New Girl

Melt the Ice Princess' Heart
BaekHyun's POV
It was a real miracle that I manage to reach school on time even though I slept late last night because of... something I did hehe ^^.When I walk into the school I saw a familiar girl , I keep looking at her but I just don't know who she is , after awhile it finally hitted me , It was the girl from last night ! 
I know this might seem weird but I have the urge to hide from her but I can't stop staring at her, ugh what will I do! I'm sure I pretty much look like an idiot because of last night... And how can I get into class when she's blocking the door?!
But thankfully, she looked down at a piece of paper in her hand and I took the oppurtunity to slip inside the room, my fellow EXO members greeted me but for once I didn't greet them back.
quickly headed to my seat and slouch down so low, Chanyeol even laughed at me asking if I wanted to be a dwarf.
I rolled my eyes at him and as soon as he shut up the door of the room opened and in came the girl. I've got a better glimpse of her and last night events flashes through my eyes.
I can't help it.
Yes, I can't help it.
What can't I help? Well the fact that I wanted to see SunMi again even though it's already a year since we broke up...
Anyway without me knowing it, I slipped on a black shirt, to be honest I look like a ninja, a robber even, pretty much ridiculous in this get up but I don't care I want to see SunMi... see if she's... happy? So I got out of our house's back door and climbed to the wall separatng my house from mine. When I reached her house safely (thankfully) I went to a window and looked inside.
I saw SunMi and Her new boyfriend making out .... But the weird thing is ... why didn't I feel jealous anymore ? I know that I still like her , but something inside me definitely changed , I don't like her like the way I used too .
 After spacing out for quite a long time , I Have finally snapped back to reality , I looked at the scene that is infront of me , Oh gwad .... They still didn't stopped , in fact , it's getting worse . I thought that staring at her will not change anything , so I decided to leave .
I start to slowly crept my way back to the wall which I climbed to get here. I started to climb it then I stopped when I heard somebody say behind me, "Are you a robber? If so where are the things you stole?"
I shouldn't have look back so she wouldn't see my face and just continue climbing since 'm already at the top but I spared a glance, it's just that her voice... is kinda tempting and forcing me to look.
When I looked behin me I saw a girl with long curly brown hair and large eyes that sparkle in the moonlight. It seems like she's having a midnight jog, but the weird thing is even though she accused me as a robber she doesn't look the slightest bit scared. To be honest her face is poker just like Sehun's but there seem to be a glint of amusement in her eyes as if finally she saw something interesting.
And I guess me looking like a robber/ninja is quite interesting. "I'm not a robber, poker girl, I'm a ninja and it's my time to vanish." I said with a little smile to myself. I don't know why I joked around with her, I just feel like it ^^.
Before she could say anything I crossed the wall and jumped back down to our house. As embarassing as that situation might be, I can't help but smile when I remember poker girl XD
End of Flashback
Now, looking at her doesn't really makes me smile, yes she is still as pretty as ever but... what if she knows SunMi personally and tell her about me being there at the house? Ugh! It will look like that even though a year has passed I still haven't moved on... I got to move on , not got to , I wanted to and I must move on , I can't stay like this forever just because of one girl 
The new girl's voice made me come back to reality, "My name is I'm Chaeyoung I'll be your new classmate." I can't help but laugh to myself Chanyeol just looked at me weirdly.
Then our classmates started asking questions and I almost look like a dog who swallowed vinegar due to my effort on trying very hard not to laugh. It's just that this girl is interesting... I wanna know more about her to be honest.
Question: "What are your hobbies?"
My Answer: "Sleeping."
Q: "And...?"
A: "Sleeping."
Q: "Do you have talent?"
A: *shrugs*
Q: Why did you move here?
A: None of your business
Q: Are you lazy?
A: When it comes to talking yes.
"I am so starting to like this girl." Kris whispered to me. My fists are now clenched without me knowing it. I faced him about to say some things I don't even know but when I saw the teasing glint in Kris eyes, I know I fell for a trap. I just looked back again at the girl named Chaeyoung. There's a lot of commotion around and it seems like she just told off the fake blonde in our class, I  can't help but grin this girl sure is something.
I didn't know how long I've been staring at her until she pointed me and said out loud, "He's the robber looking guy from yesterday!"
My eyes widen. The conversations around the room suddenly stopped and they are all looking from me to Chaeyoung, soon whispers start to rise. Tsk.
A/N : Sorry guys if this is just a filler but we promise the good stuff will start on the next Chaptiee entitled: The Bet Part 1
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Chapter 3: Omg god the story i great! Update s0on pwetty please!
Chapter 3: Omg god the story i great! Update s0on pwetty please!
sebaeksoo #3
Chapter 3: OMG! I so love this story... Update soon please... XD
Chapter 2: wooww. the oc is real sassy and all, i love that spirit. ^^
and baek? robber-looking? ooh. what is going on? ouo
update soon, author-nim~~ hwaiting!! ^^
StormsthatRage #5
Chapter 2: Love this! Please update soon! <3
Chapter 1: Omg. Omg. My baekkie ;A; you pityful little puppy ><
Sunmi's mean ;A; I mean, how could she?! Argh.
Anyway. Can't wait for the update~♡
Chapter 1: update soon, like it <3