reason, might've bored you. But now that our main characters have finally met, the action might finally begin. Thank you, once again, for the support. I'll make sure to update as soon as I can :)



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Chapter 1: the story scheme is good ㅋㅋ
OmO!! Please update soon...