Farewell my friend ...

Let me love you, let me heal you.

Aron spend the whole night wondering in the city, just walking here and there, not really knowing where he was going ... he needed to relax and be alone for a while. He texted his manager, telling him that he would be back soon and that he was fine. He had missing calls from almost everybody and some texts from Jason:
'' Are you kay ? Where are you ? Give me a call if you need me. ''

He hates it, he hates and love this aspect of the Chinese boy. Jason was always there to help ... but he was like this with almost everybody when Aron wanted him to be like this with him only. 
And at the same time, Ren looked fragile, girly ... and Aron had this very tough bad boy aura, so he could understood why Jason would have the tendency to always check on Ren and makes sure he was okay. And Aron knew that sometimes he could be mean when he was talking to Jason, while Ren was always gigling, smiling and very nice with Jason.
 When he thought about it, before Jason came, Ren never smiled like this ... his attitude could even come  accross cold sometimes with others members.
 But since Jason arrived ... Ren changed ... in fact, Aron too felt like he was changing as well, JR changed too ... That was how much of effects Jason had on them and he hated it. It's like if they were under his spell and more than anything, Aron hates feeling like a puppet.

'' Fu Long Fei ... I hate you so much ... ''

Later when he came home, it was pretty late. He took a can of Pepsi and a bag of chips from the kitchen, then head to his bedroom where he found Jason awake. He was composing music on his computer, with his headphones on, he didn't noticed Aron entering in the room.
Aron started to change, he removed his clothes and only stay in his boxers. He sat on the bed and then he heard a noise. It was jason stomach, but Jason seemed so absorbed by his work that he didn't even react and kept working, playing with the piano and adjusting the notes.
Aron found that very cute and funny. Not too long  after, his stomach made  noise again. This time Jason removed his headphones:

'' Fck ... I need to eat ... what time is it ? '' Before he reached his phone to check the time, Aron answered him:
'' midnight ! ''
'' Wow ! I didn't know you were there ...'' He said after he jumped off from his chair.
Aron threw him his bag of chips, Jason caught it:
'' Thanks ... when did you arrive ? ''
'' Few minutes ago, for how long have you been working on your beat ? ''
'' Maybe 7pm ... but I'm half done.''
'' I guess you skipped diner.''
'' Yeah ... but I'll go eat after ... ''
'' Go eat now ! Then, go to bed. Tomorrow I will wake you up early so you can finish your beat. ''
'' You are so bossy ...  '' Jason said as he stood up from the chair and walked to the door.
'' ... but I like this side of your, it's kind of y ...'' Jason added with a smirk before closing the door behind him.
Aron had no idea how and why ... but just this sentence was enough to turned him on. He found it y in so many ways . He gulped before shaking his head:
'' No ! I hate you ! I hate you ! Why do I feel so funny ... fck ! ''.
Even if he was hungry, he decided to not follow Jason in the kitchen. It was too dangerous. Plus he saw him earlier with ren, seemed that they kissed ... what was up with that ? He was so confused.  He setted up his alarm and went to bed.

He  woke up around 8am and went to Jason's bed. If he thought that waking up  Baekho was hard, it's because he never tried Jason before. No matter how many times he shook him or called him Jason would not want to leave his bed:
'' Jason ... get up now ! Common ! ''
'' Just 5mn ... ''
'' It's been 10mn, wake up or I swear I will beat you up. ''
'' huh ... 5 mn ...'' were the last words he said before falling asleep again. Aron lost his patience and tried to pull him out of the bed, but he used too much strenght when he grabbed his arm and they both ended up on the floor, Jason on top of him, his legs interlaced with his ...
'' What the ... are you okay Aron ? ''
'' Yeah ... I ... '' 

He couldn't finish his sentence, the door opened on Minhyun:

'' Hey guys, time to ... '' he stopped talking and look at the floor.
'' Okay ... I see .. sorry, I will leave now. ''
Aron pushed Jason:
'' Minhyun NO ! It's not what you think I swear ... ''
'' It's okay Aron ! It's gonna be our secret, I don't judge ! '' He left giggling, closing the door behind him. 
'' This is all your fault ! '' Aron screamed as he got up.
'' Chill ! It's fine and he said he'll keep it secret ! '' He said as he tried to go back to his bed.
At this point, Aron lost all his patience:

'' What do you think you're doing ?  Go take your shower NOW ! ''
'' Okay ... I'm going ... sorry ... '' He said with a sleepy voice scratching his head. He left for the washroom and not even a minute later, Ren stormed in the room:
'' Minhyun told me everything, you are hitting on my knight ! ''
'' Oh my God ... I am not ! We just fell on each other, it was an accident ...''
'' How do you '' fell on each other'' by accident ? ''
'' I was trying to wake him up and it happened ... anyway Ren, it's not like he was your boyfriend and on top o that,  soon we will leave China. ''
Ren crossed his arms on his chest and gave an arrogant look to Aron before statting in English :
'' Just as Lady Gaga said: “Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger”  '' , he then left the room all proud of his intervention, leaving Aron more confused than ever.


The rest of the day felt very ackward, Aron was trying his best to avoid Jason as much as possible, he did not want Ren to feel like he was hitting on the Chinese boy so he just kept his distances from him. They were coming back from a TV interview, waiting for their managers in the lobby, when one of the staff member approached Jason, telling him something in Chinese. Nobody understood what she said because she spoke too low, but Aron noticed the change on Jason face. He turned pale. He stood up from the sofa:


'' Guys ... I will use the washroom ...  '' He then left as soon as he could. Aron did not buy it, he did not believe it. Few minutes later, he used the same excuse and decided to search for Jason. After few minutes, he found him near the elevators, he was talking to another boy a bit taller than him, dark hairs, cold stare ... Even if Aron couldn't understand a word they were saying, he guessed what was going on. He saw his picture before, this boy was Leo , Jason's ex ...

'' I texted and called  you many times ... don't you think that we should talk ... ''
'' Jason, there is nothing to talk about. You have your life now, I have mine and that's it ! ''
'' Leo ... you know that I still care about you ... I miss you ... ''
'' Bull ! look, you made your choice. It was your decision to step on everything we achieved together ... so ... I think it's time to move on now. ''
'' I couldn't turn down this opportunity, you know it ! But it doesn't mean that ... ''
'' Jason, you made your choice. Bye ! Don't try to contact me again and if we bump into each other like today ... please ... '' the boy took a deep breath before adding '' ... ignore me and keep walking . Farewell my friend. '' 
He then walks away, leaving a Jason close to tears behind him.



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Llamasandpandas #1
Poor Jason... :'(
Chapter 1: Omg this is awesome can you update soon? Please
Chapter 1: QQ... Aron....