Chapter 1

No Need for Words

Her eyes opened, she checked the time on her phone and she finally came to her senses! She gasped and rush out of her house. She was late to pick up her boyfriend at the airport. After not being able to see him in person for five months, she was late in picking him up! As she drove her car to the Vancouver International Airport, she mumbled to herself, “Minhee! How are you so stupid? You forgot about your own boyfriend!” She had always been forgetful, and her boyfriend knew it so well. Minhee sped to the airport, blaming herself in her mind and praying that her boyfriend won’t be mad at her.



She finally made it to the airport. She rushed in hoping to find him, realizing she forgot which flight he was! “Oh, I can just text him,” she thought to herself, checking her bag, she realized that she was too much of a forgetful ball of rush that she forgot to get her phone before she left her apartment. She ran to the nearest counter and asked the transportation ticketing agent there, “Which gate did the last flight from South Korea enter from?” The agent there was kind enough to point her to the gate and she ran off.

She looked around and sighed deeply, “Oh Minhee! Why are you so stupid!” She knocked on her head a few times, being completely frustrated at the fact that she can’t find her own boyfriend. She sighed deeply another time from being tired from her rush. The moment she was about to turn around to go search for her boyfriend another time, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind and they pulled her into a firm chest of someone who gave off an awfully familiar and comfortable feeling.



“Minhee, how come you’re late,” the person asked in a slight teasing tone. She turned around to meet eyes with this man. It was this man that she came to love for so long, it was this voice that she missed so much, it was this touch that she longed for, it was these pair of eyes that gave her the same butterflies from before after two years, almost three years, it was this very smile that took her breath away time and time again, and she was happy that he was hers and only hers. His voice shook her out of her thoughts, “Did you miss me that much? Or am I just so handsome that you can’t take your eyes off of me?” Her tall, handsome, Chinese boyfriend just chuckled at her flushed face, something he could never get tired of. “I’m sorry. I fell asleep and totally forgot that your flight was coming in soon,” she confessed silently with her head down, “I feel horrible! I mean, you just came back from Korea and you must be tired and you’re work is always keeping you busy and we haven’t seen each other in months! I can’t believe that I forgot! I’m so sorry! How can I be so stupid!” He chuckled silently at his innocent and small girlfriend going and rambling on and on about her little mistake of coming to him just a little later than planned.



“You are stupid, but you’re my kind of stupid. Besides, I just arrived and you did come get me instead of leaving me here. Even that wouldn’t matter, I still have the keys and address to our apartment,” Kris said to her as he grabbed her hand to lead her out into the parking lot. She looked up as the walked out hand in hand, wondering how a girl like her was able to find a guy like him. It wasn’t long until her thoughts were answered because he had noticed her staring, “Don’t even have those kinds of thought Minhee. I love you and you know that. I don’t care how you look or how much money is in your bank account.” The reassuring smile Kris gave Minhee was one that made her feel loved and wanted. Kris never wondered how such a small lady like her was able to grab a hold of the heart of such a tall man like him. He knew her charms were so much more than he could ever ask for and them having opposite personalities and similar tastes, that was what made them stay together for the much longer.



Arriving to her car, Kris decided to drive since he planned on going somewhere with her. Being slightly confused, but the accepting person she is, Minhee allowed Kris to carry on with his plan, since she felt guilty for arriving late at the airport. She slowly relaxed in his comforting aura as he drove to the destination. As the quick half hour long drive ended, they ended up at the Vancouver Science World. It was a place that held subtle, yet important memories for the both of them. The place where their loving relationship started.


Standing outside of the lit up dome, staring out into the waters, listening to silence, they both knew that words did not have to be spoken to understand each other’s thoughts. Sighing quietly, Kris decided to break the comfort of the silence surrounding them, “You do know why we’re here right?” Knowing her answer before allowing her to open , he responded, “It’s our three year anniversary. We confessed on this night, in just fifteen more minutes, it’s going to be the exact time that you said yes to me.” Overwhelmed by her sense of emotions,she stood there in shock and in frustration, not being able to remember their anniversary! “I knew you would forget. Not being able to spend the last anniversary with you because of my conflicting schedules, it’s alright if you forgot,” Kris responding to her thoughts, with the feeling of  reassurance that she had always loved about him. Holding the small girl in his arms, they didn’t need anymore words to speak for them, they just knew. They knew the words that were to be spoken would last them a lifetime, not spoken out by their mouths but by their  hearts, “I love you.”

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BaekhyuNina #1
IS THIS 4 REAL?? the story is complete.. write some more.. hahaha... love the caring Kris.. huhu..