The Strength of Us


Kim Jonghyun has been living with his deaf and mute fiance for two years... and time has not been kind to them.

Again and again, Jonghyun thinks about leaving Allena, but something in his heart keeps telling him to stay.


Allena knows she's burdensome to Jonghyun, and she tries her best to make him feel better, but she longs to hear his voice. She wants to be normal and be what he deserves.

After the car crash at age 6, Allena has had to live life with only sight, smell and touch. She doesn't know what Jonhyun sounds like and she can't call out his name. She feels so lost. All she knows is Jonghyun. He's been her friend and companion for more than 12 years. She depends on him. and she feels troubled by it.

Can they overcome the challenges?


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Chapter 1: Sovis there like a next chapter?
Ps: I feel sorry for him.......and her