

Two strangers, two entirely seperate lives.
One shared dream.
One chance at happiness.


"Will you really help me?"

"Of course, Baek."





Life is Fragile.



Chanyeol hadn't expected him to text. Not exactly. But somewhere deep down, buried beneath his pride and expectations, there was a small glimmer of hope - a small yearning that this stranger would save his number, maybe even memorise it.  And if he did … Chanyeol had hoped that he would contact him. He didn't care how long it took to before the stranger decided to do so, just as long as he did.

denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.

Please don't forget to upvote, comment and subscribe~~^^
Reviewed by the lovely Fan of Karma here at World of Literature
Recommended/Featured by the lovely Shibalyo here at Shibalyo's Fanfiction Recommendations!
Other Fanfiction:
Ethereal - TaoRis angst

Baek in a Box - BaekYeol fluff idek 


© 2013 Chr0meHearts. All rights reserved.
Do not plagiarise. Do not redistribute.
Do not translate without permission.
Thank you for respecting my rights as an author.

That absolutely gorgeous graphic and background was made by the extremely talented goldenblood
Be sure to check out their work, it's stunning!

Don't read the comments before the story. You will only spoil it for yourself. 
[Halcyon] 400 up votes! Thank you all so much! ;w;


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Byun_se-hi #1
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful 😭 ❤️
Chapter 3: No wonder this story literally walked into my soul and trashed it!!!! This came from a DEEEP place inside you, sen-pai!!! Thank you for sharing an writing it EXACTLY the way you wanted. You really DO give hope to those who suffer and read this. I love the story as it stands, even though I hurt for Baekhyun.
Chapter 1: I am calming down a bit, but I am still crying; destroyed and it's hard to see the keyboard to type through tears. I need to let you know that I have been staring at this story for years; circling it like a crazy person trying to figure out how to lift something; dreading reading it, but knowing that I wanted to. I subbed and upvoted it, but could NOT for the life of me open and begin to read. I came back to it many times, only to stare at the forward and quickly move on; frightened to explore. I knew that it would make me cry, but I never expected to cry so hard that I would fall asleep and wake up crying still. I am composing myself, but it's hard. I *LITERALLY* took a deep, cleansing breath and finally have "cracked the seal" and have started reading and it's tearing my soul apart. I knew that it would affect me and I love that; stories that pull on me so hard are really my kryptonite. I really DO love deep writing like this. But I was not expecting to fall into the deep end of emotions and "drown".

I was hoping for Baek to fight off leukemia and Chanyeol to be the one to push him to do as such. I was hoping that ever since Chanyeol found Baek's bucket list. I knew it would be a hard read when an angry Chanyeol sat with a compliant, reality based Baek during a doctor's appointment and a desperate Chanyeol asked Baek to fight it as hard as he could and Baek said yes. I watched them slowly fall in love, but be oblivious of each other's feelz. But I never expected Chanyeol to die first. I honestly could not breathe when Baek visited his grave.

Sorry, I'm back. I broke down as I typed the words of Chanyeol dying and had to take a break from typing. This is in no way scolding you at all. To the contrary, I am so very happy and would be so surprised if no one else feels like this. I admit that, to some, this may be a bit of an overreaction. Maybe I am just a little over sensitive because Chanyeol and Baekhyun are now doing their military conscription and are away from us and each other (and that last part may not even be true, as we saw that D.O and Xuimin saw each other during their time in service). Maybe I am just a little overwhelmed by the poignant storyline that you have written so beautifully. Maybe it's BOTH!! But I am not upset that I am feeling this story so deeply. I feel like.........no, I *AM* walking through this story with them; feeling and experiencing what they are going through. This story has come alive for me. It's such a good read that I am pulled in hard!!

Like I said, I have been staring at this story for years, knowing that it would tear me apart, but excited at the prospect of a lovely read......and you didn't disappoint. THIS is a story that will go into my personal library. I haven't even finished it yet!!! LOL!!!

Thank you for this wonderful read. Right now, I am going to take a very small break and submit some grades, contact a few parents and maybe plan dinner. I just want to center myself to dive into the unknown of the rest of this story.

You, my friend, are a VERY....an EXTREMELY talented writer that can make your readers actually become characters in your stories. I am excited to move on in this story, even knowing that more tears lie ahead in the coming chapters. Thank you.
Chapter 1: This was really good! TT Thank you
174 streak #6
Chapter 1: I didn’t expect the turn of events... ???
1114 streak #7
Chapter 1: this is so incredibly beautiful
It's been so long since I read this story! I crowd again because this piece is just so powerful. Thank you for sharing this with us~
I so much want to upvote... But i can't cuz i'm still a newbie and don't have enough karma points TT-TT
So, i'l just tell you there that i love so much this Story TT-TT
DimpleLover #10
Chapter 4: Well, i didn't expected the end would be like that!! Thank you for this masterpiece. I cried, a lot.