
Yesung hate a wedding dress but Kyuhyun love it so much


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400 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! Fluffy to the max! 🥰🥰
cloudiana24 #2
Chapter 1: Can't imagine yesung in a dress, wedding dress, he must be beautiful so much on it
So sweeeeeeeeet
Chapter 1: ‘Because I need you more than I
want to see you in wedding dress ’

‘You must be thankful that I love
you more than I hate wearing a
wedding dress ’

OMG!!! *squeals* *flips KyuSung* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Smart slash erted Cho Kyuhyun. XDDDD
anfi_cho #5
Chapter 1: ye must be pretty wore a wedding dress >,< so suitable. kkkk~~ kyusung jjang <3
dyazbluish #6
Chapter 1: oh?? oh,, oh,, Ye's wore the dress? the wedding dress? it's a bit confuse when it said he's wearing the white suit then it's a wedding dress.. ahaha,, sweet words from both of them..
Nice! thank you ^^