Chapter 5 - Drunken State

Simply Undiscovered

When he was sure she wouldn't develop any skin diseases, he finally decided to commence the so called 'date'.


"Where would you like to go?" he asked, thinking it polite to let her choose their destination.

"Hmm.." she took a while to ponder. "Surprise me, What is there around Barcelona?"

"Surprise you?.. Okay.. Then you must'nt complain, we'll have to head back towards the apartment building to fetch the motorcycle first though"


When they'd fetched the motorcycle, they began on their journey, Tiffany holding out Nichkhun's mobile device, for him to follow directions to his surprise location. Although she held the device, she was still unsure of where exactly they were heading. Though she should hae wanted to die at the moment with the sun beating down heavily on her skin, the breeze from the motorcycle slicing through the Spanish air, helped her cool down. Nichkhun spoke all the while, asking her questions about Korea and telling her information about the randomest things. It had started off awkward for her to clutch on to him but she soon grew comfortable with it. It was a first for her. For such a loud and open girl to become cautious and concious of her own actions and movements. 


When they arrived, finding a parking space was harder than she'd imagined. The place was packed with people, but they managed to find spaces on a quaint side street. Tiffany knew immediately where they were, noticing the 170m tall building, towering above them as they had ridden past. 

Waving his hand around, motioning towards the building, he commentated "Tiffany Hwang, I present to you the Segrada Familia, the 170m tall Roman Catholic church you cant visit Barcelona without going to see"

Though Tiffany was a pious Christian, something Nichkhun had learnt on the journey to the well known architetural building, she was eager to visit the Roman Catholic church, not being put off by the long line of people which s around the site. And so, the wait began as they stood in line, with the hot sun beating down on them.

Nichkhun told Tiffany to wait behind as he ran across the street, returning with two ice creams on hand and two bottles of water. Whenever she had tried to carry two bottles in one hand it hurt her fingers, perhaps it was because his hands were larger, as a man.

"Here you go!" he grinned passing her an ice cream.

"Strawberry flavoured? Somebody sure catches on quickly"

"Well.. you ordered it last night, I paid attention, I'm a good person" he chuckled before eating his own ice cream.

Having the ice cream, water and most importantly, the company of one another, made the time pass a lot faster and an hour later, they found themselves around the corner and perhaps 10 meters from the entrance. Noting a sign, Nichkhun began to pull out his wallet and prepare the correct amount.

"Certainly isn't cheap, I might have to pay you back with another date" Tiffany joked, though speaking the last words filled her with embarrassment and regret.

"Well holidays never come cheap, yes you will have to, tomorrow" he grinned at the thought.


Finally, the time came and the two foreigners were admitted inside the building. Nichkhun laughed as he snapped a photo of the gaping girl who fell into a state of astonishment, gazing at the colourful stain glass windows, their beauty shining as the sun rays fell into the interior of the church. Unfortunately, his silly iPhone wasn't on silent so the sound of the picture being taken immediately rang in her ears. 


"What if I don't?" the cheeky man laughed, teasingly staring at the photo again. 

"Then I'll.. I'll.."

"Wow.. Tiffany, I'm certainly terrified that you'll.. you'll"

His words earnt him a slap on the arm. He held back his smile as he watched the girl, who's adorable anger made him feel elated inside, continue to walk, taking a long moment to read signs as they made their way around the church. He had put his phone on silent and took hundreds of photos during their time at the Segrada Familia. She awestrucked him more than the buildingitself could. Her glowing eyes as she read with interest, the way her slender fingers would brush her hair out of her face and how she'd scrunch up her face when she suddenly walked into sunlight. Almost like a little vampire who couldn't handle the sun. From time to time, she'd turn to Nichkhun, eyes mesmerising him in a smile as she'd say "Look at this!" "Read this" "Can you see that over there?"

Little did she know, he hadn't paid any attention to the architecture or the information that she had so kindly pointed out to him. Instead, his focus was solely focused on her. On all of the charming aspects of her. Her. Hwang MiYoung. Tiffany Hwang.

By the end of it, Tiffany was dragging Nichkhun around everywhere, she'd catch him staring at his phone once in a while, perhaps messaging somebody, perhaps a girlfriend. Tiffany tried not to let it phase her, she was with him and he'd taken her to such a beautiful place, it'd be a waste not ot enjoy it.


After their visit to the Segrada Familia, they decided to go eat and stumbled upon a chinese restaurant, their meal was full of conversation and delight and of course lots of pictures. Tiffany would take pictures to upload onto her social netwoking applications and they would both take turns in taking selcas on their individual phones.

Bzzt bzzt ... bzzt bzzt

Nichkhun's phone vibrated on the table as they ate their meal.

"Don't you need to get that?" Tiffany asked staring at the phone's lit up screen.

Nichkhun glanced to see who the caller was and he shook his head.

"No, it can wait" he grinned, assuring her not to worry about it.


By the end of the meal, Tiffany needed to use the restroom and Nichkhun had asked the waitress where it was for her. She was surprised, noting his linguistic skills, wondering where he had learnt so many languages. While Tiffany was in the restroom, Nichkhun decided it was a suitable time to call back the person on the phone. 

"Hello, Nichkhun Horvejkul speaking"

"Director, this is Mr Kim, Team Manager Song requested to speak to you"

"Put her on the line"

Soon a female voice could be heard over the phone.

"Hello? Khun?"

"Victoria, did you need something?"

"I wanted to hear your voice.. I miss you.. I have some questions, is now a convenient time to speak to you?"

Nichkhun glanced around, seeing Tiffany approaching the table, he replied.

"No, I'm afraid it isn't, I'll speak to you whn I get back, or email me your questions" 

Abruptly hanging up, he smiled at Tiffany as she returned to her seat and he called for the bill.


Walking out of the restroom, she saw Nichkhun speaking on the phone, as she approached the table, her suspicions grew he hung up before she arrived at the table.

"Who were you talking to? Did I interupt?" She asked, politely.

"No, it wasn't anything important, don't worry" he grinned as he paid the bill, ensuring he left enough of a tip. 

"Shall we go? I have another place in mind for us to spend the afternoon" he smiled that smile of his as he got up.



Nichkhun parked his motorcycle near the apartments and walked with her to a familiar place. It was the same street they had walked along last night, they including their friends. 

"Back here?" she asked smiling.

"Oh you recognise this place? Well as an organised person, I checked all of the places to visit in Barcelona, on my phone before flying out here and on this street is one of them"

"Wow, an organised man? That's a first"

"Comes with being a business man" he smiled, not wanting to drop the bomb about him being the heir to a large company in Kkorea, branching out to Asia. He was the kind of person who liked to travel. He liked to see the world and enjoy the life where he was a normal human being. Not being pampered with bodyguards or staff following him everywhere. Abroad, there were places he could visit withut feeling as though somebody was taking pictures of him from behind a bush or tree. It was a rare feeling and one he enjoyed. To live an ordinary life. A dream that could only stay a dream.

"Wow, a business man? Do you earn a lot then?"

"Perhaps but let's not discuss work, this afternoon, I'm taking you to La Boqueria Market,"

"Highly paid business man in a market? That doesn't fit" she chuckled.

"Hey.. I might live a pamperede life but that doesn't make me an alien, I;d like to think I'm still only human too" he smiled.


The Chinese food had certainly stuffed the two up but that didn't stop them from eating more food. They stopped at a stall selling seafood and tried a few dishes. With all the fruit stalls about, they couldn't resist trying them too. Nichkhun wondered what life was like for each of those people who opened stalls in the Market. They must live lives very differently from how he did. How long had they been selling things at the Market? Questions floated about his head. As the two were leaving the market, they began to walk back towards the apartments. There, they met their friends who were dressed up and waiting.

"Hey love birds! Hurry up and get ready, we're going out and having fun tonight, Welcome to Barcelonaaa! Bring on the chicas" Taecyeon laughed, looking dashing in a black dress shirt and black trousers, topping it off with black loafers and a belt. Chansung was dressed in a similar manner. The girls were in short dresses and heels.

"Oh.. I see your plan.. Are we partying?" Nichkhun chuckled before opening the door to the Apartment Building.

"We are now go get your butts ready" Jessica said.

Nichkhun dressed in a formal manner like the rest, wearing a white shirt and black tie. He restyled his hair, which had now flopped and lay flat on his forehead and left the room with his cellphone and wallet in his pockets. He waited outside his door for Tiffany to come out. When she did, he was stunned.

"Can I just comment on how beautiful you look tonight?" he said avoiding eye contact as he scratched his scalp.

"Thank you handsome businessman" she chuckled before the two headed downstairs to where their friends were waiting.

Barcelona's night life, well it was certainly aimed at young people and adults. 

The young people stopped at a club where they spent their night dancing and drinking alcohol.

Nichkhun and Tiffany spent the first hours dancing and raving to the thumping music blasting out of the speakers while Jessica and Taecyeon sat with Chansung and Seohyun engaging in conversation with alcoholic beverages other than Seohyun who stuck to water. When Jessica caught Tiffany's eye, she waved her over telling her to bring Nichkhun. The 6 foreigners began to play drinking games. Tiffany seemed to have terrible luck, losing most rounds. By the time an hour had passed, her face was bright red. It was ironic that the person who could usually withstand the most was now the only drunk one. When a slow song started playing, Chansung lead a shy Seohyun to the dance floor. Tiffany stood up and asked Nichkhun to dance with her.

"Are you sure? Are you feeling okay? You're face is bright red"

She just nodded and pulled him along.

Taecyeon looked at Jessica and said in an ashamed tone "I can't dance.."

"Don't worry, I didn't want to dance anyway, too much effort" she replied laughing and pouring out more wine for them to enjoy as they watched their friends on the dance floor.

Chansung and Seohyun danced perfectly in sync, swaying to the music. Neither spoke a word, they both just enjoyed the moment.

Nichkhun and Tiffany's experience on the other hand was however rather different. When they reached the dance floor, Tiffany had nearly fallen over but Nichkhun had caught her. She swayed as a result of the alcohol.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down?"

She nodded her head slowly with her eyes half closed.

"Okay, put your hand here then"

He placed her hand on his should and slipped his own hand around her waist, supporting the drunken girl. Their other hands were interwined together. They swayed slowly to the music but her head suddenly fell onto Nichkhun's chest.


Nichkhun untangled his fingers from hers and lifted her face with a hand.

"Are you okay? Are you sleepy?"

Her eyes were open. She gazed into his eyes, the music around them suddenly dying out as all either could hear was their own heartbeats thumping in their chests. 

Ba-Bump Ba-Bump

Without warning, she stood on her tiptoes, connecting her lips with his, deepening their kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It wasn't a light peck at all as the girl kissed the shocked male passionately. 


Taecyeon spat out the alcohol that had been in his mouth as he and Jessica stared at the pair on the dance floor. They weren't the only ones staring, others stared, some cheered, some clapped.


"Well.. that escalated quickly.." Jessica muttered, amazed at the scenario before her.

Sorry for not updating! Here is along awaited update!

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ooo i love this
DendenXX #2
Chapter 5: Update pls. :)
kmaximum #3
Chapter 5: How sweet! Update again soon!
paquitz #4
Chapter 5: thanks for the wonderful update.
iMushroomBiancx #5
It is a date indeed. :)
iMushroomBiancx #6
Chapter 3: How cute! Nice update and pls update again soon. Thanks. :)
melonbread #7
Chapter 2: Hahaha cutee and lol what a coincidence
iMushroomBiancx #8
Chapter 2: How sweet! Update again soon! Thanks!
Jorelyngrace #9
Chapter 1: Nice....snsd plus 2pm...update soon.
Chapter 1: wah~wah~wah~ 9PM <3 Khunfany and Taecsica <3