How To Train Your Half Dragon


When dragons roam the skies and raid your villages, it's never a good idea to be a . Too bad they never told Jinki that, opting instead to use him as a sacrifice to the winged beast of the Choi Mountains. But dragons are magical creatures, and Jinki soon finds out his captor is more than he appears, scales or otherwise... and so is he.


Oh lord. Here we go. This is the second onho I ever wrote OTL and there's a top!Jinki part in it. I'm not proud of that one scene, so proofreading this is going to be TORTURE. Still, I hope you guys like it and enjoy the storyline! (it is top!Minho otherwise so don't let that scare you away :P) Also, Taoris is the side pairing in this, woo! I love me some EXO >.<


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968 streak #1
Chapter 8: I started reading this yesterday. I didn't realize that it is an epic fic.
BreyBrey #2
Chapter 16: Honestly, im more of an Ontae fan. But after reading a few of your stories im becoming an Onho fan as well. Your writing skills are great. Keep writing more! Thanks! ?
Chapter 16: i can't stop from re-read this story AGAIN!!!
jinki being cute, clueless but powerful
minho taking advantage over it because of love
this story will never get bored even after reading it for hundredth times ><
flrite #4
Chapter 16: Your stories are seriously amazing. My heart broke for key and i would love to see taemin in here but it was such a wonderful beautiful onho fic!
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 16: I loved it. Although, my heart aches that Key had to die. Key - almighty Key and JongKey destroyed. Ugh. Oh, well, it's good to see OnHo so grrr-y. Jinki's finally accepted his dragon-ness. ;) Good job author. Thank you for the story.
Demitria_Teague #6
Chapter 6: I'm loving this so much. It's rare I find a dragon story at all, much less one I really enjoy.
Demitria_Teague #7
Chapter 1: I just started, but I love Jinki already. He's dorky and adorable. Haha.
randomsomeone2 #8
Chapter 16: Okay so just finished reading (and I have to say I love this universe and I have agree Onew is more of a bottom than a top *my opinion*) and if you want a poster I might be able to make one for you, but I have lost some practice and it might take me a while to make it. It would be the least I could do for you as a thank you for writing this wonderful story.
(( <(^ ∆ ^)>))
shinyan #9
"He fell back to sleep, his hands resting behind his head, and tried his best to ignore the boy that was now cuddling into his side trustingly. Whether either of them wanted it or not, there was a definite bond between the two."

While he kept it quiet or hidden behind his rage-mode jealousy, Minho's adoration of Jinki was really sweet in this. It never budged, and he definitely did a lot for him. I think my favorite part of it was that the mating bond wasn't something that was forced on Jinki, as it often happens in mating-bond related stories. A connection between them definitely existed, but it didn't force anything. In this au (like with Key), they are able to refuse or decide themselves to open it up. I love that idea of mutual consent, that is so often lacking elsewhere.

Also, I absolutely love your Jinki in this. He just kept getting better and better. From his awkward beginning to his naive adorableness about how powerful and amazing he was. But his dorky cuteness is probably my fav: "He looked up into eyes the color of gems, much like the color of the waterfall in Minho's... home? Cave? What do you call a dragon's place? His dwelling? Where had those thoughts come from? Sometimes when he was scared he tended to ramble. Hell, he rambled when he wasn't scared."

Overall, a fabulous story and quite a unique one! I love your ability to weave humor into detailed storylines and not make it feel like breaking character at all! :)
CloezV #10
Chapter 16: "I like chicken"... You're so funny! xD It would be pretty cool a drabble about the baby!