
You're Mine



Chapter 2-part 2  


Something wet and slime was dripping down onto my chin. I jolted myself awake and found that I had been drooling, hurriedly I flipped the pillow over. In the afternoon, when Minho isn't home I will put it to wash. Knowing Minho if he were to find out about my incident he would make sure to remind me for the rest of my life. I stumbled out of my bed and in front of the mirror and stare at my bare face. Dark, Dark eyes stared back, sleepy, I blinked hoping to catch my reflection in a different pose than the one I was making. I walked away knowing it was not possible. 


The walls of my room remained as I had left them with posters of Ronaldinho and childish drawings of me and my family. Looking back at those times that I sit on the kitchen table and colored my art book in one direction while mom cooked made me warm on the inside.

I haven't talked to my parents since two months ago when they took three weeks of work to visit us in Tokyo. Papa was still the same trying to spoil everyone under his care and Mama was still as beautiful as I had remembered. The wrinkled around her eyes made her seem less animated a look she wore when it involved business. Even with all the happiness they gave me, I felt lonely not having them see my games and instead having to invite nana as a family guest so none of my classmates started rumors behind my back. Still, I could not ask for more they were busy working and I honestly preferred if Mama and Papa stayed together then away from each other because I wanted more family time.


 I always felt guilty and I think Minho did too.


Neither of us wanted to follow our fathers step and work with him in the company. I always reminded myself to thank them for letting both of us have freedom over our carrier.


I brushed my hair then lowered my comb and settled it by the hand lotion. 


Everyone should be awake by now. 


Once I reached the first floor the maids greeted me, they all bowed and waited for me to command them to go back to work. All of this was strange to me, I brought my hands together and rocked my heels back and forth. Back in Japan we lived in a small house with no maids aside from Nana but I don't consider her one, she is more like family. 


"Where's my brother?" I asked openly and waited for someone to answer me.


"Young Miss," a maid came and bowed then continued, "The young master has already left for work."


She then left to go back to dusting the picture frames, one again the silence stretched.


"Excuse me, it's awkward for me to actually be treated the way you guys treat me. So I'd ask that when you're in a room with me please treat me normally." I said  while walking up the stairs and into my room.


I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling, so quiet. I wonder how things would be from now on, was I going to be treated the same way or the complete opposite or be ignored. I flipped over to my belly, I was getting ahead of myself and needed to slow down. If I continue I'm going to end up hurting myself by thinking the worst outcome. 




I rolled on my bed until the covers sandwiched me. 


Scared, if I could describe my jumbled emotions that's what they all add up to. Three hours from now I would be getting ready for my first tryout and I needed to leave and impression on the coached. Leave them wondering who I was and where did I come from.


Now, yes right now I needed to start. 


"Sehun!" I shouted while trying to get the cover of me once it piled on the floor I ran out the door.




A small update, I hope you guys like it. Should I do luhan's perspective for one of the upcoming chapters or nah?- ladydream

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Chapters 1 to 4 have been edited by me. (It's not so good but if you want to please read. Some things changed and a chapter has been added called perfect.))


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Chapter 21: Umm...truthfully.. I really like the story..somehow i kinda got a grasp about the storyline.. But still, i hope that you could work out your writing structure, grammar n etc..yeahh its kinda heavy to do all that...but still, working on for the best would get u the best isn't it? Maybe you could start off by putting who's who person pov or something.. Or maybe u could decide whether u wanna make it as third party narrator or the person narration...pardon me if i'm wrong... N chaiyokk!!!!