The Bus Ride

The Bus Ride

From his spot squished up against the wall, Siyoon can just make out Minhyuk through the crowd, half asleep on the seats he'd snagged for himself and the now completely asleep maknae. Siyoon could only see the top of Woobin's head with how he'd tucked himself up into Minhyuk, hiding his face in the crook of the rapper's neck, most likely drooling. Siyoon knew Minhyuk wouldn't care in the slightest if he was. He had an obvious soft spot for the maknae that Siyoon was just waiting to see develop into something more.

It had been a long day, they'd had an early schedule--which they'd had to wake up at an ungodly hour to get ready for, on very little sleep as it was. After schedule they'd been given free time to explore and take in the sights but now they were beyond exhausted and trying their best to stay awake long enough to make their stop and make it back to their hotel-- crawling, if they had to. Well, most of them. Somehow, even though the rest of them were practically dead on their feet, Seungjun was still full of energy, bouncing on the balls of his feet and blabbering on excitedly to the nearly comatose leader. Siyoon pitied his hyung, but there was no way he was going to sacrifice himself to save Sungwon, he was just far too tired.

Sungwon wasn't sure how it had happened, sure he'd bought Seungjun some coffee and yeah, they'd been given a few sweets by some local A-Lands but Seungjun didn't normally react like this to sugar or caffeine. So how on earth was Seungjun still this energetic? Even if it was the caffeine and sugar, it should have worn off. Alas, here he was bouncing around on the bus, despite the crowds of people and very little bouncing room, running off at the mouth... Sungwon prided himself on how much he cared for his band mates and made it a point to listen to them but on this little energy, there was only so much he could handle. He'd stopped paying attention to Seungjun's nattering four stops ago. At least he still looks like he's paying attention, or he thinks so anyway. It's normal to look at someone's mouth when they're talking, isn't it? Watching their lips scrunch and stretch, staring completely fascinated as their mouth moves--in Seungjun's case, barely slow enough for his lips and tongue to properly form the sound before moving on to the next? His favourite part is when Seungjun's lips part just enough that Sungwon can see his tongue flicking around inside his mouth, Seungjun has a cute tongue. Can tongues be cute? It's hypnotic and just completely astounding, how quickly everything is moving and is Seungjun even speaking Korean anymore..?

Suddenly the lips stop moving and they close, blocking Sungwon's view of that cheeky little tongue and the lips form into a pout, a very soft and puffy looking pout and Sungwon absently wonders why it stopped. He stares at them, willing them to move again and he thinks the lips must read minds because they do start to move again, though significantly slower than before. Maybe it's because he's so tired, if he's honest with himself maybe he'd admit that it's been a long time coming but despite the amount of people Sungwon has spoken with throughout his life and even previous times he's spoken with Seungjun, he's never felt as captivated as he does in that moment. He wonders what it feels like...what that soft pout would have feel like or what it would feel like for his own lips to match Seungjun's in the previous, almost frantic dance they'd been enchanting him with before. It's almost like his body is moving on its own accord. His hand reaches out and grabs Seungjun by the collar and Seungjun's pretty lips part in a –seductive-- yes, a seductive "O". Sungwon yanks, maybe with a little too much urgency, almost pulling Seungjun off his feet. Suddenly he doesn't have to imagine because now his lips are on Seungjun's, he's brain registers with mild surprise when Seungjun's lips start to gently move against his, his tongue seeking out Seungjun's and meeting it...
The kiss ends (too soon) as the bus jerks violently to a stop. There's a brief moment of confused silence between them both searching the eyes of the other, looking for something-- confirmation, playfulness, anything?

Siyoon shuffles (as energy-efficiently as possible) and reaches sluggishly through the throng of people to grab Sungwon's sweater sleeve, mumbling tiredly that they've finally reached their stop. He offers his band mates a soft smile before weaving his way back to the door to join Minhyuk and Woobin (ther maknae nearly asleep, piggy backed on the rapper) and start them back to the hotel. He knows it's better this time to not wait, the other two will follow at their own pace. He may be tired but he's no less observant.  


Hey guys, sorry again that I've been pretty non-existent. I see a few more people writing A-Prince fics, yay! :D
I made a blog post, talking a bit more about my reasons for not coming on much (you dont have to read it but if you're curious, it's there).
Again, I feel a bit bummed that I didn't properly get to "celebrate" Mambo and there's only a month left of this semester so I've got a lot of papers, projects and presentations to prepare as well as studying for finals (eventually). I wanted to give you at least a little something? It's not a ____/you like my previous have been but...  Hope you dont hate it..? :P

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Chapter 1: gah i really love this
i really love aprince
especially seungjun ;;
Chapter 1: Awwww, so cute