Christmas Eve

P.S. I Love You

 P.S. I Love You - Pt. 6 - Christmas Eve

The nonexistent sun showed itself through the closed blinds; the sound of a honking horn and a mumble woke Choi from her sleep. Turning over, to find the cause of the mumbling; she found two brown eyes looking at her dreamily. Blushing openly this time, she smiled, Baekhyun doing the same.


“Morning~” his voice a bit groggy and low.

“Morning Baekhyunnie”

“I know you slept well” he pecked her forehead, “I shall go make breakfast”

“Oh, now you cook?”

“I have a few tricks up my sleeve” he kissed her forehead again.

“You are a puzzle to me, you know that?”

“You’re a puzzle to me as well, I am always finding something new about you every day~”

“Like what?” Choi asked, snuggling into his chest.

“You have two beauty marks on your neck and you need someone to depend on”


Choi lifted her head from his chest, looking into his eyes, and smiling.


“Nobody has ever noticed, and I have you right?”

“Yeah you have me, always”

“I learned a few things about you too~”

“Hmm, what are they?”


The two crawled out of her bed and walked to the bathroom, to wash up and brush their teeth. Smiling and laughing as they made faces in the mirror.


“You adore music like it’s oxygen to you, you have a unique and gorgeous voice, you bake and cook and you love the idea of meaningful love”


Choi smiled as she noticed the staring Baekhyun, as bright as a strawberry from her words that described him completely. Rinsing her face and drying it off, Baekhyun doing the same; he faintly glanced at her. Taking her into his arms, as she laced her arms over his shoulders, locking her index fingers together and smiling.


“Meaningful Love” He whispered out, loud enough for her to hear. Leaning down to her height, their lips having a conversation of themselves.  Breaking the kiss, butterflies in her stomach as he gently and softly pressed his lips to her neck; grabbing her hand and walking to the kitchen.


“Eggs, Bacon and pancakes; sound good to you?”

“Sounds delicious~”




A stomach filled with delicious food, bodies bundled up in sweaters and scarves along with earmuffs and such. The winter air bone chilling in its invisibility; but laughter being made as Baekhyun and Choi, began their walk to the market; picking up desert for Luhan’ party and small gifts for the children, who Baekhyun had found out, were into coloring books and electronics; the only shock being was a coloring book. The two hadn’t seen one in who knows how many years; but that didn’t stop them from buying the kids gifts and providing a few deserts for the family.


“What would you like for Christmas?”

“You asking me?” Choi asked Baekhyun pointing to herself.

“Yes, what would you like Choi?”

“So you’re my Santa this year” Choi giggled pulling a smiling Baekhyun to her, looking into his eyes. “I have all I need, there isn’t a want” smiling before she kissed him softly.

“Hmm” he moaned into the kiss, breaking it. “Well, in honesty, I just want to hold you very close and kiss you all the time” he kissed her once more, before purchasing the items and leaving the store; her hand in his.


The two walking, smiling internally, unable to express how verbally happy they were to be within each other’ grasp. Choi blushing as she found Baekhyun looking at her, biting his bottom lip; and Baekhyun smiling that bright childish smile, as he found her blushing because of him. The two unable to mask the love and happiness, within themselves; for once in a while they were happy and had someone to talk to about it. The expression of love is what Baekhyun was all about, how to get it to her without doing the cliché things, such as buying her flowers and kissing her all the time; even though he did kiss her when he couldn’t control himself. But Choi felt and understood what he was doing, and for him to try this hard to make her happy; was the reason he was all tangled up in her heart strings.


Smiling at him, when she found him looking at her for the umpteenth time, “What?”

“Nothing, you are just very gorgeous” he chuckled with his reply.

“Hmm, thank you” Choi blushed, receiving another stare and smile from Baekhyun.


“I love making you blush, it is the cutest” he leaned over to kiss her forehead and smiled at her, pecking her lips before continuing. “Your eyes get really big and when your cheeks flush with the softest pink, you remind me of a puppy” he blushed and squeezed her hand.

“Hmm” Choi blushed again, tip toeing to kiss Baekhyun’ cheek, successfully


Both of them continuing their journey until they made it finally to Luhan’ home, having the opportunity to meet Him and his family.



Christmas Eve and new faces


“Hi my name is Celania, I am Mrs. Lu, nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Lu” both Baekhyun and Choi replied with a humble bow.

“My daughter has been talking about you tw~”



Baekhyun and Choi heard a familiar voice, as their faces flushed with heat; the little princess came running to them, jumping into Baekhyun as he picked her up. Smiling as she kissed his cheek and reached to do the same to Choi.


“Well, why don’t you two come inside, and get comfortable”

“YES! um Mr., Prince can you come with me really really quick?”


She asked, full of cuteness, pointing in the direction of her destination; with a smiling Baekhyun following her finger. Choi, walking with Mrs. Lu to the kitchen, when she saw the father from that night at zoo lights.


“Hi, Mr. Lu”

“Oh hi, Choi, nice to see you could make it”


Choi smiled and was a little awkward, when Mr. Lu, Well Luhan hugged her and guided her to the family room. Into a large room full of guys, she had never seen before; each handsome in their own ways.


“Hi, I am Choi, nice to meet you all” she said to the room of ten men, Luhan leaving to high five a cold looking man. Who stood up, and walked towards her extended his hand.

“I am Sehun, nice to meet you Choi”

“Nice to meet you too” she replied, returning a smile that Sehun casually flashed at her.


The others waving and smiling as well, Choi feeling slightly comfortable, but still a little tense, from the group of unknown people.

“Choi, you okay”

“Uh, yeah” She jumped but quickly calmed down when she recognized his voice.

“We don’t have to stay if you are~”

“No I, want to stay here, because we promised little Princess” Choi giggled, “We promised An Bao we would stay”

“Yes, I know, but if you feel awkward, we can stay for dinner and then say good night. Christmas Eve, is only good if you don’t spend it being nervous.”

Baekhyun kissed the nodding Choi on her cheek, lacing his fingers with hers as they walked into the room and sat amongst the group of mixed silence and loud people. Baekhyun, pulling Choi closer to him, trying to ease her nerves, by wrapping his arm around her waist and squeezing it softly. Whispering to her, when he wasn’t talking to a few of the men he had sort of became friends with.


“Hi, Choi, the name is Kyungsoo”

“And I am Kai”

“Me, oh I am Suho, nice to meet such a beauty”

“Hey, you already met me, but these two are Kris and Tao; secret” Sehun leaned closer to her ear and whispered in it. “They may look scary or mysterious, but really these to idiots are humble and nice guys. So don’t be afraid of them”


Choi nodded her head, thanking Sehun for the mental note, smiling and waving at the two; staring in shock as they smiled and waved back. Squeezing Baekhyun’ hand, she let it go and headed to the restroom, Baekhyun nodding as he knew where she was going.


“You are pretty” a voice spoke loud and clear, behind Choi.

“Thank you” Choi replied, turning around to see who it was that was talking to her.

“I am An Bao’ brother Jin”

“Nice to meet you Jin” Choi replied returning the bow and a smile.

“So you must be Mr. Prince’ Princess?”

“Mhm, An Bao is a sweetheart”

“Hmm, yes, she is”

“Jin sweetie, come help me place the food on the table please” Mrs. Lu slightly yelled, catching our attention.

“Okay Mama!” he yelled, “Nice talking to you, but I have to go~”


The curly hair boy with features just like his father’, ran in the opposite direction, to help his mom prepare the table and Choi went to the restroom. After a few minutes of Choi wondering through the halls to get back to the main room, a tall smiling man caught up to her.


“Hi, Choi; you didn’t really get to meet me, but I am Chanyeol”

“Nice to meet you Chanyeol” Choi replied, smiling when he kissed her hand.

“This way~”


Choi laughed at the awkward situation, because she was wondering throughout the halls of this large house and Chanyeol, could see she was lost.



The group ate the delicious meal prepared by Mrs. Lu and Mr. Lu; they all shared memories and laughs; Choi even relaxed more and Baekhyun was still being protective of her. After a few hours when dinner was done and everyone was about to leave, Choi and Baekhyun presented the children with their gifts.


“Merry Christmas, Jin, An Bao, and of course, Erin”


Both Baekhyun and Choi, smiled as the two boys opened up their gifts, their faces lighting up at the visual of video games that they figured they’d want to play. Even precious An Bao, who jumped up and down, saying thank you, kissing both of their cheeks. Baekhyun received fist pumps from the boys while, they hugged Choi at the same time and ran off to play them, followed with An Bao who instead of running to her room, ran to Sehun and sat in his lap.


Baekhyun smiled and kissed Choi’ head, he loved the sight of a happy child; it brought back great memories to him. Shaking hands with everyone and bowing, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Lu for the meal and having them. Choi hugging all of the guys; receiving a kiss on the cheek from An Bao, who was still sitting on Sehun’ lap. Before they left to head to their homes and rest for the next day.



Is it too early?

Coming Soon….

AN: Hey guys ^^ 

This took me a while to write, I need to re-read and fix somethings huhuhu~ But I wrote this for you all that have been waiting and I so sorry to leave a to be continued =/ but my brain is racking these past days. So much has happened, and I shall spare you the long explanation for it. But I hope you all have an AWESOME NEW YEAR! 

I will plan to update, as I finally get my english/ economics assignments done!! Senior in HS; 4 classes, just did my last on in govt. so I am onto the segment finasl O__O and financial math is 2 assignments away from me taking those finals as well. 

*I take classes online* 

Well, happy new year and happy writing and finals for me!!


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Chapter 10: Aww this is so over sweet.i need a man like Baek omo i'm crying here over this story.
Chapter 10: *GAH!!!* omg cutest proposal! Omg, I wish. :D :D Very cute! Loved!!!! <3
Chapter 7: *squeals* omg.... love the throw of drama in this chapter...but cute Baekhyun is making me squeal with delight. *continues reading*
Chapter 10: reading* or**
Chapter 10: Omg this chapter was amazing... the part with Baek's proposal was just-- perfect. It's really hard to describe what I felt read long this story besides "I loved it" omr "the best story ever"! I hope you will continue writing such beautiful stories like that with attaching characters! Thanks again for this story! I will always support you! <3
Chapter 9: Omg.... this chapter was great, I loved it! Please update soon, I can't wait to know what is Choi's gift!
Chapter 7: I LOVED IT LIKE USUAL!!!! It's awesome seriously... please update soon I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 6: This update is so sweet! ~ I love it!
Please update soon but take your time with your studies and exams!
flowerish #9
Chapter 5: omg im tearing up ; ;
i cannot with lara.
dush dush dush.
it's nice story yay ♡
keep it up and good luck in updating it.
huehuehuehue looking forward to it weeps.
Chapter 4: This update makes me want to cry... Of course I LOVE this update author-nim!!!!!!! Thank you so much for updating! Choi had the good reaction while talking to Lara. And Baekhyun.... Ahhhh wish I had a friend like him! So nice! The pasteries you described looked really good! :)
I love when Choi and Baekhyun are both together, it sounds like nothing can stop them from being happy together. Thnaks again for updating and I hope you will be updating really soon! I really love your story, my favorite so far on AFF!!! Kisses!