Life's Unfair

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Rating: PG
Genre: Drama
Verse: alternate / Musketeer AU
Words: 1033
Summary: Sungmin always watches whenever Kyuhyun practices, so he decided to give him a treat today.
A/N: So my last fic was about Kyutagnan and Mintagnan's fight scene, and some was asking how they met. I wasn't supposed to write this part down really, but I thought it would be interesting to know the life of the two before they became known as the real and the fake D'Artagnan (which I am going to presume is a surname even if it is clearly a name, just for fanfic purposes okay)
yes, still came from a dream, are you guys seeing now how much my dreams can be so troublesome. unbeta-ed.
dedicated to haebabo, who I am due a kidfic I foolishly lost when I cleaned googledocs. sobs, forgive me.
and inspired from Kappa's cute artwork


Sungmin chuckled at him. Kyuhyun stared, it felt good whenever he could make him smile, he thought a sad face didn’t at all suit the younger. “Hey Min, why do you always watch me when I practice? Don’t you get bored watching?” he asked suddenly.
The blond stared back at him, his lips pursed in a form of a pout, blinking as he shook his head, telling him “No”
“Do you understand what I’m doing? Why I want to be a Musketeer?” he tried again, Sungmin was even more unfortunate than him, the people who kept him only used the boy for their farm, and he didn’t know anything else other than those they made him do.
The younger shakes his head again.
“And yet you still watch me every time” he teased, earning a playful whack to the arm and a blush to Sungmin’s cheeks he was always fond of. He ruffled that soft blond hair, because he was secretly happy that the other was watching him, it made him feel like he could actually do it. “Thanks Min”



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kelly_kyu #1
Chapter 1: I need happy ending please!!!!! I cannot think of any reason for Min to commit suicide like that :( all he has done is following Kyu since he was a child :( Now I just try to believe that Kyu would come to the river to find out Min being still alive and they can be invincible musketeer duo !!!!!!!
why people comment about Sungmin died already? just by the two line at the end of the story, ot is there any sequel for this???
Chapter 1: So mung really did die.. Wae authornim? Wae? OTLL
Chapter 1: Please make sungmin still alive
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 1: Aaaaaa.. Andniw i'm more curious why min did that.. Why min commit suicide.. Why they part a way.. ㅠㅡㅠ

Thanks for writing...
Chapter 1: T_T , I thought you said angst doesn't run in your blood but why this story is sad :(
please make another sequel where kyuhyun search sungmin in the river and find him a live so they can live happy ever after please ;T^T;
rainbowed_grass #7
Chapter 1: I need happy ending.. T~T
Chapter 1: Love this!! <3 would you ever consider making this a series??