Spring Rain


Its a love story of me and Yoochun. How we met, our love grew and something happen. Then at the end, we finally get what we want :D

It's 100% made up solely on my imagination. I started to write this pieace after listening to their title track Love In The Ice. This story is where the main character is the writer. It's like a diary or some sort. Enjoy^^

p/s: some scene might not quite logical so bear with me ;) i was like that too when i read it all over again.. hahaha :)) enjoy reading ;)


Every person living on this earth has their own love story. Well, I had mine. It starts on a very sunny morning, while I was walking out in the park. The park was mesmerizing. The cool breeze of spring flowers was everywhere as I walk passed the garden. Then, I met a friend of mine who happens to be the one that witnessed everything that has happened to me and helped me.



         "Micky, how are you man? It’s been a long time."

         "Yeah, I know. So, what's up?"

         "Nothing ordinary, you know, just work, work and work"

         "Tell me about it. Same goes right here. Hey, you want to grab a bite after this?"

         "Yeah, sure. Your treat?"

         "Yeah. Let's go"




         "Seriously, Micky, how you’ve been?"

         "Well, I’m not quite sure myself. Things were happening so fast for me. I never thought something like this would happened"

         "Mm...still can’t forget about her do ya?”

         "I guess so. How’s your girl”

         "Well, unfortunately...she's doing great now. It seems like she can live on her own".

“You too”

“I can’t say that I don’t have feelings for her you know. I met her first ok.”

“I get it.”

“But she falls for you. I don’t know why she picked you?”

“Well, there are things that they can see better than the guys do”


“I’m serious ok.”

“I wonder how she is doing now.”

“Yeah, I really wanted to see her so badly”

“I really missed her”

“She’ll come. I’m sure she’ll come. She’s not someone who would break a promise”

“I know”


Actually, I don't but I was hoping that she will keep her promise and meet us, me, just like what she had promised before she left.


The first time I met her was on a book store. She was wearing a blue boot cut jeans with flowery design on the left side of the pants, black boots, and a white blouse with a pink flower pattern. Her hair was short, bob cut I should say but a bit shorter, more or less like Rihanna's hair in her song 'Umbrella' and she's wearing glasses. Looking through the books, I find her interesting and I don't know if this is true or too fast but the way I see it, she is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen on that particular day. This goes on for about 2 to 4 days and I noticed that she likes flowers, especially white roses. I don't know why but she gets all excited if she saw a white rose and she is always with white or green or colors that associates with nature. I found it pleasant on her and I'm guessing she has a soft character in her and that makes me want to approach her. Finally, that day has come. It turns out that it wasn't exactly as I planned. That day, lots of people were in the book store and everyone was like, "isn't that?" here and there, especially among the girls. I don't care about them; I just walk on to her. I never set my eyes away from her. As I come up to her, I guess she didn't notice cause she was listening to her mp3 I guess. She still doesn't know that I'm there next to her. As I started to open my mouth to speak, a girl from the store as well, pat me on my shoulder...


         "Aren't you Dong Bang Shin Ki Micky Yoochun?"

         "Yes, I am"

         "Oh My God! Can I have your autograph please?"

         "Yeah, sure"



As I turn, she had already left the store. People are still watching me at that time. I bet they were curious about what am I doing in the store. Well, as I was searching for her, I spotted her just right outside of the store and I followed her.


         "Sir is she your friend?" the sales girl asked me suddenly,

"Yeah, I was trying to catch up with her"

         "I'm so sorry but could you return this to her. She dropped this while paying for her books", I took it and it was a picture of her and a guy. When I saw it, I felt like all my efforts have gone through the drain but nevertheless, I have to return it to her. I saw her again and this time I must talk to her. She was sitting in the same park I usually go for a walk and my favorite spot as well. I was wondering if she went here every evening, why didn't I notice her before. That question still runs in my head. So, I found her and I sat next to her on the same bench. I don't know what to say, I just look at her. How stupid of me, she wouldn't notice if I don't speak right? But I think she sense I was watching her and she turned her head to see who was staring at her. Then, our eyes met. At first, she looked at me in surprise with her big round eyes. I felt like want to laugh at that time and it was so cute. Then, she looked at me with different face expression again. This time her face is telling me like isn't he so familiar? Where have I seen him? Then I started to talk.


         "Excuse me"

         "Yes", she replied.

         "Mmm, is this yours?" she looked at my hand and once again her eyes becomes round.

         "Where did you get this?"

         "You drop it in the store and the sales girl asked me to give this to you"

         "Oh, thank you"

         "No problem". And she smiled at me while looking at the pictures.

         "Mm, if you don't mind me asking, I know I shouldn't be asking this but, who is that guy in the picture?"

         "Oh, him? Someone who I love dearly"

         "You mean your boyfriend?"

         "In a way"


When she says these words, I didn't get her...in a way? What does she mean in a way? I wanted to ask her more and it seems that she knows what I was trying to ask her.


         "Well, he WAS, before I came here to Korea"

         "You’re not from around here?"

         "Yeah, why? Do I look like someone from here?"

         "A bit. Well, you do look like Korean but a bit different. You don't look like pure Korean. Maybe mixed blood perhaps?"

         "Yeah, I’m mixed of Philippines and Malaysia"

         "Oh, so you're half than?"


         "So you're from where actually?"

         "I’m from Malaysia"

         "I see. And your name is?"

         "Why you wanted to know my name?"

         "So I can call you by your name"

         "Hmmm, I don't give out my name to strangers you know. By the way, we just met and I don't know you much yet"

         "Really? But there is nothing wrong with asking someone else’s name, right?"

         "Yeah, there isn't actually but that's just not my way. Sorry"

         "So I can't know your name then?"

         "Tell you what, if we meet again by any chance, perhaps I might gave you my name"

         "But what should I address you now?"

         "You can call me anything but not the bad ones. I have to go now, it's late. See ya pretty boy"

         "What...pretty boy?"

         "Yeah. I decided to call you that. Can I?"

         "Well, it’s not bad, Sunshine"


         "Yeah, I decided to call you that now. Can I?"

         "Whatever. Sunshine it is."

         "And pretty boy is fine with me as well"

         "See ya” and she left with a smile on her face. And that is how we met.


After what she has said to me, I searched for her everywhere and anything that concern about her. All the information I have of her, finally come to an end. I know everything about her now. So, I set up a plan to meet her by accident, I would go to the shops she always visited during the weekend and bingo, there she is as I expected. The thought of seeing her again just brighten up the mood. So, as my plan was about to go on the set,


         “Ya, what are you doing here man?” it was who else, Mr. Kim Kibum himself.

         “Hey! Kibum, oh nothing I was just dropping by.”

         “Uh-huh, I see. Well, see ya later then”

“Yeah, see ya”

And to my surprise, I saw him walked towards her. Do they know each other? Well, they do go to the same university. So, I walked to them,


“Do you guys know each other?”

“Hey, well, yeah. We’re in the same class. Why?”

“Hey, it’s you? Hi pretty boy”

“Hi sunshine”, and I look at Kibum in surprise

“Wait, ‘Pretty Boy’, ‘Sunshine’, so, you guys know each other too?”

“Well, we’ve met before but”

“Why didn’t you tell me you know her?”

“Well, you never asked do you. Anyway, I didn’t know you were interested in her. Why are you laughing? Anyway, Maya, this is Micky. Micky this is Maya, my classmates and the person I admire most in class.”



So, that is how I know her name and we become friends immediately. We became friends for about 3 months now and on the 100th day anniversary I want to tell her my feelings. Many things happened during our friendship these 3 months and I cherished every minute I have with her but I never expected things will be much worst. One day, it rained heavily outside and I was to meet up with her and Kibum on this particular place. There was a festival held there and we promised to meet up and I never thought that was the last day I saw her.


“Hi guys”

“Hi. You look beautiful”

“Thank you. Same goes to you both as well”

“Hi Maya”

“Hey, you made it”

“Of course. Wouldn’t want you to have all the fun with the pretty guys now do we”

“Shall we”

“Let’s go”


The place was beautiful, this was before the rain. Then all of us went to this lake. It was so beautiful that lots of couple went there. With the moon shines down the lake, it is as if the fairy had come down to see lots and lots of lovely couple and pray for their happiness but it doesn’t last long.


“Micky I have something to say”

“What is it?”

“I can’t see you anymore”

“What? What do you mean?”

 I was so startled and look at her in disbelief. When I look at her, she already has tears in her eyes. That time thoughts were coming to my head, ‘is this the end of our relationship?’ ‘Is she breaking up with me?’ I wanted answer and confirmation. As her tears fell down her cheek, rain started to pour down on us. Everyone was running for shelter but us. I kept staring at her; she still doesn’t look at me.


“What do you mean you can’t see me anymore?”

“I wish I could use a simpler word to say this but I can’t. The times I spent with you was the most memorable to me and I will cherished it in my heart.”


Then she looked at me, with a smile in her face


“Thank you for taking care of me all this time”

“Wait, I don’t like this. Tell me the truth, why are you saying all these stuff? Huh? Why?”


She just kept silence and started to cry but I pushed her and pushed her to give an answer but when she told me why I felt like my world has become black all of sudden. I couldn’t believe my ears. Without me noticing it, I cried for the first time. I can’t find a word to say. I just stood there looking at her while she was already crying so hard. Then, I just walk straight to her and hug her. I still don’t believe it but I know it is the truth. Both of us cried in each other’s arms that night. After that, we walked on our way home. That’s when the tragic happened. As we walked down the alley, she stopped suddenly and was holding my hand tightly.


“Maya, what’s wrong?”


Then, the worst thing happened. That night, we immediately sent her to the nearest hospital. 2 hours had passed and the doctor came telling that her conditions were critical. They can’t do anything and hope for the best. My heart stopped for a second and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Then Kibum and Hyuna came, I told everything to both of them. They too, felt the same way as I am.


The next day,


“Doctor, how is she doing?”

“Well, she’s showing some progress but she’s not showing any sign of waking up. Let’s just hope a miracle would happen.”


That day, her sister came and handed me a letter from her. It was written in her handwriting. It goes,







Micky, I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you my biggest secret ever but I hope when this letter reached you, I hope I’m not too late. All the times that we spent together will always be in my heart and it will be forever with me. The first time I met you was on the park as well. We had so many memories there don’t we? Everyday I never stop going to that park just to see you and hoping that someday you’ll noticed me and my wish has come true. I never thought that that day would be our first time encounter with each other. I guess it is fated. Do you remember the promise we made on our 2nd date? I hope I could fulfill it with this time that I have with you. Loving you was the only thing that I can do now since I have you and I wanted to live with you forever but I guess fate has something else in store for me. You always said that I don’t love you right? But the truth is, I have loved you on the first day that I saw you. You were wearing a blue jacket and a white t-shirt inside and a pair of jeans along with it. You were casually walking past right in front of me with an earphone stuck on your ears. We met many times before but you didn’t notice me. That time, how I hoped you would turn and look at me but it was useless but I never stopped hoping and the result is this, now I have you. So, I thank you with all the love you have showered me with and I hope I can do the same to you. I love you.


I cried after I read it. The next day I visited her, she was still the same. Laying there emotionless, I just couldn’t bare to see her like this. I sat beside her and held her hands; it was still hot and warm. The same feeling I have with her every time I held it. I just couldn’t stop my self at that time; tears automatically came out of my eyes.


“Hey, you, you promised to go and watch the rain on spring time right. How can you see if you won’t wake up now? Please wake up. You promised. There are lots of things I wanted to do with you. I can’t do it by myself, I need you with me. Please, open up. Open up your eyes. Don’t leave me alone. Please.”

“Micky, it’s time for us to go.”

“Come on hyung, we must go or we’ll be late”

“Come on, let’s go”


My team mates don’t know what else to do. I just cried in the car on our way to a program we have to go.


“What do we do guys? We can’t just leave him like this”

“He’s right”

“It’s ok let me talk to him”


“Micky, can you hang in there?”

“Yes hyung”

“Are you sure, if you can’t we just canceled it”

“It’s ok. I can do it”


“Yup. Let’s go guys”


That night, we were holding a small mini concert and everyone knows what happened.


MC: Yoochun-sshi, we heard what happen to you recently. How is she?

Micky: She’s showing some progress

Lady MC: I heard that you guys love each other very much and she is the most precious thing that’s ever happen to you in your life.

U-Know: She is and Yoochun love her with all his heart and right now she’s in a critical condition. We don’t want to talk much cause afraid of the outcome so we just leave it there.

MC: He’s already teary right now.

Lady MC: this is a hard time for him plus, this show that he loves her that much.

MC: would you like to say something to her if by chance she’s already woke up.

Micky: Hey, Sunshine. I hope you can hear this, our promised that we made, I’ll wait for it. I will never stop praying that you will wake up one day and I hope when that time comes, I will be there by your side. I want to be with you forever as well and the memories that I have with you I will cherished it. I love you.

MC: Do you guys know of this as well? (Asking to the fans)

Fans: Yes~

MC: We prayed that she will wake up soon.

TVXQ: Thank you.


That was the chapter of my life. After that I went to the hospital and I found out that she is no longer there. The stuff told me that she’s already woke up and left with her sister. I was so happy and started to dial her phone number but I couldn’t reach her. I asked her friends and they told me that she was on her way back to Malaysia. The 5 of us went straight to the airport. As we arrived, we split up to searched for her but it was in vain. Finally, we know that she has taken an early flight back to Malaysia but I’m glad that she’s awake now. Although we might not see each other again I know that someday, we will meet again.


2 years later,



         "Micky, how are you man? It’s been a long time."

         "Yeah, I know. So, what's up?"

         "Nothing ordinary, you know, just work, work and work"

         "Tell me about it. Same goes right here. Hey, you want to grab a bite after this?"

         "Sure, your treat"

         "Sure, let's go"




         "Seriously, Micky, how you’ve been?"

         "Well, I’m not quite sure myself. Things were happening so fast for me. I never thought something like this would happened"

         "Mm... Still can’t forget about her do ya?”

         "I guess so. How’s your girl”

         "Well, unfortunately...she's doing great now. It seems like she can live on her own".

“You’re feeling the same way as I do?”

“Hey, I can’t say that I don’t have feelings for her you know. I met her first ok.”

“I get it.”

“But she falls for you. I don’t know why she picked you?”

“Well, there are things that they can see better than the guys do”


“I’m serious ok.”

“I wonder how she is doing now.”

“Yeah, I really wanted to see her so badly”

“I really missed her”

“She’ll come. I’m sure she’ll come. She’s not someone who would break a promise”

“I know. Well, I got to go now. Thanks man”

“Anytime bro, anytime”

“Well, see ya”


As usual, I walk past the park that holds the memories of the both of us and I sit on the same chair that the both of us used to sit. I sat and thought about the memories that I have with her. And I don’t even realized that time has passed by.


“Excuse me?”


“Is this seat taken?”


As the voice beside me spoke I look at the person who is talking to me and to my surprise that person was smiling back at me.




I just stare at her. I couldn’t find a word. It’s as if my words failed me.


“Are you just gonna stand there? It’s me”


I still couldn’t believe my eyes. She is here, right in front of me, smiling. Then, she walked straight to me and hugs me. As she did that, my eyes started to tear up and I hug her back, still in the state of shocked.


“It’s really you”

“It is me”

“It really is you”


I just can’t say anything just that and the both of us started to laughed. Then, a drop of water fell down on us,


“Oh, is it going to rain?”

“I think so”


Then, she took out an umbrella and smiled.


“Didn’t think it would rain do ya?”


It rained that day, on spring. Both of us under the umbrella holding each others tightly and she said the 3 magical words.


“Do you know, what is the thing that I regret for not telling you?”


“Telling you how much I love you and how important you are in my life.”

“Me too”

“I love you”

“I love you too” and we kissed under the rain and under the yellow umbrella of hers.


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