warm bodies

Black Rose
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After what had seemed like hours Taemin manged to locate his new ‘home’. Although his father had mentioned it to be an apartment it was indeed not an apartment after all. A faint smirk curved at the corner of his brims, his contact golden hues elevated to glance at the fourteen-story penthouse building with curved glass and steel. Outside the sign with SEOUL PENTHOUSE written discreetly in steel over the glass door. Taemin clicked his tongue against the lid of his mouth with amusement.

How nice of Jinki to rent something affordable. Well that was until he saw the building. But it would do the job.

“Good Evening, sir. Right this way.”

Taemin paused observing the doorman who grinned his pearly whites as he opened the glass door. A single nod before he proceeded inside. The enormous white and silver lobby which seemed too clean for Taemin, but it was inviting. Setting his eyes on the desk to his far right he walks up to it without a second of hesitation.

“Lee Taemin.”

His voice blunt sounding as the receptionist glances down at their check-in book. The whole place was immaculate.

“Ah, yes. Mr Taemin, your suite is ready on the twelfth floor. Your father has already called ahead. Please use the elevator to my left and if you need anything then don’t feel hesitate to call.”

A simple nod was more than suffice receiving the key card to his suite as he continued towards the elevator. After checking into his penthouse suite, he was surprised to find past activity from his father within the confinements of the suite. The guy behind the desk did indeed mention the twelfth-floor penthouse was reserved only for the Lee family. Of course, there were traces of his parents. Some good, while others… well.

Tossing his jacket towards the couch he slowly observed his new surroundings. The interior was pleasant enough, not his choice of colour though. Only Jinki would keep a small fridge full of blood bags at his disposal. At least there was coffee— plenty of coffee to keep him satisfied. Taemin inhaled the bleach cleaned floors as he steps towards the floor-to-ceiling window with the view of Seoul just below.

“Close curtains.”

He commanded as the AI automatically closes the curtains. Letting his anatomy plunge within the comfort of the sofa he expelled a sigh of frustration. This week had been so messed up.

One: Starting university to portray off as a normal human (again.)
Two: Stupidly switching dance partners with a female girl who was utterly revolting in his eyes.
Three: Having a dinosaur looking guy and his squeaky girlfriend be everywhere he was.
Four: His mother being attacked and murdered by the Bangtan clan, and finally to top it all off; a strange attraction towards a certain human.

The same human who he had saved from her stalker ex-boyfriend. The same girl he had ran half a block within the city. The girl who he had switched for her best friend in class.

This was not his week.



The sentiment coated Taemin’s tongue like honey, its sweetness was unlike anything else he had tasted, but he could not swallow all the crap that had been happening. It wasn’t the first time something so ty happened throughout his 700 years of vampiric life, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Even though nothing was set in stone, the thought of Kibum running through his mind like an active train was enough to give him a headache. Anxiety? Maybe he shouldn’t believe his mother was dead, but he couldn’t stop himself.

He could not accept the fact that his mother might be dead. And yet Jinki couldn’t even send a text or call him to relay this piece of information and relax his mind. Taemin was left alone with his dark thoughts, to make his own assumptions. To find the simplicity of grief was not easy.

How do you mourn for someone you know deserved to die?

Key had lived his life. Feeding off his father’s blood to remain young was selfish. Letting his thoughts drift so he could sleep was the medicine to his thudding headache.



Two hours later...

*Phone ringing*

“Ugh… Hello?”

His voice heavy with sleep as he answered his phone. Going adamant as he focused on the caller ID, FATHER. There was nothing but silence on the other end of the line. Taemin sat up, his fluffy hair bounced as he ruffled it between his slender digits.

“Hello?” A silky smooth voiced answered, but there was a hint of sadness that coated the other’s voice Taemin detected it.

“Taemin? It’s your mother… I— you should probably come see for yourself.”

The call ended, only the buzzing from the cut off-line seeped out the phone. Taemin glanced at the LCD screen with confusion. Was this the confirmation he needed? Was this the end of Kibum? Checking the time, he scowled, 1:45am. It was late.



“It’s rather late for you to be leaving, sir.”

Giving the doorman a warm smile, he nodded at his comment.

“Indeed, but family emergency.” The doorman opened his mouth to reply with a silent ‘Ah’ before opening the double doors for Taemin to exit the building. “Stay safe, sir.”

Once Taemin knew he was out of sight he started to run picking up speed till he was a blur to humans. Now leaving Seoul, Taemin ran to his old home, a place he still called home.

“Hello?! Father!”

Was it a mistake to return here? After his and Onew’s fight maybe they still weren’t on talking terms. Stepping out into the clearing, the trickling of water from the waterfall, Myungsoo, Sungyeol and Sohee all stood outside the white cottage in silence. As Taemin approached Sohee’s facial expression brightened up. “It’s Taemin!” Myungsoo and Sungyeol turned their heads towards Taemin and nodded silently as he entered the house.

“Taeminnie?!” A feminine/masculine voice called out, one that he had listened to so many times before. It was such a distinctive tone. A face he thought he would never see again stepped out from the shadows, coming into the light and glowing.

“Key?” Taemin froze where he stood, examining the newborn in front of him. Blood red hues, smooth marble skin, tall and fair complexion with his soft chocolate locks which he knew would change colour within the week.

Focusing his hearing to hear no heartbeat he knew Key had successfully turned into a upir. “Taemin…” Not wasting a second before they embraced each other tightly. “Oh, my sweet boy.” Tears in Kibum’s eyes as he squished Taemin’s cheeks, he was flushed from the crying. “You look amazing!” Taemin breathed out, slightly breathless by Key’s appearance. He had to admit Kibum looked stunning that he was momentarily paralyzed. Key blushed.

“I’m happy you’re okay.” He sighed.

Key frowned pulling Taemin in for a second hug. *Crack* The sound of bones breaking caught Key off guard, his face twisted with horror, dropping Taemin fast as he had pulled him in for a hug.

“Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry! This strength is too much for me to handle.”

Taemin chuckled cracking his spine back into place, he could hear Key breathing raggedly unusual behaviour even for a vampire.

“Don’t worry, it didn’t hurt. Plus, it’s nothing compared to my strength.” He smirked assuring his mother that no damage was caused. Key arched a brow with curiosity.

“Really? I don’t believe you.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you, Kibum.” Myungsoo whistled, followed by Sungyeol and Sohee smirking mischievously at one another.

All three of them with massive grins as they knew what was coming next. “Okay. Try me.” Taemin expelled a laugh of amusement but realised his mother was being serious.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Opening his arms to welcome his mother for another ‘friendly’ hug, Key wasted no time to embrace his son. Myungsoo scoffed. This ought to be entertaining. Ever so slowly Taemin squeezed his mother within his arms. Key hummed feeling nothing until his visage twisted with pain. *Crack* Key yelped as Taemin let go. Key’s eyes stung with tears, not yet used to this new surge of power and heightened senses, emotions and pain.


The whole room fell silent with Onew’s scream of rage. Taemin hissed as Jinki stormed into the room towards his husband. “Did he hurt you?” Lifting Key’s face to examine for any damage.

“Taemin, you know Key is fragile, you could have broken every bone in his body!!”

“Do you not realise that my mother is no longer human? Or did that slip your mind with the anger inside you? At least I have some sort of empathy.”

“It’s a miracle he is even alive right now and you want to play silly games to test your strength. Key hasn’t fully transitioned yet. The venom is still working into his system!”

Key dusted himself off before answering. “I’m okay, really. Darling leave Taemin alone. He’s already been through enough.” Onew faced his lover with tension. His eyes curved with anger as he examined Taemin closely, then turning his attention towards Key.

“He’s suffered enough, and I haven’t?! I sat beside you day and night waiting for you to wake up. You have no idea how badly I worried that you might not reanimate. You are my husband. My eternal bond. My everything and you’re telling me to give him a break?”


“I’ll be in my study if you need me. Spend some time with your son…”

Key sighed as Onew vanished from sight. “Father…” Taemin called out but nothing. “Let him cool off, he’ll join us later.”

Taemin’s head dropped sadly as he glanced down at his hands in disgust. Maybe now he could see that he was a disappointment to his father.

“Why do I feel like he’s not happy with me? That I disgust him?”

Key’s bubbly expression dropped at his son’s words.

“Don’t think that. He has always been so proud of you. Yes, I admit. There have been times where he wanted to rip your heart out for disobeying him. But he loves you just as much as I love you, Taemin. But that is so strange…”

Key paused, pressing his finger to his lips, deep in thought.

“I’ve never seen you act this way.” Taemin shrugged, he was just as confused with his behaviour. Was he going soft? Taemin bit his lip, twisting his daylight ring on his finger. What he was feeling were these his emotions coming back to him? Shutting them off for so long— finally they were travelling back into the light.



Three hours later...

Taemin observed his mother from across the meadow. He could sense the despair burning inside Key. This was all so new to Kibum. But being a vampire wasn’t fun and games, Key knew the risks and he knew in order to survive he needed to know how to fight, use his powers and be a proper vampire. He knew at some point Onew would need to fetch a sunlight ring for him. Which meant a visit to the Red Velvet witches…

Thankful it was dusk, but they would only have a few more hours until dawn. Scratching at his arm gently Key chewed his lower lip feeling awkward. The newborn just wanted to be inside the house, cooking doing what he does best.

“Mother are you ready now?”

The elder yelled from across the meadow, Key could only give him an unsure nod. Why

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Hey! My beloved readers!
I am happy to announce I will be returning to continue this story ^^ yay
Please bare with me as I go through current chapters and make small tweaks. Thank you for all being patient x


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Really!? That's great
749 streak #3
Chapter 8: Ah, I can’t believe I got caught up already. I love this fic and hope you will go back to it. I’m waiting for Taemin to realize how much Sunny means to him.
whowhowho #4
love love love! new Taemin fic!!!
whowhowho #5
love love love! new Taemin fic!!!
Chapter 5: Oh finally I read this chapter. It was all good as usual. L.jeo is really annoying and this compliment same goes for Jennie. I'm sure Taemin must have his own reason behind changing his partner. Maybe he is a vampire or is it all a because of blood.
78 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oooh, what an interesting cast list. I can't wait to dive into this later when I'm finished with my work.
692 streak #9
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
omgitsshineeeee #10
just reading the first chapters
I love this it's like korean twilight <3