Chapter 19

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Despite the constant noise of people chatting around us and the train wheels rumbling loudly outside, the ride was horribly quiet. Baekhyun sat across from me – barely half a meter between our legs – but it seemed as though an invisible wall of glass separated us. He kept staring out the window, lost in his own thoughts and oblivious to the cruel battle of emotions happening inside my head throughout the entire ride. Neither of us had made an effort to say a word since we'd gotten on the train, but then again, what could you possibly talk about after a disaster like the one we’d just witnessed?

Even the rescuers who had poured out from the big fire truck and ambulance were stunned when the view of our car that had easily transected the hard metal fence hit them head on. Luhan had been lucky – the car had happened to skid a bit to the left before hitting the barrier at full speed. This had caused the right side of the car to receive the brunt of the impact. The metal fence had cut through the bonnet like a knife through butter, folding the remains of the car hood like a paper harmonica. Sehun's legs hadn't endured the pressure and had snapped in half like a pair of matches, both somewhere under his knees.

I knew because I'd seen them dangling lifelessly when Baekhyun and Jae had pulled his body out of the car.

I looked down at my hands, curled into fists, and the sight of Sehun's blood smudged on them almost made me barf. I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat, and, biting my bottom lip as hard as I could, I looked out the window, focusing on the pain and the sudden taste of blood in my mouth. The sound of ambulance sirens constantly rang in my ears. Jae screaming for someone to get me away from Sehun's body and Baekhyun's arms wrapping firmly around my waist were still there, piercing my head, cleaving every part of my body over and over again. Like a nightmare.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't erase the scene of the accident from my mind. It was like someone had decided to torture me by replaying a bad movie I'd once watched, and I couldn't find the button to switch it off and end my misery. As soon as I closed my eyes, be it even for a second, the view of the accident came flooding back, bringing with it even more pain and leaving me breathless – on the verge of tears.

But I couldn't cry. I didn't deserve to cry.

Trying to swallow back the unshed tears squeezing my throat, I looked up and took a shaky breath. I needed someone who would embrace me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. I needed the physical contact of someone I trusted, the warmth of familiar arms around me, to soothe the tremors of panic shaking my body over and over again. But I also knew very well that my cravings weren't going to be satisfied, because the person I wanted to see right now wasn't here. Because Sehun...

"Are you okay?"

Hearing Baekhyun's voice, I looked back down to see him staring at me in silence, waiting for my answer. Although it seemed he'd finally awakened from the daze he'd been in for the last few hours, his eyes were darker and more absent than usual. It was as though he hadn’t even realized he'd asked a question in the first place.

My brain served me a palette of answers befitting the question that hung in the air, but I struggled to choose one because of the ineptness of them all. I could say I was okay, but we both knew I was far from it. I could speak the truth and tell Baekhyun that I felt like a torn-up piece of paper, but what could doing so possibly achieve? It would only place a bigger burden on Baekhyun's shoulders and, honestly, he already looked miserable enough, without me further adding to his struggle.

So instead, I stood and jabbed my thumb at the door behind me. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Despite my best efforts to sound natural, my voice broke at the end of the sentence, and I immediately my heel to rush out of our compartment before Baekhyun could give me a questioning look. I even feared that he would consider following me – just to make sure everything was fine and that I wasn’t about to suddenly jump out of the speeding train – but when I finally stopped in front of the toilet door and glanced back in the direction I had just come from, there was no one there.

Quickly, I locked myself in the train's bathroom, ignoring the fresh smell of cigarettes filling the small space around me. It was forbidden to smoke here, but people always ignored the signs hanging on every wall and used the same excuses: “I didn't see”, or “I didn't know”. Everyone knew it was all lies, because only a blind person would fail to see the “No Smoking” signs threatening you from every free bit of wall in the train.

They were just obtuse s: small, ty ignorants who preferred to act oblivious because it was easier, simpler, effortless to live that way.

And sadly, I was one of them.

God knows how long I'd been leading Sehun on for my own satisfaction, terrified of being left alone. I'd always known his true feelings, but, just like all those smokers, I’d ignored Sehun's attempts to show me how much he loved me. Just like them, I'd turned a blind eye, because doing so spared me the hassle of going through a long, explanatory talk with Sehun. It saved me from getting my own heart broken when he would eventually decide to leave me. Because as much as I couldn't love Sehun back, I couldn't live without him even more.

So I’d done it out of my own selfishness, and there was no excuse for my actions. I'd hurt Sehun deeply – consciously, and with coldly calculated premeditation.

God, I was a monster, wasn't I?

Feeling fresh tears threatening to fall at any second, I the faucet and splashed my face with cold water. The blood on my hands caught my eye once more, and, despite my feeble attempts to stay composed, I broke down again. As if it were happening before my eyes, I saw the nurses tearing Sehun's shirt open, trying to wake up his heart with electric impulses and making his lifeless body jump. I knew it was all my fault, and the blood on my hands was proof of my guilt; so I reached for the faucet again and put my hands under the running water, rubbing the skin furiously to get rid of the dried blood.

Although the water turned red, it seemed as if I was only smearing the blood all over my arms. Feeling terrified, I rubbed my skin harder, using my nails now. I wouldn’t stop till I’d removed everything. Even when the tears blurred my vision, I kept hysterically scratching at my bloodstained skin

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chapter 15 is up, the name of the story finally starts to make sense, doesn't it? Who's getting confused now? :D


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Keycolight #1
Chapter 22: I cant belive i've got to the last chapter. Not the ending tho and im so so sad that i can't read the real ending. You even cut the explanation of what state malade is. Like we all need closure 😭
I feel sooo bad for sehun. I somehow think the future sujin is the evil one. She's probably not in a good mental states and sehun is just trying to help her. I can't even tell whether its baekhyun or luhan that she was supposed to help.
I know there probably is no chance you're gonna continue this fanfic. Is it possible the write another chapter to summarize how you were gonna end this story? Have you got the idea of the whole plot? Because i can't just live peacefully without knowing about the ending of Malade 😭
Please consider my request. But i doubt you still open your aff account 😢
I'd been enjoying Malade so much it's such a good story, a masterpiece. Thanks for creating this 🙌
Keycolight #2
Chapter 16: OMG this story is getting more and more interesting. I just cant wait to know what actually really happens in the future. Why future sehun asked him to keep her away from luhan. Why future sujin asked her to not believe sehun. I'm so confused and i need the asnwer. The only green light here is just baekhyun. Even luhan looks sus 🤨
But every time i remember this story is not completed i'm sooo sad. How am i gonna find out 😭
Keycolight #3
Chapter 6: This story is so good 😭
Actually i subscribed to this like 8 or 9 years ago but i normally don't read a story till they completed because i hate cliffhanger. But after years and years of waiting i dont think its gonna get completed at all 🥲
So here i am now reading it though i know won't ever see the ending.

Oh how i love sehun's character so much here and i just love their banter. It's good to see a male and female friendship without any feelings involved. He's my favorite character so far.
Well, there are two blond men in the story and that means either baekhyun or luhan that's gonna die. I wonder how can she visits her younger self in a dream? Or is it just a mental illness?
I'm hooked to this already. Still sad tho because its not completed. Oh and i read your other fic 10 years ago. You're such a great author 😊
Chapter 22: Lmao I still have a lot of questions but I suspected about the shirt ever since Luhan entered the apartment.

Uh yeah, well this is probably one of those that I'll never read the end to even though it already made me quite disgruntled lol. But I understand. I've gone months without coming back to this site so I get it. Cool concept, fun writing, bit creepy. And what a note to end on, right haha??

Thank you for writing!
I'm subbing and reading even though I'm intensely Luhan biased and I know I'm going to regret it, but he's the second lead so much in stories that at this point I read it all regardless. It looks good, and Lie For Two was good so I trust I'll have a nice time.
yeollercoaster_ #7
Chapter 22: last updated 2015.... if this isn’t heartbreak idk what is
yeollercoaster_ #8
Chapter 22: omg wait what..,, i didn’t know this story wasn’t complete. pls keep updating T_T i will cry if you don’t haha
yeollercoaster_ #9
Chapter 22: WHAT THE HECK WHO IS THE ONE IN DANGERRR i miss sehun already
yeollercoaster_ #10
Chapter 19: no no no no no no no no no no omg i’m in full panic mode