Love Story


A story about sister's love and a father's love.

A story about how puppy love grew into stronger bonds between Nichkhun and Victoria.


The story itself is in great detail so readers can understand each characters inside out, pyhsically and emotionally. 

Most of the earlier chapter will discuss on Victoria's family.

Khuntoria moments starts later at chapter 4. So be patient because I am an avid Khuntoria fan myself, so I'll make sure I put all the sweetness I can think of :)

This is my first fanfic and being non-native English speaker nor a Korean, so I am truly sorry for any grammatical error or if this fanfic offended anyone or if there is any factual error.

Please support and enjoy Love Story, hopefully you'll be cherish with love too the rest of your life!


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diaaaahhhhh #1
Chapter 21: oh my god i can't believe it i never bored read this story. you're doing great job author-nim ^^
wow! this is a very very very good story. well-written. i'm not exaggerating!!! :)) ^_^ honestly, this is one of the best stories i've ever read. fighting!!! ^_~
Oh. I finished it. ;') it's one nice story. Unexpected characters, and the point of WAITING. Just imagine how many those years were! They ended up though. >;D I see you really planned this to be short with those jumping of years. XD It would be fun if you kinda put more about Vic's Obsessive CLEANLINESS. LOL I'd love to read another KhunToria from you. >;D
Wait. <b>DID I MISS SOMETHING?</b> - c18
OH. JEJUNG and geez, <b>MY PARK MIN YOUNG</b>. Who else would pop in here and shock the hell out of me? O.o - c15
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<b>MY CHANGMIN.</b><br />
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What a perfect person to ruin the scene. LOL Okay, since my being a BIGEAST triggered again; hmm. You mentioned <i>Jang</i> Yunho, which I think is supposed to be <b>Jung</b> Yunho? - c13
Whoa! Khun is quite too fast eh? O.O but yeah! It's freakinly sweet! - c5
Okay. Okay. I'm actually grinning now. And that plan, LOL it has to be always like that. XD - c3