Troublemaking Panda


SuTaoRis family has a rough day.


I really enjoyed righting this one for kiwisses and she seemed to enjoy it too.  ^^  It'd be nice to know what you guys think about it.  :)


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2447 streak #1
Chapter 1: the cat eating the fish was part of the plan??? HAHAHAHA
at least it all ended up well since Tao like the cat kore than the fish! congrats Suho and Kris for keeping your kid's innocence! HAHAHAHA
Chapter 1: What a weird mom that performing a water funeral for Tao's dead fish.
What a funny dad that saying the fish was sleeping.
What a weird, strange and funny family ^-^
dennyl #3
Chapter 1: 'performing a water funeral for Tao's dead
fish'. How?? Hahahahaha. I can't... This fic... Homygodd.
junmyeonwu #4
Chapter 1: "Is that my fish?"
"Huh, yeah, he's sleeping. LET'S GO!"

It cracked me up, you know? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Kyuhyunadia #5
Chapter 1: Baby tao love mr.panda more than mr.donghae(?)
Poor fish though. And when suho brought the cat I knew it will ate the fish... Lol.

Hehe I cracked up when kris supossed to say the f word but turns out to be fish.

It's cute :) hope there's more sutaoris fict in this world :)

Chapter 1: Nice nice nice! Was short, and quite funny, but overall it's great!