
Writing Compilation


I tottered closer to him, my eyes wide with curiosity. Hearing my shuffling footsteps behind him, he halted. He whirled around to face me, eyes widening upon seeing my petite figure. I guess I could understand the expression on his face at that time, I had been doing this for a week after all.
"Why're you following me?" his tone was still harsh, despite his oddly kind gaze.
A smile tugged on my lips. This had happened before — me following him around like a duckling with its mother — and he asked me the same thing too. I was beginning to wonder if he saw me as some kind of stalker, for every time he asked, I would only remain quiet and shrug.
"Weird girl," he would always mumble after that and head for the school gardens for the rest of lunch break.
I found it weird myself, for I wasn't one to approach others first, neither was I particularly loud or daring, nor was I one to be overly friendly with others. I was an introvert, to put it in simple terms, and a pretty plain one at that. It was pretty clear that he probably thought the same. However, as always, I tagged along silently with my book one hand and my lunch in the other.
He plopped himself onto a long wooden bench, beside a row of manicured bushes — the same one he always sat on. Scurrying over, I quietly positioned myself on the other end of that bench. Thankfully, the bench was pretty long so there was ample space between us. 
As usual, I opened my lunch and ate, thinking about how surprising my behavior was becoming. This had never happened before I met him, and I had no idea why, but something about the new student just intrigued me. It drew me in.
Finished with my lunch, I continued my daily routine, tossing my rubbish into the bin nearby and reading the novel I had brought.
"You should stay away from me, aren't you scared?" he asked, his husky voice surprisingly gentle.
I shook my head. Never, had he attempted to start a conversation with me, until now. I felt my lips forming a small smile.
"Why?" he asked again, throwing me a scrutinizing look, unsure if he could trust me. "Don't you hear what they say about me?"
My gaze and smile faltered.
What they say isn't true, they only say it because they don't understand you — they can't understand you — but I can. I'm not scared like they are. They're pushing you away without even bothering to try because they're afraid, they're worried. But I'm not, I want to know more. That was what I wanted to say so badly, but my lips wouldn't move according to my commands.
"Because you're not all that different," I blurted out, "or as bad as they say."
"But, just look at me!" he gestured to himself.
I turned to look at him, trying to understand why he had pinpointed his appearance, of all things. Piercings adorned his earlobes, his slight bed head made some of his hair stick out at the sides and it was easy to see that his dyed hair was down to his collar, too long for school. His white, pressed shirt was untucked and the tie for 'formal mondays', as the school liked to call it, was loose and crooked. He sure looked the part of a school delinquent, however, beyond his piercing chocolate eyes was a warmth. It wasn't something most people could see, but for me, those truthful eyes and the hidden gentleness in his smirks were all that mattered.
"Sure, your attire isn't exactly up to school standards.. But I don't see anything else that's wrong." I just replied with another smile.
"Heh, you're a weird person." an amused expression crept onto his face.
"You think so? I just think I'm different," I turned my gaze back to my book. "I think you are too. But... I don't think we're all that different from each other either."
Taken aback, he remained silent for a moment and only the rustling of paper and leaves in the wind could be heard.
"You are weird," he said again, emphasizing his point.
"But I like you," he sounded pleased.
My eyes rounded as I looked up from my novel, unable to believe my ears.
"I like your weirdness." 
A genuine smile was present on his face, not his usual smirk, and it was all the assurance I needed.
"Friends?" I held my hand out.
He reached his hand out to second that suggestion.
A/N: Another odd one... I think I'm just an oddball. This was inspired by f(x)'s beautiful stranger, if you haven't heard it yet, go search it up sometime~ :)
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Chapter 28: Oooo I like this one. The last line gives me goosebumps. I like how you built up the tension to that point.
Chapter 27: “You weren't by my side anymore, and would never be.” I felt that… this was a very well written emotional piece
Chapter 27: “The mere presence of each other was taboo.” 😭 wow
Chapter 26: When i get a really good idea but the more i think about, the worse the idea actually gets
Chapter 26: lol this is relatable
Chapter 25: At first, I thought someone died, but then I kept reading…
Chapter 25: Wow I’m not sure what to make of this because the writing is abstract in nature, but the sadness is very palpable
Chapter 24: This reminds me of a quote where it’s like “a monster is not a monster if you love it” (I’m getting it wrong lol but it was something along those lines)
Chapter 24: Wow 😯 beautifully written!!
Chapter 23: this was very nice btw!