Chapter 10

He's There

"Wanna go with me on a boat?" he offered me, as we were walking out of the Inkigayo building through the back door. 

"A b-boat?" I stuttered, eyes open wide-eyed. He chuckled. "Yeah, it's gonna be fun." he mentioned.

"Uhmm... okay...?" I accepted Junho's offer. Hm, I just hope I don't get sea sick. ... Were we even going out to sea? XD 


"Here it is!" he said, showing me the small little white row boat. The oars a dark cherry brown, and there was a wide white umbrella hovering over the whole boat. Shielding our bodies from the sun. 

I smiled. "Get in." he said. I gently pressed my foot inside the boat and sat on one of the stools in it. He sat in front of me and took the oars.

He started rowing away from the dock, where other people were taking photos. I gulped and hid my face. "Don't worry about them." he said, noticing my position.

He pulled us far out in the lake, where we were in the middle. Other couples were in different boats, floating about. But they were away from our boat. 

"How do you like this?" he asked as the soft wind blew by. I smiled at him and held the book I was reading in my hands. I closed the book and looked up at him. 

"It's really relaxing.. I like it here." I said. He smiled and rowed us along the lake. "I actually like coming here sometimes." he said. 

"Really?" I asked, looking at him intently. He nodded. "I come early in the morning and just sit by the lake." he said, glancing at the beginning of the lake. 

"I just sit there and let my mind wander. I get a lot of inspirations from here.." he added. "That's cool. I wish I could come here everyday. I wish I could set my mind free..." I told him softly. He didn't reply, but just looked at me and smiled. 

"I could take you hear anytime you want. Really, it's not that far." he said, rowing a little slower. He let go of the oars. But I heard them plop into the water. 

"Oops." he said, looking down into the clear shallow water. I think it could go up to my waist. "I think we should get it." I said, leaning over the side of the boat.

He leaned over also and reached out his arm, the water was already half up way. He almost touched it when---

"AHHH!!!" we both screamed. The boat tipped over and we both fell into the cold water. I blubbered as I was dunked into the lake. 

I swam to the surface and took a huge breath of air. I smoothed my hair back and I looked around for Junho. He rose up, shaking his hair and panting. 

"Holy Crap!" he yelled, shaking his head. I laughed. "Omo, I'm so sorry ___-shi." he said, swimming towards me. 

I laughed again as he took my hands. It was freezing, and I didn't really know, (nor did I care) if my clothes were see-through. 

The people surrounding the lake looked at us swimming in the water, while taking pictures and laughing to themselves.

"How emberassing..." I complained, ducking my head beneath the water. 


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Totally going to read this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
seems interesting
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #6
Intanjunhottest #7
annyeong , i'm new reader here :)<br />
loved to read another junho fanfic ^^<br />
thanks to author for post it ^.^