The Second Half


The first half of their story ended. Will the second half be more painful than the first?

Kris has seemed to move on from a devastating break up. When Suho comes back into his life, will Kris' cracked heart crumble into pieces once more?


Hello, everyone! This is a personal fic of mine, re-written and updated with my OTP ship based on the lyrics from Peter Pan (M-version). This is the first fic I've made available here, so I hope everyone enjoys it! 

[MSG] Thank you for your comments, everyone! I do hope to hear more from the readers of "The Second Half"!! Don't worry, I may be returning to this story when I can find time to write in between my other fic. I might write: "The First Half" or an alternate "The Second Half"... What do you guys think?


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2446 streak #1
Chapter 1: if Jun blames being young and immaturity, then it is what it is... what's amazing is that he was man enough to right his mistakes... if Yifan has moved on from him, he was ready to accept that since it was his fault in the first place

but hey, Yifan really thought of Jun as the one, and was very broken when Jun suddenly wanted out... it didn't make sense then... what Jun did was cruel, specially to Yifan, but Jun needed that... Yifan didn't owe it to Jun to wait for him, but what to we do if Yifan still loved him all this time?

past is past, Jun needed time for himself and as he did that, he's still always yearned to be that one for Yifan, bettering himself so that he's the best version of himself when he faces Yifan again... and Yifan, he still wants Jun, can't blame him for suddenly accepting Jun just like that again, specially with the diary out of the bag... they deserve this 2nd chance and they'll surely do better this time around :)
Chapter 1: So sweet :)
Love Krisho more. ♥♥♥
Chapter 1: AAHH SO CUTE SO SWEET!!!!,
kaeljaeyoung #4
Thank you for the comments, guys! Krisho is <3!
Chapter 1: Nice job! I enjoyed reading this a lot...I especially liked how u brought out junmyeon's wistfulness and regret towards the end.
rhapsodyofnothingnes #6
Chapter 1: A great story. I really like Kris' character here. This is the second half? So, is there first half that you posted somewhere else?