Dating an Idol


Lillie moved to South Korea running away from her past. There she meets her idol, Lee Jinki. Friendship turns into love and her life is turned upside down. Will she be able to maintain a relationship with SHINee's leader?!



Poster and Background made by CYPHER graphics ~


Lillie is surprised to find out that her idol and the man she loves, loves her back.

However to be together with him she needs to fight her insecurities, her past secrets and all the problems that come with Dating an Idol.

Will she be able to be the number one in Onew’s heart and destroy her worst enemy, herself?

Lee Jinki only wants to be happy. 

Surprisingly Lillie could be his ticket to happiness and he finds himself in a relationship with her.

Can he manage his idol life with his boyfriend duties?

Can he be the hero Lillie waited for so long?

Dating an insecure foreigner fangirl can be as hard as Dating an Idol!



(suggest me songs for Dating an Idol fic Playlist!)

I don't want to be an Idol ~Vixx (suggested by Rinn)

I love you - Avril Lavigne

Colorful ~ SHINee

In your eyes ~ Onew

The road to you ~ Onew cover

Beautiful ~ SHINee

Up and Down ~SHINee

One ~SHINee

I do (Cherish you) ~ 98 Degrees (suggested by Jess)

Lucky ~ Onew and Lena Park Cover

Please give my most recent fic, Perfectly Dangerous, lots of love.


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2033 streak #1
Chapter 42: Whoa! This ended??? (I know it was already expected but just let me be dramatic for no reason). And that ending though! Really? We need to talk. Meet me backstage. LoL... Jokes apart, I'd most probably be heading over to the sequel too. Only thing I'm scared of is, the chapters length *faints* BTW, just wanna ask something. Even in this chapter, you've described Min Hee's(?) eye colour to be green. But she's Korean/Asian? Also, love Lillie's family. They were all cute. Anyway, will be back later to check the remaining chapters and go to the sequel link ^^
2033 streak #2
Chapter 41: I kinda forgot what all I wanted to say about this chapter. My memory is kinda failing me as I read it over 2 or 3 days. First of all, is that trainee flirting with him a foreigner too? Jules and Key were cute indeed in this chapter especially. Can't believe they are going to do long-distance relationship. That's gonna be tough given his idol life. Also, I was surprised that there other people too who complained about the chapters' length. Anyway, can't believe only one chapter is left to read in this story. Will be back later to read them ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 40: You must be kidding me!! I mean about your last line in the chapter. Like seriously? Can't you even the guys some break? Anyway, now that I'm done ranting, this chapter was nice. Enjoyed all the fluffs. Kinda skipped the and definitely enjoyed the rest. Wonder what deal he made with his manager. Also, do you have a visual inspiration for the necklace? Just curious... Will be back later to read more ^^
PS you are definitely evil :P
2033 streak #4
Chapter 39: I definitely enjoyed the super fluff in this chapter!! The girls'interactions, Key with Jules, Lillie meeting his parents and so on, this chapter was really nice. Also, why would Lillie's father speak in broken English? Somehow my memory seems to fail me that part... Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 38: You never fail to leave me speechless with your A/N. What do you mean that this is a small chapter? :P jokes apart, I'm glad Lillie stood up for herself before My Young. That was a much welcoming change! And just when we thought the two were finally gonna have some much needed peace, you end the chapter with such an ominous line. Like why??? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #6
Chapter 37: OMG! You live for drama, don't you? I mean they were just starting to get happier, why do you have to go and disturb that peace? Like why??? Also, how could you write such to such a length? I did kinda skim/skip it, but still got curious after seeing how long those parts are. And also, is that a new pair forming or are you just teasing? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #7
Chapter 36: The entire chapter was nice. Jjong pestering him about the kiss all the time was quite cute. Lillie sending him all around the city on a clue hunt was nice. Also, their party was funny, especially Jjong rambling about saving Polar Bears and stuff randomly was cute XD BTW, talking about Polar Bears, they don't live in the South Pole though. They're only in the Arctic (North Pole) as far as I know. Just thought would let you know. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 35: My eyes widened the moment I read your after note saying this chapter was short. I was like what??? LoL anyway, jokes apart, just when I was thinking things were getting better between these people (Lillie, Jinki, Jules, Kibum and so), you drop the My Young bomb. Like why???? Can't wait to read more and see how things would go after. But I will be back later to do so ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 34: That was a super long chapter!!! Whoa!!! And so much happened... At least Jules and Lillie made up. And Minho and that fangirl (sorry I forgot name) though! I know he didn't exactly cheat but still... Also, what's with Kibum and Jules? So much drama in this and it was way tooooo long. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #10
Chapter 33: Whoa!! Your chapters are only getting bigger and bigger! LoL XD aside that, I really enjoyed all that fluff in the chapter. Those two were really cute together. BTW were they celebrating their anniversary? Has it been a year since they started dating? Or is it those special celebrations Koreans do, like 100 days or so? Also, another drama is on the way? Why?!! Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^